2023-05-06 10:44
  • 陶丹
  • 陶丹 - 教授-北京交通大学-电子信息工程学院-个人资料




* 本科教学
必修:信号与系统 数字信号处理
* 研究生教学
2004.09-2007.07 北京邮电大学 计算机应用技术 博士 导师:马华东教授
2001.09-2004.07 吉林大学 计算机应用技术 硕士 导师:申铉京教授
1997.09-2001.07 吉林大学 计算机应用技术 学士
2017.01-至今 北京交通大学 电子信息工程学院 教授 博士生导师
2010.10-2016.12 北京交通大学 电子信息工程学院 副教授
2010.11-2011.11 美国伊利诺伊理工大学 计算机学院 访问学者 导师:李向阳教授
2009.05-2010.04 北京交通大学 电子信息工程学院 挂职副院长
2008.10-2010.10 北京交通大学 电子信息工程学院 外事助理
2007.07-2010.10 北京交通大学 电子信息工程学院 讲师


* 师代


D. Tao, T.Y. Wu*, S.J. Zhu, M. Guizani. Privacy Protection-based Incentive Mechanism for Mobile Crowdsensing. Computer Communications. 2020,156:201-210.
王任重, 陶丹*. 一种基于上下文感知的智能手机隐式身份认证机制. 北京邮电大学学报. 2019,42(6):120-127.
R.Z. Wang, D. Tao*. Context-Aware Implicit Authentication of Smartphone Users Based on Multi-Sensor Behavior. IEEE ACCESS. 2019,7(1):119654-119667.
D. Tao*, P.C. Ma, M.S. Obaidat, Anonymous Identity Authentication Mechanism for Hybrid Architecture in Mobile Crowd Sensing Networks. International Journal of Communication Systems. 2019,32(14):1-16.
胡健, 陶丹*. 移动群智感知质量度量与保障理论和方法. 小型微型计算机系统. 2019,40 (5):918-923.
J.K. Zhang(本科生), D. Tao*. Partition Connectivity Recovery based on Relay Node Deployment for Wireless Sensor Networks. Journal of Computers. 2018,29(6):192-199.
D. Tao*, S. Zhong, H. Luo. Staged Incentive and Punishment Mechanism for Mobile Crowd Sensing. Sensors. 2018,18(7):1-21.
Z.W. Lin, D. Tao*, Z. J. Wang. Dynamic Construction Scheme for Virtualization Security Service in Software-Defined Networks. Sensors. 2017,17(4):1-18.
D. Tao*, Z.W. Lin, B.X. Wang. Load Feedback-based Resource Scheduling and Dynamic Migration-based Data Locality for Virtual Hadoop Clusters in OpenStack-based Clouds. Tsinghua Science and Technology. 2017,22(2):149-159.
D. Tao*, T.Y. Wu, J.G. Jiang, P.P. Liu. uIP Stack based Embedded Network Control System for Bridge Safety Detection. Journal of Internet Technology. 2016,17(6):1109-1116.
D. Tao*, Z.W. Lin, C. Lu. Cloud Platform based Automated Security Testing System for Mobile Internet. Tsinghua Science and Technology. 2015,20(6):537-544.
D. Tao, T.Y. Wu*. A Survey on Barrier Coverage Problem in Directional Sensor Networks. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2015,15(2):876-885.
D. Tao*, S.J. Tang, X.Y. Li, H.D. Ma. Energy Efficient Data Gathering with Mobile Sink in Hybrid Sensor Networks. Journal of Ad hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks. 2015,27(1-2):1-25.
陶丹*, 毛续飞, 吴昊. 有向传感网络中移动目标栅栏覆盖算法. 北京邮电大学学报. 2013,36(5):6-9.
D. Tao*, S.J. Tang, H.T. Zhang, X.F. Mao, X.Y. Li, H.D. Ma. Strong Barrier Coverage Detection and Mending Algorithm for Directional Sensor Networks. Journal of Ad hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks. 2013,18(1):17-33.
D. Tao*, S.J. Tang, H.T. Zhang, X.F. Mao, H.D. Ma. Strong Barrier Coverage in Directional Sensor Networks. Computer Communications. 2012,35(8):895-905.
