教学工作主讲《MATLAB编程与实践》、肯尼亚国际班全英文专业课程《自动控制原理》教育背景 2010.9-2016.1,北京理工大学,控制科学与工程,博士 2013.9-2014.9,奥克兰大学(新西兰),联合培养博士生 2006.9-2010.7,北京理工大学,自动化,本科 工作经历 2019.01--至今,北京交通大学,机械与电子控制工程学院,副教授 2017.12--2018.12,北京交通大学,机械与电子控制工程学院,讲师 2016.03--2017.12,北京交通大学,机械电子工程,博士后研究领域
机电液系统先进控制智能检测与故障诊断"专利1. 董立静,李长春,延皓等近期论文
论文/期刊主要研究方向为:多机器人自主协调控制;大规模复杂系统智能控制;网络化控制系统。基于该研究方向,已发表论文列表如下: 2019年 1.Lijing Dong. A class of cooperative relay analysis of multi-agent systems with tracking number switching and time delays[J], ISA Transactions, 2019. (SCI) 2. Lijing Dong, Deyin Yu, Sing Kiong Nguang. Novel nonsingular terminal sliding mode control for multi-agent tracking systems with application to jerk circuit, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs,2019. (SCI) 3. Lijing Dong, Minfu Qiu, Sing Kiong Nguang. Design and Advanced Control of Intelligent Large-Scale Hydraulic Synchronization Lifting Systems, Journal of Control Science and Engineering, 2019. (EI) 4. Deyin Yu, Lijing Dong*, Hao Yan. Adaptive sliding mode control of multi-agent relay tracking systems with disturbances, JOURNAL OF CONTROL AND DECISION, 2019. (SCI) 2018年 1. Lijing Dong, Chaojin Zhu,Distributed control strategy for large-scale hydraulic synchronous lifting systems,Proc IMechE Part I:J Systems and Control Engineering, 2018. (SCI) 2. Lijing Dong, Deyin Yu, Hao Yan. Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Multi Agent Relay Tracking Systems over a Finite Time Interval [J]. International Journal of Control,2018. (SCI) 3. Lijing Dong, Cooperative synchronization control of intelligent lifting systems with actuator failures[J], Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2018. (SCI) 4. Lijing Dong, Hao Yan, Lijun Feng, Qifan Tan. Modelling and Performance Analysis of Designed Energy-efficient EHA under Gravity Loads [J]. Int. J. of Modelling, Identification and Control, 2018.(EI) 2017年 1. Lijing Dong, Senchun Chai, Baihai Zhang, Sing Kiong Nguang. Stability of a Class of Multi-Agent Tracking System with Unstable Subsystems, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2017. (SCI) 2. Lijing Dong, Jing Li, Qin Liu. Relay tracking control for second-order multi-agent systems with damaged agents. ISA Transactions, 2017.(SCI) 3. Changchun Li, Lijing Dong*, Sing Kiong Nguang. Cooperative control of multi-agent systems with variable number of tracking agents[J]. IET Control Theory & Applications, 2017.(SCI) 2016年 1. Lijing Dong, Senchun Chai, Baihai Zhang, Sing Kiong Nguang, Xiangshun Li. Cooperative relay tracking strategy for multi-agent systems with assistance of Voronoi diagram, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2016. (SCI) 2. Lijing Dong, Senchun Chai, Baihai Zhang, Sing Kiong Nguang. Sliding mode control for multi-agent systems under a time-varying topology, International Journal of Systems Science, 2016. (SCI) 3. Lijing Dong, Senchun Chai, Baihai Zhang, Xiangshun Li, Sing Kiong Nguang. Finite interval tracking algorithm for nonlinear multi-agent systems with communication delays, International Journal of Systems Science,Vol.47,No.15,3509-3517, 2016. (SCI)2015年 1. Lijing Dong, Senchun Chai, Baihai Zhang, Sing Kiong Nguang, Longfei Wen. High-order tracking problem with a time-varying topology and communication delays, Neurocomputing, 2015. (SCI) 2. Zixiao Guan, Yongtao Zhang, Baihai Zhang, Lijing Dong, Voronoi-based Localization Algorithm for Mobile Sensor Networks. International Journal of Systems Science,2015. (SCI) 3. Delong Zou, Senchun Chai, Lijing Dong, A class of tracking problem for multi-agent systems with time delays. 34th Chinese Control Conference (CCC), July 28-30, 2015, Hangzhou, China.(EI) 4. Zixiao Guan, Baihai Zhang, Lijing Dong, Senchun Chai, An Optimal Region Selection Strategy for WSNs Localization based on Voronoi Diagram. 34th Chinese Control Conference (CCC), July 28-30, 2015, Hangzhou, China.(EI) 2014年及以前 1. Lijing Dong, Senchun Chai, Baihai Zhang. Tracking of a third-order maneuvering target under an arbitrary topology, Chin. Phys. B,Vol. 23, No. 1, 2014.(SCI) 2. Lijing Dong, Senchun Chai, Baihai Zhang, Sing Kiong Nguang. Tracking problem under a time-varying topology, Chin. Phys. B,Vol. 23, No. 6, 2014. (SCI) 3. Lijing Dong, Senchun Chai, Baihai Zhang. Consensus problem of multi-agent systems under arbitrary topology, Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology, Vol.23, No.2,2014. (EI) 4. Lijing Dong, Senchun Chai, Baihai Zhang. Synchronization of Networked Multi-agent System with Delayed Information from Neighbors, Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), May, 2012 (EI) 5. Lijing Dong, Senchun Chai, Baihai Zhang. Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Consensus of Multi-Agent Systems with Nonlinear Dynamics and Variable Topology, UKACC International Conference on Control, September, 2012. (EI) 6. Runqi Chai, Lijing Dong, Baihai Zhang, Design and Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Networked Control Systems with Random Delay Based on Neural Network, 24th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), May, 2012 (EI)7. Lijing Dong, Senchun Chai, Baihai Zhang. Leak detection and localization of gas pipeline system based on wavelet analysis. 2nd International Conference on International Conference on Intelligent Control and Information Processing (ICICIP), July 2011. (EI) 8. Senchun Chai, Lijing Dong, Baihai Zhang. Leak detection and localization of gas pipeline system based on full dynamical model method. Proceedings of the 30th Chinese Control Conference, CCC 2011. (EI) 9. Senchun Chai, Lijing Dong, Baihai Zhang. Dynamic Neural Network Based Networked Predictive Control for Networked Control Systems, 2011 9th IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation (ICCA), December 19-21, 2011. (EI) 专著/译著机械工程专业英语,2019,中国铁道出版社标签: 北京交通大学 机械与电子控制工程学院