2023-05-06 11:03
  • 杜翠薇
  • 杜翠薇 - 教授 博导-北京科技大学-新材料技术研究院-个人资料




杜翠薇,1972年生,博士,教授,博士生导师,腐蚀控制系统工程研究所所长,国家材料环境腐蚀平台副主任;中国腐蚀与防护学会秘书长。长期从事材料腐蚀与防护研究与教学工作,主持国家自然基金面上及重大子项目5项,国家科技基础条件平台子项目、863重点项目子课题、特检及企业等科研项目20余项,参加“973”、科技支撑计划等国家及省部级项目10余项。在Nature、Corrosion Science、Electrochimica Acta、Corrosion、金属学报、中国腐蚀与防护学报等国内外腐蚀及材料相关的知名期刊发表学术论文150余篇(SCI/EI论文120篇),合作撰写出版专著7部,教材2部,获得国家专利12件,获北京市、山东省、国家安全生产监督管理总局等省部级奖励6项,行业科技奖10项




  [1] 刘智勇,李晓刚,杜翠薇,董超芳,典型材料油气田腐蚀实验评价方法,科学出版社,22.5万字,2016
  [4]李晓刚,高瑾,张三平,杜翠薇,卢琳, 高分子材料自然环境老化规律与机理, 科学出版社,58.2万字,2011,
  [5]李晓刚,董超芳,杜翠薇,高瑾,卢琳 译(Derek Hull著), 断口学, 科学出版社,46.3万字,2009
  [6]李晓刚,董超芳,肖葵,杜翠薇等, 金属大气腐蚀初期行为与机理, 科学出版社, 40.8万字,2009
  [7]李晓刚,杜翠薇,董超芳,刘智勇, X70钢的腐蚀行为与试验研究, 科学出版社,27.7万字,2006
  [1]李久青,杜翠薇, 腐蚀试验方法及监测技术, 中国石化出版社,43.5万字,2006
  [1] Xiaogang Li, Dawei Zhang, Zhiyong Liu, Zhong Li, Cuiwei Du and Chaofang Dong. Share corrosion data.Nature,2015, 527:441-442
  [2] Du CW, Zhao TL, Liu ZY , et al. Corrosion behavior and characteristics of the product film of APIX100 steel in acidic simulated soil solution. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy, and Materials, v 23, n 2, p 176-183, 2016.
  [3]M.Zhu, C.W. Du, X.G. Li, Z.Y. Liu, S.R. Wang, J.K. Li, D.W. Zhang. Effect of AC current density on stress corrosion cracking behavior of X80 pipeline steel in high pH carbonate/bicarbonate solution [J]. Electrochimica Acta, 2014, 117: 351-359. SCI收录
  [4]M.Zhu, C.W. Du, X.G. Li, Z.Y. Liu, H. Li, D.W. Zhang. Effect of AC on stress corrosion cracking behavior and mechanism of X80 pipeline steel in carbonate/bicarbonate solution[J]. Corrosion Science,2014, 87:224-232. SCI收录
  [5]M.Zhu, C.W. Du, X.G. Li, Z.Y. Liu, S.R. Wang, T.L. Zhao, J.H. Jia. Effect of strength and microstructure on stress corrosion cracking behavior and mechanism of X80 pipeline steel in high pH carbonate/bicarbonate solution [J]. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance,2014, 23(4):1358-1365. SCI收录
  [6]朱敏,杜翠薇,李晓刚,刘智勇,赵天亮,李琼,贾静焕.交流电流密度对X65钢在碳酸盐/碳酸氢盐溶液中腐蚀行为的影响[J]. 北京科技大学学报,2014, 36(8): 1077-1081.
  [8]朱敏,杜翠薇,黄亮,刘智勇,赵天亮,李琼,李晓刚.含水量对连铸铜包钢在大港土壤中腐蚀行为的影响[J].中国腐蚀与防护学报, 2014,34(1):65-69.
  [9] Du CW,Li XG,Liang P, Liu Z Y, Jia G F, and Cheng Y F, Effects of microstructure on corrosion of X70 pipe steel in an alkaline siol, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, v 18, n 2, p 216-220, 2009
  [10] Du CW, Li XG, Chen X, Liang P, Guo H,Crevice corrosion behavior of X70 steel in HCO3- solution under cathodic polarization, Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English letters), v 21, n 4 , p 235-244,2008
  [11] Du CW, LI XG, Wang W, Song YQ, Electrochemical characteristics of pipeline-steel with planar-defect epoxy-coating in simulated solutions of Ku’erle soil, Frontiers of Materials Science in China, v 2, n 4 , p 357-364,2008
  [12] Liu ZY,Li XG,Du CW,Cheng YF,Local additional potential model for effect of strain rate on SCC of pipeline steel in an acidic soil solution, Corrosion Science, v 51, n 12,p 2863-2871, 2009
  [13] Chen X,Li XG,Du CW,Cheng YF,Effect of cathodic protection on corrosion of pipeline steel under disbonded coating, Corrosion Science, v 51, n 9,p 2242-2245, 2009
  [14] Liu Z Y,Li X G,Du CW,Lu L,Zhang Y R,Cheng Y F, Effect of inclusions on initiation of stress corrosion cracks in X70 pipeline steel in an acidic soil environment. , Corrosion Science, v 51, n4, p 895-900, 2009
  [15] Chen X,Li XG,Du CW,Liang P,Crevice corrosion behavior of the steel X70 under cathodic polarization, Jinshu Xuebao/ Acta Metallurgica Sinica, v 44, n 12, p 1431-1438, 2008
  [16] Zhou JL,Li XG,Du CW,Pan Y,Li T, Liu Q, Passivation process of X80 pipeline steel in bicarbonate solutions,International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials , v18,p178,2011
  [17] Zhou JL,Li XG,Du CW,Li YL,Li T,Pan Y,Anodic electrochemical behavior of X80 pipeline steel in NaHCO3 solution,Acta Metallurgica Sinica, v46, n 2, p 251-256, 2010
  [18] Chen X,Du CW,Li XG,He C,Liang P,Lu L,Effects of solution environments under disbonded coatings on the corrosion behaviors of X70 pipeline steel in acidic soils , Internation Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials, v 16, n 5,p 525-533, 2009
  [19] Song YQ,Du CW,Zhang X,Li XG,Influence of Cl- concentration on crevice corrosion of X70 pipeline steel,Acta Metallurgica Sinica ,v 45, n 9,p 1130-1134, 2009
  [20] Zhang L,Li XG,Du CW,Effect of Environmental Factors on Electrochemical Behavior of X70 Pipeline Steel in Simulated Soil Solution , Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, v 16, n 6,p 52-57, 2009

