2023-05-06 10:45
  • 王涛
  • 王涛 - 副教授-北京交通大学-计算机与信息技术学院-个人资料




在IEEE Trans. on PAMI, IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, IEEE Trans. on KDE等领域内顶级学术期刊, 以及ICCV, ECCV, AAAI等国际会议发表论文30余篇。
2016.12~至今, 北京交通大学计算机学院,副教授,博士生导师
2014.12~2015.12, 美国天普大学,访问学者
2006.12~2016.12, 北京交通大学计算机学院,讲师


[1]. 王涛


[1] T Wang, H Liu, Y Li, Y Jin, H Ling*. Learning Combinatorial Solver for Graph Matching. CVPR, 2020. (oral)
[2] G Lyu, S Feng, T Wang, C Lang. A Self-Paced Regularization Framework for Partial-Label Learning. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2020.
[3] M Wang, C Lang, L Liang, S Feng, T Wang, Y Gao. End-to-End Text-to-Image Synthesis with Spatial Constrains. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST), 2020, 11(4):1-19.
[4] M Wang, C Lang, L Liang, G Lyu, S Feng, T Wang. Attentive Generative Adversarial Network To Bridge Multi-Domain Gap For Image Synthesis. ICME, 2020, pp. 1-6.

[1] T Wang, H Ling*, C Lang and S Feng. Deformable Surface Tracking by Graph Matching. ICCV, 2019.
[2] L Sun, S Feng, T Wang, C Lang and Y Jin. Partial Multi-Label Learning by Low-Rank and Sparse Decomposition. AAAI, 2019.
[3] G Lyu, S Feng, T Wang*, C Lang, Y Li. GM-PLL: Graph Matching based Partial Label Learning. IEEE Trans. on KDE, 2019. (online avaliable)
[4] Z Li, C Lang, J Feng, Y Li, T Wang, S Feng. Co-saliency Detection with Graph Matching, ACM Trans. on TIST, 10(3): 22-30. 2019.
[5] M Yin, C Lang, Z Li, S Feng, T Wang. Recurrent convolutional network for video-based smoke detection, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 78(1):237-256, 2019.
[6] C Qian, Y Jin, Y Li, C Lang, S Feng, T Wang. Deep Domain Adaptation for Asian Face Recognition via Ada-IBN. ICMEW, 2019.
[7] Z Li, Y Jin, Y Li, C Lang, S Feng, T Wang. Learning part-alignment feature for person re-identification with spatial-temporal-based re-ranking method. WWW, 2019.
[8] J Zhou, T Wang, Y Jin. The hypergraph matching based on CCRP. BESC, 2019.

[1] T Wang, H Ling*. Gracker: A Graph-based Planar Object Tracker. IEEE Trans. on PAMI. 40(6):1494-1501, 2018.
[2] T Wang, H Ling*, C Lang and S Feng. Branching and Adaptive Path Following for Graph Matching. IEEE Trans. on PAMI. 40(12):2853-2867, 2018.
[3] T Wang, H Ling*, C Lang and S Feng. Constrained confidence matching for planar object tracking. ICRA, 2018.
[4] J Zhou, T Wang*, C Lang, S Feng, Y Jin. A novel hypergraph matching algorithm based on tensor refining. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 57:69-75, 2018.
[5] S Xu, T Wang*, C Lang, S Feng, Y Jin. Graph-based visual odometry for VSLAM. Industrial Robot: An International Journal, 45(5):679-687, 2018.
[6] Z Li, C Lang, S Feng, T Wang. Saliency ranker: A new salient object detection method. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 50:16-26, 2018.
[7] D Xu, C Lang, S Feng, T Wang. A framework with a multi-task CNN model joint with a re-ranking method for vehicle re-identification. ICIMCS, 2018.
[8] K Yu, C Lang, S Feng, T Wang. Reasonably assign label distributions to GAN images in person re-identification baseline. BigMM, 2018.
[9] X Xu, Y Li, Y Jin, C Lang, S Feng, T Wang. Hierarchical Discriminant Feature Learning for Heterogeneous Face Recoginition. VCIP, 2018.

[1] S Feng, C Lang, J Feng, T Wang, J Luo. Human facial age estimation by cost-sensitive label ranking and trace norm regularization, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 19(1):136-148, 2017.
[2] R Chen, C Lang, T Wang*. Multiple path exploration for graph matching, Machine Vision and Applications, 28(7): 695-703, 2017.
[3] Y Chen, T Wang*. Recursive formulas for embedding distributions of cubic outerplanar graphs, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 68(1):131-146, 2017.
[1] Tao Wang*, Haibin Ling, Congyan Lang, Jun Wu. Branching path following for graph matching. ECCV, 2016.
[2] Tao Wang*, Haibin Ling. Path following with adaptive path estimation for graph matching. AAAI, 2016.
[3] Tao Wang*, Haibin Ling, Congyan Lang, Songhe Feng. Symmetry-aware graph matching. Pattern Recognition, 60: 657-668, 2016.
[4] Zhu Teng, Tao Wang, Feng Liu, et al., From samples selection to model update: A robust online visual tracking algorithm against. Neurocomputing. 173: 1221-1234, 2016.
[1]. Tao Wang*, Guojun Dai, Bingbing Ni, D. Xu. A distance measure between labeled combinatorial maps. Computer Vision and Image Understanding. 116(6): 1168-1177, 2012.
[2]. Tao Wang*, Hua Yang, Congyan Lang, S. Feng. An error-tolerant approximate matching algorithm for labeled combinatorial maps. Neurocomputing. 156: 211-220, 2015.
[3]. Tao Wang*, Guojun Dai, De Xu. A polynomial algorithm for submap isomorphism of general maps. Pattern Recognition Letters. 32(8): 1100-1107, 2011.
[4]. Tao Wang*, Yanpei Liu. Implements of some new algorithms for combinatorial maps. OR Transactions. 12(2): 58-66, 2008.
[5]. Tao Wang*, Congyan Lang, Songhe Feng. Joint tree of combinatorial maps. PAKDD 2014.
[6]. Tao Wang*, Weisheng Li. Fast low-cost shortest path tree algorithm. Journal of Software. 15(2): 660-665, 2004.
[7]. Tao Wang*, Weisheng Li. Shortest path subgraph. Journal of Northern Jiaotong University. 28(2):46-49, 2004.
[8]. Yichao Chen, Yanpei Liu, Tao Wang. The Total Embedding Distributions of Cacti and Necklaces. Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series. Vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 1583-1590, 2006.
[9]. Shu Liu, Weisheng Li, Tao Wang. Advanced algorithm for fast lower-cost shortest path tree. Journal of Electronics and Information Technology. Vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 638-641, 2005.
国际顶级学术会议CVPR, ICCV, ECCV审稿人;
国际学术期刊IEEE Trans. on PAMI, Pattern Recognition, KSII Trans. on IIS 审稿人

