教育背景\r2002.9-2006.7 清华大学数学科学系本科,获理学学士学位\r2006.9-2007.7 法国巴黎十一大数学系研究生,获分析、代数与几何硕士学位\r2007.9-2010.12 法国巴黎十一大数学系博士生,获数学专业博士学位。导师Guy David, 博士论文题目:欧氏空间的二维极小集与极小锥\r\r工作简历\r2010.9-2012.8 法国巴黎十一大数学系教研助理\r2012.9-2014.8 英国University of Warwick 博士后\r2014.9-2016.6 法国里昂一大终身教职Maitre de conferences \r2016.7至今北京航空航天大学教授研究领域
Accepted\r\rXiangyu Liang, Unique tangent behaviour for one dimensional stationary varifolds in arbitrary dimension, to appear in Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, 2017\r\rPublications\r\rXiangyu Liang, Limits of topological minimal sets with finitely generated coefficient group, J. Lond. Math. Soc. (2) 94 (2016), no. 1, 230-252.\r\rXiangyu Liang, Regularity for minimal sets near a union of two planes, Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble) 66 (2016), no. 5, 2067-2099.\r\rXiangyu Liang, On the topological minimality of unions of planes of arbitrary dimension, Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2015, no. 23, 12490-12539.\r\rXiangyu Liang, Global regularity for minimal sets near a T set and counter examples, Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 30 (2014), no. 1, 203-236.\r\rXiangyu Liang, Almgren and topological minimality for the set Y × Y , Journal of Functional Analysis 266 (2014), 6007-6054.\r\rXiangyu Liang, Topological minimizers and their applications, Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations 47 (2013), no. 3-4, 523-546.\r\rXiangyu Liang, Almgren-minimality of unions of two almost orthogonal planes in R4, Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. (3) 106 (2013), no. 5, 1005-1059.\r\rXiangyu Liang, Ensembles et cones minimaux de dimension 2 dans les espaces euclidiens, Ph.D. thesis, Université de Paris-Sud 11, Orsay, December 2010. 相关热点