2023-05-06 10:17
  • 王卓
  • 王卓 - 教授-北京航空航天大学-前沿科学技术创新研究院-个人资料




王卓教授 2006 年本科毕业于北京航空航天大学自动化(自动控制与信息技术)专业;2013 年博士毕业于美国伊利诺伊州芝加哥市的伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校,电子与计算机工程专业。\r
王博士曾经于 2013 至 2014 年间,在加拿大阿尔伯塔大学电子与计算机工程系担任博士后研究员。他于 2014 至 2015 年间,在香港科技大学霍英东研究院担任研究助理教授和博士后研究员职务。在 2015 年,王卓博士当选第十二批国家级青年人才项目。他目前在北京航空航天大学仪器科学与光电工程学院工作,是智能感知工程系主任、教授、博导。 \r
王卓教授是中国自动化学会第九届青年工作委员会副主任;中国人工智能学会(CAAI)智能控制与智能管理专业委员会委员;IEEE 计算智能协会 (CIS) 自适应动态规划与增强学习技术委员会 (ADPRLTC) 委员;中国自动化学会第一届自适应动态规划与强化学习 (ADPRL) 专业委员会委员;中国自动化学会技术过程的故障诊断与安全性专业委员会委员;以及中国自动化学会数据驱动控制、学习与优化专业委员会委员。他是国际刊物《IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems》副编辑;《自动化学报》 (Acta Automatica Sinica) 第 13 届编辑委员会编委;《控制理论与应用》(Control Theory & Applications) 第 7 届、第8届编辑委员会编委;《模式识别与人工智能》编辑委员会编委。王卓教授还曾经于 2014 年在国际知名学术刊物 IET Control Theory & Applications 的特刊:Data based control and process monitoring with industrial applications 上担任客座编辑。\r
此外,他还担任过第 24 届 International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2017),第 14 届 International Symposium on Neural Networks (ISNN 2017),和第 12 届 World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA 2016) 会议的 Program Committee Member。


他加入北航的仪器科学与光电工程学院、精密仪器与量子传感技术研究所之后,研究领域又新增加了:基于原子自旋效应的磁场及惯性测量系统控制、原子(量子)操控方法、复杂高精度测量系统状态估计与信号滤波等内容。 "


