2023-05-06 10:46
  • 徐丰
  • 徐丰 - 教授-北京交通大学-土木建筑工程学院-个人资料






2020级: 齐依
2019级: 张伟,Harun Rashid
2018级: 姜雨含
2017级: 宋畅,翟浩宇
2016级: 王兴宇
2014级: Sidhartha Bhowmick(大学),乔曼曼
2013级: 马佳(中科院),王林伟(中科院)
2012级: 崔会敏(大学)
2019级: 齐依(转博),林翰翰
2018级: 张伟(转博),邵禹韬
2017级: 姜雨含(转博)
2016级: 胡阳(设计院),刘念(公司)
2015级: 王兴宇(转博),翟浩宇(转博)
2014级: 葛菲(学校),侯育栋(留校),任春光(国家电网)
2013级: 孟波(中国航天一院),乔曼曼(转博)
2012级: 张勋(留校),薛宇轩(中国航天一院)
2011级: 马佳(转博)

2017级: 孟欣湲
2015级: 齐依(保研)
2014级: 张伟(保研)
2013级: 姜雨含(保研)
2011.08- 教授(博士生导师),北京交通大学土建学院力学系
2009.08-2011.07 Research Fellow,澳大利亚悉尼大学土木工程学院
2006.10-2009.07 Research Associate,澳大利亚詹姆斯库克大学工学院
1987.08-2003.08 研究实习员,助理研究员以及副研究员,中国科学院力学研究所


12. 顶开口腔自然对流系统的机理性研究



Wang, X. Wang, D. and Xu, F. (2019). Buoyant flows on a vertical cone, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 141, 1131-1139.
Jiang, Y., Nie, B. and Xu, F. (2019). Lapping flow and starting plume on an evenly heated horizontal plate, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 138, 235-243.
Zhai, H., Nie, B., Chen, B. and Xu, F. (2019). Unsteady flows on a roof imposed by a periodic heat flux, Int. J. Therm. Sci., 145, 106002.
Jiang, Y., Nie, B. and Xu, F. (2019). Scaling laws of buoyant flows on a suddenly heated horizontal plate, Int. Commun. Heat Mass Transfer, 105, 58-64.
Nie, B. and Xu, F. (2019). Scales of natural convection on a convectively heated vertical wall, Phys. Fluids, 31, 024107.
Cui, H., Xu, F. Saha, S. and Liu, Q. (2019). Natural convection and heat transfer in an attic-shaped cavity for different aspect ratios, Int. J. Therm. Sci., 139, 282-291.
Bhowmick, S., Saha, S, Qiao, M. and Xu, F. (2019). Transition to a chaotic flow in a V-shaped enclosure heated from below, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 128, 76-86.

Qiao, M., Tian, Z., Nie, B. and Xu, F. (2018). The route to chaos for plumes from an open cylindrical cavity heated from underneath, Phys. Fluids, 30, 124102(封面文章).
Wang, X., Xu, F. and Zhai, H. (2018). An experimental study of a starting plume on a mountain, Int. Commun. Heat Mass Transfer, 97, 1-8.
Qiao, M., Xu, F. and Saha, S. (2018). Numerical study of the transition to a chaotic plume on an open cavity heated below, Appl. Math. Model., 61, 577-592.
Ma, J., Nie, B. and Xu, F. (2018). Pr >1 unsteady thermal flows and heat transfer in a finned cavity with a uniform heat flux, Int. J. Therm. Sci., 129, 83-93.
Nie, B., Xu, F. and Ren, C. (2018). Transient intrusion flow in a section-triangular attic, Int. Commun. Heat Mass Transfer, 93, 11-20.
Bhowmick, S., Xu, F. and Saha, S. (2018). Natural convection in stratified fluid in a triangular cavity, Int. J. Therm. Sci., 128, 59-69.
Zhai, H., Xu, F. Hou, Y., and Saha, S. (2018). Natural convection and heat transfer on a section-triangular roof, Int. Commun. Heat Mass Transfer, 92, 23-30.
Ma, J., Nie, B. and Xu, F. (2018). Transient flows on an evenly heated wall with a fin, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 118, 235-246.

Ma, J. and Xu, F. (2017). Flows and heat transfer in the transition to an unsteady state induced by a fin on the sidewall for different Prandtl number, Int. Commun. Heat Mass Transfer, 88, 220-227.
Qiao, M., Xu, F. and Saha, S. (2017). Scaling analysis and numerical simulation of natural convection on a duct, Numer. Heat Transfer, 72(5), 355-371.
Ma, J. and Xu, F. (2017). Dynamics and heat transfer of a Pr < 1 thermal flow around a fin on the thermal wall, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 111, 696–708.
Wang, L., Xu, S., Zhou, Z., Sun, Z. and Xu, F. (2017). Effect of void defects in crystalline structure on the shear moduli of charged colloidal crystals, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, 516, 115-120.
Wang, L., Xu S., Zhou H., Sun Z., Ouyang W., Xu F. (2017). Theoretical improvement on the determination of effective elasticity charges for charged colloidal particles, Acta Physica Sinica, 66(6), 066102.
Cui, H., Xu, F. and Saha, S. (2017). Transition to unsteady natural convection flow in a prismatic enclosure of triangular section, Int. J. Therm. Sci., 111, 330-339.

