2023-05-06 10:17
  • 梶野敏贵
  • 梶野敏贵 - 教授-北京航空航天大学-物理学院-个人资料




一直在东京都大学(1984 - 1993)和东京大学(1994 -现在)任教授,并于担任教授期间指导了32名研究生,从2017年3月开始在北航工作,目前招收了两名直博研究生\r
2004 - present Fellow, American Physical Society (USA)\r
1986 Jun. - 1987Aug. Visiting Research Associate, National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory,Michigan State University\r
1987 Sep. - 1992Aug. Consultant, Physics Division, Lawrence Livermore NationalLaboratory, University ofCalifornia\r
1989 May -Jun. Visiting Professor, Harvard Smithsonian Center forAstrophysics,\r
1989 Jul., 1992Feb.-Apr. Visiting Professor, Research School of Physical Sciences, Institute forAdvanced Studies, Australian National University\r
1992Jan. Visiting Professor, Research Centerfor Theoretical Astrophysics, University ofSydney\r
1995 May –Jun. Visiting Professor, Laboratory for Nuclear andHigh-Energy Physics, M & P.Curie University of Paris\r
1996 Oct., 1998Aug. Visiting Professor, Department of Physics, Ohio State University\r
1996 Jun.-Aug., 2001Jul.-Sep. Visiting Professor, Department of Physics and Center for Astrophysics,University of Notre Dame\r
2013 Paper selected as Highlight of Journal of Physics G in 2013: T. Suzuki, and T. Kajino, J. Phys.G40(2013), 083101, “Element Synthesis in Supernova Environmentand Neutrino Oscillations”\r
The University of Tokyo, GraduateSchool of Science, Professor\r
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Division of Science, Professor\r
The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, School of Physical Science, Adjunct Professor\r
Tohoku University, Graduate Program on Physics for the Universe, Visiting Lecturer\r
Japan Forum of Nuclear Astrophysics, Chairman




T. Hayakawa, H. Ko, M.K. Cheoun, M. Kusakabe, T. Kajino, U. Mark, S. Chiba, K. Namakura, T. Alexey,K. Nomoto, M. Hashimoto, M. Ono, G. J. Mathews, Phys. Rev. Lett.121(2018),Issue 10, id.102701, Short-livedradioisotope98Tc synthesized by supernova neutrino process.\r
M. A. Famiano, R. N.Boyd, T. Kajino, T. Onaka, and Y. Mo, Sci. Rep.8(2018),8833, Amino Acid ChiralSelection Via Weak Interactions in Stellar Environments: Implications for theOrigin of Life.\r
M. A.Famiano, R. N. Boyd, T. Kajino, T. Onaka, Astrobiology18(2018), 190-206, Selection of Amino AcidChirality via Weak Interactions with14Nin CrossedElectric andMagnetic Fields.\r
R. N. Boyd, M. A.Famiano, T. Kajino, T. Onaka, and Y. Mo, Astrophys. J.856(2018),article id. 26, 5 pp, Sites that can produceleft-handed amino acids in the supernova neutrino aminoacidprocessing model.\r
T. Maruyama, A. B.Balantekin, M.-K. Cheoun, T. Kajino, and G. J. Mathews, Phys. Lett.B779(2018),160-165, Axion Production fromLandau Quantization in the Strong Magnetic Field of Magnetars.\r
T. Suzuki, T. Yoshida,S. Shibagaki, T. Kajino, and T. Otsuka, Astrophys.J.859(2018), Issue 2, article id. 133, 9 pp, Beta-decay Ratesfor Exotic Nuclei and r-process Nucleosynthesis up to Thorium and Uranium.\r
J. W. Shin, M. K.Cheoun, T. Kajino, and T. Hayakawa, JCAP09(2018), 024, Spectralshape analysis for electron antineutrino oscillation study by using8Ligenerator with252Cf source.\r
K. Mori,M. A.Famiano,T. Kajino,T. Suzuki, P. M. Garnavich, G. J. Mathews, R. Diehl, S.-C. Leung, andK. Nomoto, Astrophys. J.863(2018),Issue 2, article id. 176, 10 pp, NucleosynthesisConstraints on the Explosion Mechanism for Type Ia Supernovae.\r
M. R. Gangopadhyay, G.J. Mathews, K. Ichiki, and T. Kajino, Eur. Phys. J.C78(2018), Issue 9, article id. 733, 10 pp, Explaining low lanomalies in the CMB power spectrum with resonant superstring excitationsduring inflation.\r
