2023-05-06 10:12
  • 秦中峰
  • 秦中峰 - 教授-北京航空航天大学-经济管理学院-个人资料








Du N, Yan Y and Qin Z*. Analysis of financing strategy in coopetition supply chain with opportunity cost. European Journal of Operational Research. \r
Xu M and Qin Z*. Bayesian framework for interval-valued data using Jeffreys’ prior and posterior predictive checking methods. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation. \r
Xu M, Qin Z* and Wei Y. Exploring the financing and allocating schemes for the Chinese green climate fund. Environment, Development and Sustainability. \r
Yan Y, Zhao Q, Qin Z* and Sun G. Integration of development and advertising strategies for multi-attribute products under competition. European Journal of Operational Research 300 (2022) 490-503.\r
Yan Y, Zhao Q, Qin Z* and Lev B. Inter-competitor outsourcing: On the advantages of profit and product launching time. Transportation Research Part E 158 (2022) 102581.\r
Dong S, Qin Z and Yan Y. Effects of online-to-offline spillovers on pricing and quality strategies of competing firms. International Journal of Production Economics 244 (2022) 108376.\r
Xu M and Qin Z*. A bivariate Bayesian method for interval-valued regression models. Knowledge-Based Systems 235 (2022) 107396.\r
Wu R, Qin Z* and Liu B. A systemic analysis of dynamic frequency spillovers among carbon emissions trading (CET), fossil energy and sectoral stock markets: Evidence from China. Energy 254 (2022) 124176\r
Dai Y and Qin Z*. Multi-period uncertain portfolio optimization model with minimum transaction lots and dynamic risk preference. Applied Soft Computing 109 (2021) 107519.\r
Xu M, Qin Z and Zhang S. Carbon dioxide mitigation co-effect analysis of clean air policies: lessons and perspectives in China’s Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. Environmental Research Letters 16(1) (2021) 015006.\r
Wu R and Qin Z*. Assessing market efficiency and liquidity: Evidence from China's emissions trading scheme pilots. Science of the Total Environment 769 (2021) 144707.\r
Xu M and Qin Z*. A novel hybrid ARIMA and regression tree model for the interval-valued time series. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 91(5) (2021)1000-1015.\r
Qin Z. Uncertain random goal programming. Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making 17(4) (2018) 375-386.\r
Qin Z. Random fuzzy mean-absolute deviation models for portfolio optimization problem with hybrid uncertainty. Applied Soft Computing 56 (2017) 597-603.\r
Qin Z and Gao Y. Uncapacitated p-hub location problem with fixed costs and uncertain flows. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 28(3) (2017) 705-716.\r
Gao Y andQin Z*. A chance constrained programming approach for uncertain p-hub center location problem, Computers & Industrial Engineering 102 (2016) 10-20.\r
Gao Y and Qin Z*. On computing the edge-connectivity of an uncertain graph. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 24(4) (2016) 981-991.\r
Qin Z. Mean-variance model for portfolio optimization problem in the simultaneous presence of random and uncertain returns.European Journal of Operational Research 245 (2015) 480-488.\r
Yao K and Qin Z*. A modified insurance risk process with uncertainty. Insurance Mathematics and Economics 65 (2015) 227-233.\r
Chen M, Wang H and Qin Z*. Principal component analysis for probabilistic symbolic data: A more generic and accurate algorithm. Advances in Data Analysis and Classification 9 (2015) 59-79.\r
Li X and Qin Z*. Interval portfolio selection models within the framework of uncertainty theory. Economic Modelling 41 (2014) 338-344.\r
Qin Z and Kar S. Single-period inventory problem under uncertain environment. Applied Mathematics and Computation 219(18) (2013) 9630-9638.\r
Li X, Shou B and Qin Z. An expected regret minimization portfolio selection model. European Journal of Operational Research 218(2) (2012) 484-492.\r
Wen M, Qin Z and Kang R. Sensitivity and stability analysis in fuzzy data envelopment analysis. Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making 10(1) (2011) 1-10.\r
Li X, Qin Z*, Yang L and Li K. Entropy maximization model for trip distribution problem with fuzzy and random parameters. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 235(8) (2011) 1906-1913.\r
Qin Z, Bai MandRalescu D. A fuzzy control system with application to production planning problem. Information Sciences 181 (2011) 1018-1027.\r
Li X, Qin Z* and Yang L. A chance-constrained portfolio selection model with risk constraints. Applied Mathematics and Computation 217 (2010) 949-951.\r
Qin Z and Ji X, Logistics network design for product recovery in fuzzy environment, European Journal of Operational Research 202 (2010) 479-490.\r
Li X, Qin Z* and Kar S. Mean-variance-skewness model for portfolio selection with fuzzy parameters. European Journal of Operational Research 202 (2010) 239-247.\r
Qin Z and Gao X. Fractional Liu process with application to finance. Mathematical and Computer Modeling 50 (2009) 1538-1543.\r
Qin Z, Li X and Ji X. Portfolio selection based on fuzzy cross-entropy. Journal of Computational and Applied mathematics 228 (2009) 139-149.\r
Qin Z and Li X. Option pricing formula for fuzzy financial market. Journal of Uncertain Systems 2 (2008) 17-21.