Data-Based Analysis Methods for The State Controllability and State Observability of Discrete-Time LTI Systems with Time-Delays.[期刊]:Journal of Robotics, Networking and Artificial Life,2020,6(4):235--239\r
Output Controllability Analysis of the Affine Nonlinear Systems.[会议录]:Proceedings of the 37th Youth Academic Annual Conference of Chinese Association of Automation (YAC2022),2023:1515--1520\r
Accurate expression and high-precision estimation of ||e^{At}||_2.[会议录]:Proceedings of the 41st Chinese Control Conference (CCC 2022):13--18\r
Formation Control for Second-Order Multi-agent System with Collision Avoidance and Communication Maintenance.[会议录]:Proceedings of the 17th Chinese Intelligent Systems Conference (CISC 2021),2022,805:690--697\r
Analysis on the Effect of Electron Spin Polarization on A Hybrid Optically Pumped K-Rb-21Ne Co-magnetometer.[期刊]:Optics Express,30(23):42114--42128\r
Detection of Single 13C Spins Coupled to NV Center via Dynamical Decoupling Design.[期刊]:Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics,2022,55(1):015301 (7pp)\r
复杂无向网络连通性的一种高效判定算法.[期刊]:自动化学报 (Acta Automatica Sinica),46(10):2129--2136\r
Design of A Non-Magnetic Temperature Control System Using AC Bridge to Measure Temperature.[会议录].Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.:Proceeding of the 36th Youth Academic Annual Conference of Chinese Association of Automation (YAC 2021):501--505\r
A Method for Analyzing the State Controllability of Linear Discrete Time-Varying Time-Delay Systems.[会议录]:Proceeding of the 2020 IEEE 9th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference (DDCLS’20):1176--1181\r
Controllability Analysis of Continuous-Time Affine Nonlinear Systems with Time-Delay.[会议录]:Proceeding of the 2020 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC 2020):3451--3454\r
Automatic Magnetic Compensation System for SERF Atomic Comagnetometer.[会议录]:Proceeding of the 35nd Youth Automation Conference of Chinese Association of Automation (YAC 2020):24--27\r
Finite-Time Estimation for Markovian BAM Neural Networks with Asymmetrical Mode-dependent Delays and Inconstant Measurements.[期刊].美国:IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems,2023,34(1):344--354\r
An Efficient Algorithm to Determine the Connectivity of Complex Directed Networks.[期刊].美国:IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics,2022,52(7):7164--7171\r
Transverse Light-Shift in A Spin-Exchange Relaxation-Free Co-Magnetometer: Measurement, Decoupling and Suppression.[期刊]:Optics Express,2022,30(9):15310--15326\r
Atomic Spin Polarization Controllability Analysis: A Novel Controllability Determination Method for Spin-Exchange Relaxation-Free Co-magnetometers.[期刊].Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers:IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica,2022,9(4):699--708\r
Analysis and Suppression of The Misalignment Error for The Pumping Laser in The Atomic Comagnetometer.[期刊]:Optics Express,2022,30(4):6374--6387\r
In-Situ Evaluation of Low-Frequency Magnetic Field Fluctuation in an Atomic Comagnetometer.[期刊]:IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL,2021,21(20):22846--22852\r
Double-Loop Control and Intelligent Parameter Tuning for The Temperature Control System of DBR Semiconductor Laser.[期刊]:Applied Optics,2021,60(2):326--332\r
Analysis and Suppression of the Polarization Error for the Optical Rotation Detection System in An Atomic Comagnetometer.[期刊]:Optics Express,2020,28(24):35748--35760\r
State Estimation for Networked Systems with Markov Driven Transmission and Buffer Constraint.[期刊].美国:IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems,2020,51(12):7727--7734\r
Self-Learning Optimal Control for Ice-Storage Air Conditioning Systems Via Data-Based Adaptive Dynamic Programming.[期刊].美国:IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,2020,68(4):3599--3608\r
Intelligent Modeling for Transfer Function Control of DBR Semiconductor Laser at Near-Working Point.[期刊].IEEE Xplore:IEEE Access,2020,8(1):24514--24521\r
Design and Optimization of Multilayer Cylindrical Magnetic Shield for SERF Atomic Magnetometer Application.[期刊].IEEE:IEEE Sensors Journal,2020,20(4):1793--1800\r
Multi-objective optimization of multilayer passive magnetic shield based on genetic algorithm.[期刊]:AIP Advances,2019,9(12):125210 (1--5)\r
An Improved Strong Connectivity Discriminant Algorithm for Complex Directed Networks.[专著].Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.:Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS, vol. 1102),2019,1102\r
Controllability Analysis of a Class of Affine.[会议录]:Proceedings of the 2018 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC2018),2019:188--191\r
Ultra-sensitive atomic magnetometers for studying spin precessions of hyperpolarized noble gases based on system identification.[期刊].IEEE Xplore:IEEE Sensors Journal,2018,18(24):9931--9939\r
State estimation for periodic neural networks with uncertain weight matrices and Markovian jump channel states.[期刊].IEEE Xplore:IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems,2018,48(11):1841--1850\r
Data-driven analysis methods for controllability and observability of a class of discrete LTI systems with delays.[会议录]:Proceedings of 2018 IEEE 7th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference (DDCLS'18),2018:380--384\r
SERF atomic magnetometer-recent advances and applications: A review.[期刊].IEEE Xplore:IEEE Sensors Journal,2018,18(20):8198--8207\r
Laser intensity stabilization control for an atomic spin gyroscope.[会议录]:Proceedings of the 13th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA 2018),2018:735--738\r
Dishwashing system based on loofahs.[会议录]:Proceedings of the 13th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA 2018),2018:1633--1636\r
A new approach to global stabilization of high-order time-delay uncertain nonlinear systems via time-varying feedback and homogeneous domination.[期刊].Pergamon Press:Journal of the Franklin Institute,2018,355(14):6469--6492\r
Rotation sensing decoupling of a dual-axis K-Rb-21Ne atomic comagnetometer.[期刊]:Applied Optics,2018,57(7):1611——1616\r
Sufficient and Necessary Conditions on Finite-Time.[期刊].美国 IEEE:IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics,2017,47(12):3331--3339\r
A Dual-Axis, High-Sensitivity Atomic Magnetometer.[期刊].中国物理学会:Chinese Physics B,2017,26(12):pp. (120702)1--5
王老师目前担任《自动化学报》编辑委员会委员;《控制理论与应用》编辑委员会委员;《模式识别与人工智能》编辑委员会委员;《IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems》副编辑;中国自动化学会会员、IEEE Member;中国自动化学会第八届青年工作委员会常务委员、第九届青年工作委员会副主任;中国自动化学会第一届自适应动态规划与强化学习(ADPRL)专业委员会委员;中国自动化学会技术过程的故障诊断与安全性专业委员会委员;中国自动化学会数据驱动控制、学习与优化专业委员会委员。