G.Abdellaoui et al. with T. Kajino (JEM EUSO Collaboration), Astropart.Phys.102(2018), 98-111, EUSO-TA -First results from a ground-based EUSO telescope.\r
G.Abdellaoui et al. with T. Kajino (JEM EUSO Collaboration), J. Instr.13,(2018), Issue 05, pp. P05023, Firstobservations of speed of light tracks by a fluorescence detector looking downon the atmosphere.\r
T. Kajino,and G. J. Mathews, Rep.Prog.Phys.80(2017), 084901 (16pp), Impact ofnew data for neutron-rich heavy nuclei on theoretical models for r-processnucleosynthesis.\r
S. Q. Hou, J. J. He, A.Parikh, D. Kahl, C. A. Bertulani, T. Kajino, G. J. Mathews & G. Zhao, Astrophys. J.834(2017), 165, Non-extensiveStatistics to the Cosmological Lithium Problem.\r
Y.Hirai, Y.Ishimaru, T. R. Saitoh, M. S. Fujii, J. Hidaka, and T. Kajino, MNRAS466(2017),2472-2487, The Relation between Enrichmentof R-process Elements and Dynamical Evolution of Dwarf Galaxies.\r
J. W. Shin,M. K. Cheoun, T. Kajino, and T. Hayakawa, JCAP04(2017), 044, Short-baseline electronantineutrino disappearance study by using neutrino sources From C13+Be9 reaction.\r
D. G.Yamazaki, M. Kusakabe, T. Kajino, G. J. Mathews, and M.-K. Cheoun, Int. J. Mod.Phys.E26(2017), 1741006 (12 pages), The new hybrid BBNmodel with the photon cooling, X particle, and the primordialmagneticfield.\r
Grant J.Mathews, Motohiko Kusakabe, and Toshitaka Kajino, Mod. Phys. Lett.E26(2017),1741001 (21 pages), Introduction toBig-Bang Nucleosynthesis and Modern Cosmology.\r
MotohikoKusakabe, Grant J. Mathews, Toshitaka Kajino, and Myung-Ki Cheoun, Int. J. Mod. Phys.E26(2017),1741004 (27 pages), Review on effects oflong-lived negatively charged massive particles on big-bang nucleosynthesis.\r
J. W. Shin,M. K. Cheoun, T. Kajino, and T. Hayakawa, J. Phys.Lett.G44(2017),09LT01; Corrigendum,G45(2018),029501, A new schemefor short baseline electron antineutrino disappearance study.\r
H. Sasaki,T. Kajino, T. Takiwaki, T. Hayakawa, A. B. Balantekin, and Y. Pehlivan, Phys. Rev.D96(2017), 043013, Possible effects ofcollective neutrino oscillations in the three flavor multi-angle simulations onsupernova νp-process.\r
T. Hayakawa, T.Nakamura, H. Kotaki, M. Kando, and T. Kajino, Quantum Beam Scienc1(2017),3 (12pp), Explosivenucleosynthesis study using laser driveng-ray pulses.\r
G.Abdellaoui et al. with T. Kajino (JEM EUSO Collaboration), NuclearInst. And Methods in Physics Research,A866(2017), 150-163, Cosmic rayoriented performance studies for the JEM-EUSO first level trigger.\r
G. Abdellaoui et al.with T. Kajino (JEM EUSO Collaboration), Planetaryand Space Science,143(2017), 245-255, Meteorstudies in the framework of the JEM-EUSO program.\r
T. Hayakawa, Y. Toh, M.Huang, T. Shizuma, A. Kimura, S. Nakamura, H. Harada, N. Iwamoto, S. Chiba andT. Kajino, Phys. Rev.C94(2016), 055803, Measurementof isomer productiuon ratio for the112Cd(n,g)113Cd reactionusing neutron beams at J-PARC.\r
S.Shibagaki, T. Kajino, G. J. Mathews, S. Chiba, S. Nishimura, and G. Lorusso, Astrophys.J.816(2016), 79, Relativecontributions of the weak, main and fission-recycling r-process.\r
T. Maruyama,M.-K. Cheoun, T. Kajino, and G. J. Mathews, Phys. Lett.B757(2016),125-129, Pion Production viaProton Synchrotron Radiation in Strong Magnetic Fields in Relativistic FieldTheory: Scaling Relations and Angular Distributions.\r
M. A.Famiano, A. B. Balantekin, and T. Kajino, Phys. Rev.C93(2016),045804, Low-lying resonancesand relativistic screening in Big Bang Nucleosynthesis.\r
C.Bertulani, and T. Kajino, Prog. Part.Nucl.Phys.89(2016),56-100, Frontiers inNuclear Astrophysics.\r
J. Hidaka,T. Kajino, and G. J. Mathews, Astrophys.J.827(2016), 85 (6pp), Red-supergiantand Supernova Rate Problems: Implication for the Relic Supernova NeutrinoSpectrum.\r
