男,河南上蔡县人,博士/博士后,副教授,硕士生导师,2007年毕业于天津大学热能研究所,获工学博士学位,2010年从清华大学建筑学院的土木工程博士后流动站(供热、供燃气通风及空调专业)出站。学术奖励2012年北京市科学技术奖(壹等奖):基于吸收式换热的热电联产集中供热技术(No. 2012 能-1-003-07)研究领域
1. Fangtian Sun,Lin Fu, Jian Sun, Shigang Zhang, A new ejector heat exchanger based on an ejector heat pump and a water-to-water heat exchanger, Applied Energy, 2014,121:245-251. (SCI)2. Fangtian Sun, Lin Fu, Jian Sun, Shigang Zhang, A new waste heat district heating system with combined heat and power ( CHP ) based on ejector heat exchangers and absorption heat pumps, Energy, 2014, 69:516-524. (SCI)3. Fangtian Sun, Lin Fu, Shigang Zhang, Jian Sun. New waste heat district heating system with combined heat and power based on absorption heat exchange cycle in China, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2012,37(1-2):136-144. (SCI)4. Jian Sun, Lin Fu, Fangtian Sun. Study on a heat recovery system for the thermal power plant utilizing air cooling island, Energy, 2014,74:836-844. (SCI)5. Jian Sun, Lin Fu, Fangtian Sun, Shigang Zhang. Experimental study on a project with CHP system basing on absorption cycles, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2014, 73(1, 5): 730-736. (SCI)6. Sun Fangtian,Ma Yitai. Thermodynamic analysis of transcritical CO2 refrigeration cycle with an ejector, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2011, 31 (6-7): 1184-1189. (SCI)7. 孙方田, 马一太, 李敏霞. 几种中高温热泵热水器工质的性能实验研究.太阳能学报, 2007,28(10):1069-1072. (EI)8. 孙方田, 马一太, 王洪利. 中高温热泵热水器新工质TJR01循环性能分析,天津大学学报,2007,40(2):153-156. (EI)9. 孙方田,马一太,李敏霞. 基于灰色-层次理论的热水器综合评判研究. 太阳能学报, 29(2):204-208. (EI)10. 孙方田,马一太,李敏霞,汪耀东. 润滑油对带膨胀机CO2跨临界循环的影响. 工程热物理学报,2007,28(3):369-372. (EI)11. 孙方田,马一太, 安青松, 姜云涛, 王洪利. 水冷式冷水机组能效标准的合理化研究[J]. 暖通空调,2007,37(4):132-135.12. 孙方田,付林,李德英等. 基于喷射式换热的热电联产集中供热技术,区域供热,2013,4:7-10. 相关热点