1992/9-1996/6,大连理工大学材料系,工学学士。 1999/9-2005/6,大连理工大学和中科院物理所联合培养,工学博士。研究领域
1. 准晶体的结构;多孔准晶/纳米准晶的制备及其催化应用 2. 高性能高熵合金的制备,结构,性能及其应用 3. 透射电子显微学及在材料科学中的应用近期论文
(1) Zhanbing He*, Hua Li, Haikun Ma, Guowu Li, Multiple quasicrystal approximants with the same lattice parameters in Al60Cr20Fe10Si10 alloy, Scientific Reports, 2017, 7, 40510.(2) Hua Li, Haikun Ma, Zhanbing He*, Shield-like tile and its application to the decagonal quasicrystal-related structures in Al-Cr-Fe-Si alloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 701, 494-498.(3) Haikun Ma, Hua Li, Zhanbing He*, Atomic-scale configurations of variant twin boundaries of a pseudo-decagonal quasicrystal approximant in Al60Cr20Fe10Si10 alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 723, 736-742.(4) Zhanbing He*, Haikun Ma, Hua Li, Xingzhong Li, Xiuliang Ma, New type of Al-based decagonal quasicrystal in Al60Cr20Fe10Si10 alloy, Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, 22337.(5) Dongxia Wei, Zhanbing He*, Multilayered sandwich-like architecture containing large-scale faceted Al-Cu-Fe quasicrystal grain, Materials Characterization, 2016, 111, 154-161.(6) Zhanbing He*, Dongxia Wei, Xi Shen, Yuan Chen, Haikun Ma, Leilei Wang, Kui Du, Yuan Yao, Richen Yu, Approximants of Al-Cr-Fe-Si decagonal quasicrystals described by single structural block, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2015, 647, 797-801.(7) Zhanbing He*, Hung Tran Nguyen, Le Duc Toanb, and Didier Pribat*, A detailed study of kinking in indium-catalyzed silicon nanowires, CrystEngComm, 2015, 17, 6286-6296.(8) Zhanbing He*, Jean-Luc Maurice, Chang Seok Lee, Costel Sorin Cojocaru, Didier Pribat*, Growth mechanisms of carbon nanostructures with branched carbon nanofibers synthesized by plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition, CrystEngComm, 2014, 16, 2990-2995.(9) Jean-Luc Maurice, Didier Pribat, Zhanbing He, G. Patriarche, Costel Sorin Cojocaru, Catalyst faceting during graphene layer crystallization in the course of carbon nanofiber growth, Carbon, 2014, 79, 93-102.(10) Lucie Gaouyat, Zhanbing He, J.-F. Colomer, Ph. Lambin , F. Mirabella, D. Schryvers, O. Deparis, Revealing the inner most nanostructure of sputtered NiCrOx solar absorber cermets, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, 2014, 122, 303–308.(11) Tie-Zhen Ren,* Zhanbing He*, Hongjie Fan, Huanrong Li, and Zhong-Yong Yuan*, NaV2O5 crystals of right-angle-shaped nanostructure assembly, CrystEngComm, 2014, 16, 11013-11017.(12) Yi Liu, Yohann Brelet, Zhanbing He, Linwei Yu, Sergey Mitryukovskiy, Aurelien Houard, Benjamin Forestier, Arnaud Couairon, and Andre Mysyrowicz, Ciliary white-light: optical aspect of ultrashort laser ablation on transparent dielectrics, Physical Review Letters, 2013, 110, 097601.(13) Zhanbing He*, He Tian, Guochu Deng, Qiang Xu, Gustaaf Van Tendeloo, Microstructure of bilayer manganite PrCa2Mn2O7 showing charge/orbital ordering, Applied Physics Letters, 2013, 102, 212902 .(14) Zhanbing He*, Guochu Deng, He Tian, Qiang Xu, Gustaaf Van Tendeloo, 90° rotation of orbital stripes in bilayer manganite PrCa2Mn2O7 studied by in situ transmission electron microscopy, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2013, 200, 287-293.(15) Zhanbing He*, Xiaoxing Ke, Sara Bals, Gustaaf Van Tendeloo, Direct evidence for the existence of multi-walled carbon nanotubes with hexagonal cross-sections, Carbon, 2012, 50, 2524-2529.(16) Zhanbing He*, Jean-Luc Maurice, Aurelien Gohier, Chang Seok Lee, Didier Pribat*, Costel Sorin Cojocaru, Iron catalyst for the growth of carbon nanofibers: Fe, Fe3C, or both?, Chemistry of Materials, 2011, 23, 5379-5387. (ASAP)(17) Zhanbing He*, Chang Seok Lee, Jean-Luc Maurice, Didier Pribat*, Paul Haghi-Ashtiani, and Costel Sorin Cojocaru, Vertically oriented nickel nanorod/carbon nanofiber core/shell structures synthesized by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition, Carbon, 2011, 49, 4710-4718 .(18) Zhanbing He, Jean-Luc Maurice*, Chang Seok Lee, Aurelien Gohier, Didier Pribat, and Costel Sorin Cojocaru, Etchant-induced shaping of nanoparticle catalysts during chemical vapor growth of carbon nanofibres, Carbon, 2011, 49, 435-444.(19) Zhanbing He*, Nava Setter, T. Ono and K. Shinozaki, Non-180° domains in LiTaO3 thin film deposited by metal organic chemical vapour deposition, Applied Physics Letters, 2009, 95, 062905.(20) Zhanbing He*, Igo Stolitchnov, Nava Setter, Macro Cantoni, T. Wojciechowsk and G. Karczewski, HREM studies of twins in Cd1-xZnxTe (x » 0.04) thin films grown by molecular beam epitaxy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2009, 484, 757-762.标签: 北京科技大学 新金属材料国家重点实验室