G. J.Mathews, B.Rose, P. Garnavich, D. Yamazaki, and T. Kajino, Astrophys. J.827(2016),60 (11pp), Detectability of cosmicdark flow in the type Ia supernova redshift-distance relation.\r
M. A.Famiano, T. Kajino, W. Aoki, and T. Suda, Astrophys. J.830(2016),61 (13pp), Dependence of the Sr/Baand Sr/Eu Ratios on the Nuclear Equation of states in the metal-poor halostars.\r
M. L.Warren, G. J. Mathews, M. Meixner, J. Hidaka, and T. Kajino, Int. J.Mod. Phys.A31(2016), 1650137, Impact ofsterile neutrino dark matter on core-collapse supernovae.\r
J. W. Shin,M. K. Cheoun, T- S. Park, and T. Kajino, Phys. Rev.C94(2016), 045804, New neutrinosource for the study of solar neutrino physics in the vacuum-matter transitionregion.\r
K. Mori,M. A.Famiano,T. Kajino,T. Suzuki,J. Hidaka, M. Honma, K. Iwamoto, K. Nomoto, andT. Otsuka, Astrophys. J.833(2016), 179, Impact of New GTStrengths on Explosive SN Ia Nucleosynthesis.\r
G. Lorusso,et al. with T. Kajino, Phys. Rev. Lett.114(2015),192501, β -Decay Half-Lives of110 Neutron-Rich Nuclei across the N =82 Shell Gap: Implications for theMechanism and Universality of the Astrophysical r Process.\r
Dai. G. Yamazaki,Toshitaka Kajino, Grant J. Mathews, and Kiyotomo Ichiki, Phys. Rep.517(2012),141-167, The Search for aPrimordial Magnetic Field.\r
Takashi Yoshida,Toshitaka Kajino, Hidekazu Yokomakura, Kei-ichi Kimura, Akira Takamura, andDieter Hartmann, Phys. Rev.Lett.96(2006), 091101, SupernovaNeutrinos Nucleosynthesis of Light Elements with Neutrino Oscillations.\r
A. Frebel, et al. withT. Kajino, Nature434(2005), 871-873, Nucleosyntheticsignature of the first stars.\r
TakashiYoshida, Toshitaka Kajino, and Dieter Hartmann, Phys. Rev.Lett.94(2005), 231101, Constrainingthe Spectrum of Supernova Neutrinos fromn-Process Induced LightElement Synthesis.\r
T. Hayakawa,N. Iwamoto, T. Shizuma, T. Kajino, H. Umeda, and K. Nomoto, Phys. Rev. Lett.93(2004), 161102, Evidence fornucleosynthesis in supernovag-process: Universal scaling on p-nuclei.\r
K. Ichiki,M. Yahiro, T. Kajino, M. Orito, and G. J. Mathews, Phys. Rev.D66(2002), 043521, Observationalconstraints on dark radiation in brane cosmology.\r
H. Kawakita,et al. with T. Kajino, Science294(2001), 1089-1091, The SpinTemperature of NH3in Comet C/1999S4 (LINEAR).\r
M. Terasawa, K.Sumiyoshi, T. Kajino, I. Tanihata, and G. J. Mathews, Astrophys. J.562(2001), 470-479, New Nuclear ReactionFlow towards R-Process Nucleosynthesis in Supernovae: A Critical Role of theLight Neutron-Rich Nuclei.\r
S. Wanajo,T. Kajino, and G. J. Mathews, and K. Otsuki, Astrophys.J.554(2001), 578-586, Ther-process in netrino-driven winds from nascent compact neutron stars ofcore-collapse supernovae.\r
K. Otsuki, H. Tagoshi,T. Kajino and S. Wanajo, Astrophys. J.533(2000), 424-439, The generalrelativistic effects on neutrino-driven winds from young, hot neutron stars andthe r-process nucleosynthesis.\r
F. C.Barker, and T. Kajino, AustralianJ. Phys.44(1991), 369-396, Channelcontributions to low energy12C(4He,g)16O crosssection in massive stars.\r
T. Kajino, Phys. Rev. Lett.66(1991),125-128, Can quark-gluon plasma formation inrelativistic heavy-ion collisions constraininhomogeneous cosmologies?\r
T. Kajino,and R. N. Boyd, Astrophys.J.359(1990), 267-276, Productionof light elements in primordial nucleosynthesis.\r
T. Kajino, Nucl. Phys.A460(1986), 559-580, Thenuclearstructure and reactions of3He(4He,g)7Be and3H(4He,g)7Liatastrophysical energies.\r
T. Kajino, and A.Arima, Phys. Rev. Lett.52(1984), 739-742, Resonating groupcalculations of radiative capture reactions3He(4He,g)7Be and3H(4He,g)7Li atastrophysical low energies and missing solar neutrino problem.