Ma, J. and Xu, F. (2016). Unsteady flows induced by a fin at different heights in a differentially heated cavity, Appl. Therm. Eng., 99, 625-634.
Sojoudi, A., Saha, S., Xu, F. and Gu, Y. T. (2016). Transient air flow and heat transfer due to differential heating on inclined walls and heat source placed on the bottom wall in a partitioned attic shaped space, Energ. Buildings, 113, 39-50.
Xu, F. (2015). Unsteady coupled thermal boundary layers induced by a fin in a partitioned cavity, Int. Commun. Heat Mass Transfer, 67, 59-65.
Cui, H., Xu, F. and Saha, S. (2015). A three-dimensional simulation of transient natural convection in a triangular cavity, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 85, 1012-1022.
Qiao, M., Xu, F., (2015). Numerical simulation of a starting buoyant jet from a channel, Procedia Eng., 126, 592-596.
Ma, J., Xu, F., (2015). Transient flows around a fin at different positions, Procedia Eng., 126, 393-398.
Cui, H., Xu, F., (2015). Longitudinal and transverse rolls in a triangular cavity, Procedia Eng., 126, 362-366.
Xu, F., Yang, Q., and Yu, P. (2014). Numerical studies of transition from steady to unsteady coupled thermal boundary layers, Int. J. Comp. Meth, 11, Suppl. 1. 1344002.
徐丰, 崔会敏(2014). 侧加热腔内的自然对流, 力学进展, 44, 201403.
Xu, F. and Saha, S. (2014). Transition to unsteady flows and heat transfer in a differentially heated air-filled cavity with a fin on the sidewall, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 71, 236-244.
Xu, F. (2014). Convective instability of the vertical thermal boundary layer in a differentially heated cavity, Int. Commun. Heat Mass Transfer, 52, 8-14.
Xu, F., Patterson, J. C. and Lei, C. (2014). An experimental study of the coupled thermal boundary layers adjacent to a partition in a differentially heated cavity, Exp. Therm. Fluid Sci., 54, 12-21.
Xu, F., Patterson, J. C. and Lei, C. (2013). The effect of the fin length on the transition of the natural convection flows in a differentially heated cavity, Int. J. Therm. Sci., 70, 92-101.
Zeng, M., Yu, P., Xu, F. and Wang, Q.W. (2013). Natural convection in triangular attics filled with porous medium heated from below, Numer. Heat Transfer Part A, 63, 735-754.
Saha, S., Xu, F., and Molla, M. (2011). Scaling analysis of the unsteady natural convection boundary layer adjacent to an inclined plate for Pr > 1 following instantaneous heating, J. Heat Transfer, 133, 112501.
Xu, F., Patterson, J. C. and Lei, C. (2011). Unsteady flow and heat transfer adjacent to the sidewall wall of a differentially heated cavity with a conducting and an adiabatic fin, Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow, 32, 680-687
Xu, F., Patterson, J. C. and Lei, C. (2010). A Pr < 1 intrusion induced by a vertical heated wall, Phys. Rev. E, 82, 026318.
Xu, F., Patterson, J. C. and Lei, C. (2010). An experiment study of the oscillations in a differentially heated cavity with and without a fin on the sidewall, Int. Commun. Heat Mass Transfer, 37, 350-359.
Xu, F., Patterson, J. C. and Lei, C. (2009). Transient natural convection around a thin fin on the sidewall of a differentially heated cavity, J. Fluid Mech., 639, 261-290.
Xu, F., Patterson, J. C. and Lei, C. (2009). Heat transfer through coupled thermal boundary layers induced by a suddenly generated temperature difference, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 52, 4966-4975.
Xu, F., Patterson, J. C. and Lei, C. (2009). Transition to a periodic flow induced by a thin fin on the sidewall of a differentially heated cavity, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 52, 620-628.
Xu, F., Patterson, J. C. and Lei, C. (2008). On the double-layer structure of the boundary layer adjacent to a sidewall of a differentially heated cavity, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 51, 3803-3815.
Xu, F., Patterson, J. C. and Lei, C. (2008). An experimental study of the unsteady thermal flow around a thin fin on a sidewall of a differentially heated cavity, Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow, 29, 1139-1153.
Xu, F., Patterson, J. C. and Lei, C. (2007). The leading edge effect for a suddenly differentially heated cavity, ANZIAM J., 48, 790-805.
Xu, F., Patterson, J. C. and Lei, C. (2007). Natural convection adjacent to a sidewall with multiple fins in a differentially heated cavity, ANZIAM J., 48, 806-819.
Xu, F., Patterson, J. C. and Lei, C. (2007). Natural convection in a differentially heated cavity with a square obstruction on the sidewall, Aust. J. Mech. Eng., 4, 77-86.
Xu, F., Patterson, J. C. and Lei, C. (2006). Observation and simulation of the double layer structure of the thermal boundary layer in a side-heated cavity, J. Flow Vis. Image Proc., 13, 287-297.
Xu, F., Patterson, J. C. and Lei, C. (2006). Experimental observations of the thermal flow around a square obstruction on a vertical wall in a side-heated cavity, Exp. Fluids, 40, 364-371.
Xu, F., Patterson, J. C. and Lei, C. (2005). Shadowgraph observations of the transition of the thermal boundary layer in a side-heated cavity, Exp. Fluids, 38, 770-779.
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