2023-05-06 10:37
  • 解会兵
  • 解会兵 - 副教授-北京交通大学-土木建筑工程学院-个人资料




2004.09-2008.07 河北工业大学 学士
2008.09-2015.12 北京交通大学 博士

2016.01-2017.12 北京交通大学 博士后
2017.12-2019.12 北京交通大学 讲 师
2017.12-2018.12 Rutgers, The state university of New Jersey 访问学者
2020.01-至今 北京交通大学 副教授


在役长大桥梁运营安风险评估系统. 登记号:2018SR660542;
预应力钢筋混凝土梁施工质量分析系统. 登记号: 2015SRBJ0017;
交通基础设施可持续发展性能评估系统. 登记号: 2013SRBJ0293;
桥梁可持续发展性能评估系统. 登记号: 2010SRBJ6487.
国家自然科学基金委青年项目. 预制节段拼装梁接缝抗剪性能及可靠性研究(主持). 2018.01-2020.12.
北京交通大学基本科研业务费. 预制节段拼装梁接缝抗剪可靠性研究(主持).2017.01-2018.12.
横向课题. 拼装梁桥加固后安全性评估指标的模型试验研究(主持). 2014.10-2015.02;
国家自然科学基金“面上”项目. 钢管混凝土早龄期徐变研究 (参与). 2013.01-2016.12;
国家重点研发计划. 工业化建筑全寿命期性能和水平评价技术与标准(参与). 2016.07-2020.06;
国家自然科学基金委. 地震易发区再生混凝土结构设计理论与评价(参与). 2016.08-2019.07;
交通部项目. 在役长大桥梁运营安全风险防控与示范(参与). 2016.07-2018.07."


Xie H B, Wu W J, Wang Y F. Life-time reliability based optimization of bridge maintenance strategy considering LCA and LCC. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 176, 36-45.
Xie H B, Wang Y F, Gong J, et al. Effect of global warming on chloride ion erosion risks for offshore RC bridges in China. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2018, 1-7.
Xie H B, Wang Y F, Wu H L, et al. Condition Assessment of Existing RC Highway Bridges in China Based on SIE2011. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 2014. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)BE. 1943-5592.0000633.
Xie H B, Wang Y F, Zou R F. Reliability analysis of RC T-beam Highway Bridges in China Based on Virtual Data Base. Engineering Structure. 2015, 104: 133-140.
Wang Y F, Xie H B. Funding: Reassess Chinese research awards. Nature, 2014, 511(7507): 31-31.
Han B, Xie H B, Zhang D J, et al. Sensitivity analysis of creep models considering correlation. Materials and Structures, 2016, 49(10):1-11.
Han B, Xie H B, et al. Scour risk analysis of existing bridge pier based on inversion theory. Structural Engineering International. 2017. (Accepted)
Han B, Xie H B, et al. Nonlinear Model for Early-age Creep of Compressive Concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 2017, 147: 203-211.
Zhang J, Han B, Xie H B, Zhu L, Zheng G, Wang W. Correlation between Coda Wave and Stresses in Uni-Axial Compression Concrete. Applied Sciences, 2018,8 (9), 1609.
Han B, Liu M H, Xie H B, et al. A strength developing model of concrete under sustained loads. Construction and Building Materials, 2016, 105: 189-195.
Han B, Xiang T Y, Xie H B. A new computational framework for the Bayesian prediction of the long-term deflection of concrete structures, Engineering Structures, 2017, 141(7):46-55.
Han Bing, Jiao Yu-Ying, Xie Hui-Bing, Zhu Li, Creep of compression fly ash concrete-filled steel tubular members, Thin-Walled Structures, 2017, 114 (5): 116-121
Jia S, Liu M, Han B, Xie H B. An Elastic Modulus Developing Model of Fly Ash Concrete under Sustained Load. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2018, 22 (7), 2417-2424.
Yan W T, Han B, Zhang JQ, Xie H B, Zhu L, Xue ZJ. Experimental study on creep behavior of fly ash concrete filled steel tube circular arches. Steel and Composite Structures, 2018, 27 (2), 185-192.
解会兵,王元丰,杨小元,刘明辉.气候变化对RC结构碳化侵蚀可靠度的影响[J].北京交通大学学报, 2015, 39(1):72-77.
解会兵,王元丰,刘明辉. 基于中、美规范的FRP加固RC结构可靠度对比[J]. 计算力学学报, 2014, 39(Sup.): 39-43.
解会兵,韩冰,刘明辉. 气候变化对建筑工程影响及应对建议[C].既有建筑综合改造关键技术研究与示范项目交流会, 2009,123-129.
Xie H B, Wang Y F, Liu M H. Influences of Climate Change on Reliability of Bridge Superstructure[C].2011 International Conference on Civil Engineering and Transportation, 2011, 94: 1549-1555.
Xie H B, Wang Y F, Liu M H. Reliability Analysis of Bridge under Multi Adverse Factors[C]. 2nd International Conference on Civil, Architectural and Hydraulic Engineering, 2013, 405: 1655-1659.
Zhang J, Xie H B, Liu M, et al. Study on Traffic and Infrastructure Construction Performance Assessment Based on Sustainable Development[M]//LTLGB 2012. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013: 23-29.
Fan L, Zhang Y, Xie H B, et al. Comprehensive Assessment of Refurbishment of Existing Buildings in China[J]. Environment and Sustainability, 2014, 154: 455.
武文杰,王元丰,解会兵. 基于LCA和时变可靠度分析的桥梁维护策略优化[J]. 公路交通科技, 2013, 30(9): 94-100.