陶丹*, 马华东. 有向传感器网络覆盖控制算法综述. 软件学报. 2011,22(10):2317-2334.
H.C. Wu(本科生), Y.Z. Yu(本科生), S.N. Qian(本科生), D. Tao*. Crowdsensing based Real-time Traffic Condition Assessment Method. ICCE-TW2020. Accepted.
P.Q. Hao(本科生), M. Yang(本科生), S.B. Gao(本科生), K.N. Sun, D. Tao*. Fine-Grained PM2.5 Detection Method based on Crowdsensing. ICCE-TW2020. Accepted.
X.Z.Dong(本科生), X.Y. He(本科生), T.L. Liang(本科生), D. Shi, D. Tao*. Entropy based Security Rating Evaluation Scheme for Pattern Lock. ICCE-TW2020. Accepted.
J.Z. Zhang, M.Y. Qian, D. Tao*. Recovery Algorithm of Traffic Missing Data based on Probe Vehicles. CISC2020. Accepted.
H.B. Sun, D. Tao*. Data-Quality-Aware Participant Selection Mechanism for Mobile Crowdsensing. CWSN2019. pp.348-359.
R.Z. Wang, D. Tao*. DTW-KNN Implementation for Touch-based Authentication System. BigCom2019. pp.318-322.
D.D. Wei(本科生), W.T. Chen(本科生), S.T. Jiang(本科生), R.Z. Wang, D. Tao*. An Implicit Authentication Solution based on User's Keystroke Behavior of Smartphone Usage. ICCE-TW2019. pp.1-2.
X.W. Guo(本科生), M.N. Wang(本科生), X.G. Liu(本科生), H.B. Sun, D. Tao*. Design and Development of Campus Noise Detection and Rendering System based on Mobile Crowdsensing. ICCE-TW2019. pp.1-2.
J.Z. Zhang, D. Tao*. Implicit Identity Authentication Mechanism based on Smartphone Touch Dynamics. ICCE-TW2019. pp.1-2.
S.J. Zhu, D. Tao*. Privacy-aware Incentive Mechanism Framework for Mobile Crowdsensing. ICCE-TW2019. pp.1-2.
S. Zhong, D. Tao*, H. Luo, M.S. Obaidat, T.Y. Wu. Staged Incentive Mechanism for Mobile Crowd Sensing. ICC2018. pp:1-5.
P.C. Ma, D. Tao*, T.Y. Wu. A Pseudonym based Anonymous Identity Authentication Mechanism for Mobile Crowd Sensing. BigCom2017. pp.10-14.
Z.J. Wang, D. Tao*, Z.W. Lin. Dynamic Virtualization Security Service Construction Strategy for Software Defined Network. MSN2016. pp:139-144.
J. Yu, D. Tao*, Z.W. Lin. A Hybrid Web Log based Intrusion Detection Model. CCIS2016. pp.356-360.
D. Tao*, B.X. Wang, Z.W. Lin, T.Y. Wu. Resource Scheduling and Data Locality for Virtualized Hadoop on IaaS Cloud Platform. BigCom2016. pp.332-341.
B.X. Wang, D. Tao*, Z.W. Lin. A Load Feedback based Resource Scheduling Algorithm for IaaS Cloud Platform. ICCE-TW2016. pp:136-137. Best Paper Award Third Prize
Z.J. Wang, D. Tao*, P.P. Liu. Development and Challenges of Crowdsourcing Quaility of Experience Evaluation for Multimedia. BigCom2015. pp.444-452.
D. Tao*, S.J. Tang, L. Liu. Constrained Artificial Fish-swarm based Area Coverage Optimization Algorithm for Directional Sensor Networks. MASS2013. pp:304-309.
D. Tao*, S.J. Tang, H.D. Ma. Low Cost Data Gathering using Mobile Hybrid Sensor Networks. AdHocNow2012. pp:193-206.
D. Tao*, X.F. Mao, S.J. Tang, H.T. Zhang, H.D. Ma. Strong Barrier Coverage using Directional Sensors with Arbitrarily Tunable Orientations. MSN2011. pp:68-74.
* 陈后金,胡健,黄琳琳,薛健,陶丹等.\
长期担任IEEE Trans./Journal以及《计算机学报》、《电子学报》等国内知名期刊审稿人,国际学术会议程序委员会委员

