2023-05-06 11:04
  • 冯大伟
  • 冯大伟 - 讲师-北京科技大学-冶金与生态工程学院-个人资料




冯大伟,2010年获中南大学冶金工程学士学位,2014年获芬兰阿尔托大学材料系冶金学博士学位,2015-2016年在美国加利福尼亚大学戴维斯分校进行博士后研究,师从国际著名高温量热学家美国科学院Alexandra Navrotsky院士。主要研究方向为高温冶金过程,研究成果已在国际矿物冶金及材料重要刊物发表,包括Journal of Alloy and Compounds, American Mineralogist, Journal of Materials Science, Solid State Ionics, Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics等。现为国际期刊Journal of Solid State Chemistry 和CALPHAD审稿人。


1. 冶金热力学实验方法 2. 闪速熔炼及贵金属提取 3. 稀土矿物综合利用


1. D. Feng, R. Shivaramaiah, A. Navrotsky, Perovskite solid solutions along the CaTiO3 - Na0.5La0.5TiO3 join: phase transitions, formation enthalpies, and implications, American Mineralogist, v. 101, i. 9, p. 2051-2056.
2. D. Feng, P. S. Maram, A. Mielewczyk-Gryń, A. Navrotsky, Thermochemistry of Rare Earth Perovskites RE0.67-xNa3xTiO3 (RE = La, Ce), American Mineralogist, v. 101, i. 5, p. 1125-1128.
3. D. Feng, P. Taskinen, Thermodynamic properties of silver–palladium alloys determined by a solid state electrochemical method, Journal of Materials Science 49 (2014), 5790-5798.
4. D. Feng, P. Taskinen, Thermodynamic stability of AuSe at temperature from (400 to 700) K by a solid state galvanic cell, The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 71 (2014), 98-102.
5. D. Feng, P. Taskinen, Thermodynamic properties of Ag3AuSe2 from 300 to 500 K by a solid state galvanic cell, Journal of Alloy and Compounds. 583, (2014) 176-179.
6. D. Feng, P. Taskinen, F. Tesfaye, Thermodynamic stability of Ag2Se from 350 to 500 K by a solid state galvanic cell, Solid State Ionics. 231 (2013) 1-4.
7. F. Tesfaye, P. Taskinen, M. Aspiala, D. Feng, Experimental thermodynamic study of intermetallic phases in the binary Ag–Te system by an improved EMF method, Intermetallics. 34 (2013) 56-62.

