2023-05-06 10:22
  • 徐立军
  • 徐立军 - 教授-北京航空航天大学-仪器科学与光电工程学院-个人资料




分别于1990、1993和1996年在天津大学获得学士、硕士与博士学位,1997年晋升为副教授,于1998-1999年在德国卡尔斯鲁厄大学做博士后研究,2002.1-2006.4分别在英国格林尼治大学、肯特大学和伦敦大学癌症研究所做Research Fellow和Higher Scientific Officer.长期从事过程监测与成像等方面的研究工作,在过程层析成像、激光测试与诊断、激光雷达等研究中与英国、美国、德国、意大利等多个国家的多所大学和研究机构保持紧密的联系与合作,取得了多项重要创新成果,得到业界的高度评价,在国际本学科领域具有较大影响力。主持包括国家杰出青年科学基金、国家自然科学基金仪器研制专款项目、国际交流合作项目、面上项目、973计划课题、863计划子课题、国家重大专项子课题等省部级以上项目20余项。至今已发表论文250篇,其中SCI检索78篇,EI 检索133篇,SCI 引用550余次,SCI他引400余次;其中25篇发表在IEEE 会刊,其他发表在Optics Express、Applied Optics、App. Phy. B、Energy、Energy & Fuel、Comb. Sci. Techn.、Meas. Sci. Techn., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 等刊物上,申请国家发明专利76 项,已授权49 项,获省部级奖励4项。现任国际期刊《Measurement Science and Technology》编委、《北京航空航天大学学报》副主编、IEEE高级会员、中国计量测试学会理事、中国仪器仪表学会理事、中国计量测试学会多相流测试专委会副主任。作为组委会主席、大会主席主办IEEE系列国际会议3次,在国内外本领域具有较大的影响力。\r




Chang Liu, Lijun Xu, Jianliang Chen, Zhang Cao, Yuzhen Lin and Weiwei Cai, Development of a fan-beam TDLAS-based tomographic sensor for rapid imaging of temperature and gas concentration, Optics Express, vol. 23, no. 17, pp. 22494-22511, 2015\r
Lijun Xu, Yanting Cheng, Rui Yin, Qi Zhang, Comparative study of regression modeling methods for online coal calorific value prediction from flame radiation features, Fuel, vol. 142, 164-172, 2015.\r
Lijun Xu, Tianxiao Wei, Jiayi Zhou and Zhang Cao, Modified Landweber Algorithm for Robust Particle Sizing by Using Fraunhofer Diffraction, Applied Optics, vol. 53, no. 27, pp. 6185-6193, 2014.\r
Lijun Xu, Chang Liu, Deyan Zheng, Zhang Cao, Weiwei Cai, Digital Signal Processor-based High-precision On-line Voigt Line Shape Fitting for Direct Absorption Spectroscopy, Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 85, 123108 (9 pages) 2014; doi: 10.1063/1.4903356.\r
Zhang Cao, Wei Song, Zhicong Peng and Lijun Xu. A high precision method for mapping phase to amplitude in direct digital synthesis and its hardware implementation. Review of Scientific Instruments. Vol. 85, 114704 (6 pages), 2014.\r
Chang Liu, Lijun Xu, Zhang Cao, Hugh McCann, “Reconstruction of Axisymmetric Temperature and Gas Concentration Distributions by Combining Fan-beam TDLAS with Onion-peeling Deconvolution”, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 63, no. 12, pp.3067-3075, 2014.\r
Xiaolu Li, Yu Liang and Lijun Xu, Bidirectional reflectance distribution function based surface modeling of non-Lambertian using intensity data of light detection and ranging, Journal of Optical Society of America A, vol. 31, No. 9, pp. 2055-2063, Sep. 2014.\r
Lijun Xu, Jianjun Chen, Zhang Cao, Xingbin Liu and Jinhai Hu, Manchester code telemetry system for well logging using quasi-parallel inductive-capacitive resonance. Review of Scientific Instruments, 85 (2014), 074704(10 pages).\r
Lijun Xu, Deming Kong, and Xiaolu Li, On-the-fly Extraction of Polyhedral Buildings from Airborne LiDAR Data, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol. 11, no.11, pp. 1946-1950, Nov. 2014.\r
Shijie Sun, Lijun Xu, Zhang Cao, Haili Zhou and Wuqiang Yang. A High-speed Electrical Impedance Measurement Circuit Based on Information-filtering Demodulation, Measurement Science and Technology, 25(2014) 075010 (10ppp).\r
Zhang Cao, Lijun Xu, 2D image reconstruction of a human chest by using Calderon’s method and the adjacent current pattern, Journal of Instrumentation, vol.8, no.3, 03004(17pp), 2013.\r
Jianjun Wang, Lijun Xu, Xiaolu Li, Zhongyi Quan, Quantitatively Evaluating Random Attitude Measurement Errors' Impacts on DSM Elevation Accuracy from Airborne Laser Scanning, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol.62, No.11, pp.3101-3109, 2013.\r
Zhongbao Wei, Xiaolu Li, Lijun Xu, Yanting Cheng, Comparative Study of Computational Intelligence Approaches for NOx Reduction of Coal-fired Boiler, Energy, Vol. 55, pp. 683-692, 15 June 2013.\r
Lijun Xu, Chang Liu, Zhang Cao, Particle Size Influence on Effective Permittivity of Particle-gas Mixture with Particle Clusters, Particuology, 11(2013) 216-224.\r
Zhongbao Wei, Xiaolu Li, Lijun Xu, Optimization of Operating Parameters for Low NOx Emission in High-Temperature Air Combustion, Energy and Fuels, 26(5):2821-2829, 2012.\r
Zhi Zhang, Ningjuan Ruan, Feng Zhou, Zhijun Liu, Lijun Xu, High power continuous wave Tm:YAP laser dual-end-pumped by laser diode at 795 nm, Laser Physics, Vol. 21, No. 6, pp. 1078-1080, Jun 2011.\r
David Melodelima, Jeffrey C. Bamber, Francis A. Duck, Jacqueline A. Shipley, Lijun Xu, Elastography for breast cancer diagnosis using radiation force: System development and performance evaluation, Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 387-396, March 2006.\r
Lijun Xu, Cancellation of harmonic interference by baseline shifting of wavelet packet decomposition coefficients, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 222-230, Jan. 2005.\r
Lijun Xu, Ya Wang and Feng Dong, On-line monitoring of non-axisymmetric flow profile with a multi-electrode inductance flowmeter, IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 1321-1326, 2004.

