2023-05-06 10:08
  • 李红
  • 李红 - 副教授-北京航空航天大学-经济管理学院-个人资料







Li,Hong、Lin, Hao、Wu, Junjie、*Cheng, Gong,BV-RSA: A rapid simulatedannealing model for ensemble clustering,12th International Conference on Service Systems andService Management, ICSSSM 2015, Guangzhou, China.\r
Pan,Na、Li, Hong、*Liu, Chunyang,ICA k-means based timeseries clustering analysis of online word-of-mouth,12th InternationalConference on Service Systems and Service Management, ICSSSM 2015, Guangzhou,China.\r
尤薇佳,李红,刘鲁.突发事件Web信息传播渠道信任比较研究[J].管理科学学报, 2014(2): 19-33.\r
HaoYu, Hong Li. Modeling and Analysis Microblogging Forwarding Intention based onStructural Equation[C]. WIT Transactions on Information and CommunicationTechnologies. 2014. Vol 55: 603-611.\r
吴俊杰,刘洪甫,李红,韩小汀.一种基于一致性聚类的Web文本分类方法,CN 103049581A. (中国专利公开号). 2013\r
ShiHui-bin,Li Hong,LiuLu,WangLi. A Synthetic Evaluation Model for ConsumerProducts Quality Safety Based on the VIKOR Method. Information-an InternationalInterdisciplinary Journal. 2012. 15(10): 4037-4047.\r
LiWang, Hui-bin Shi, Shan Yu, Hong Li. An application of enterprise systems inquality management. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT. 2012. 13(4):389-402.\r
ZhimingLiu, Lu Liu, Hong Li. Determinants of information retweeting in microblogging.Internet Research. 2012. 22(4): pp. 443 – 466.\r
吕成功,李红.集成知识系统的权责控制.系统工程理论与实践. 2013. 33(8): 2057-2064.\r
Hong Li, Jianxin Zhang.Emotion Monitoring and Abnormal Warning based on Online Comments. WITTransactions on Information and Communication Technologies. 46 Volume 2:1045-1052. 2013. China.\r
韩小汀,刘辰,吴俊杰,李红,姚忠.在线社交网络环境下信息态的传播研究.广义虚拟经济研究. 2013, 4(1): 79-87.\r
Shi Hui-bin, Li Hong, LiuLu, Wang Li. A credit risk assessment system for the small and mediumenterprises in china. Journal of Convergence Information Technology (JCIT).2012 7(2): 277-284.\r
Huibin Shi, Li Wang, HongLi, 1Lu Liu. Evaluating the Usefulness of Online Reviews Based on the TOPSISMethod and the VIKOR Method. Advances in information Sciences and ServiceSciences (AISS). 2012. 4(8): 321-329.\r
Chenggong Lv, Huibin Shi,Lu Liu, Hong Li. Privilege Control in Adaptive Case Management. InternationalJournal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications (JDCTA). 2012. 6(3):63-69.\r
李游,闪四清,李红,刘鲁.面向突发事件的虚拟社区知识共享实证研究.管理评论. 2012. 24(11): 87-96\r
Zhiming Liu, Lu liu, HongLi. An Empirical Study of Sentiment Analysis for Chinese Microblogging [C]. the11th wuhan international conference on E-Business, 2012. Wuhan.\r
Shi Huibin, Li Hong, LiuLu, Wang Li. Sorting Online Reviews by usefulness Based on the VIKOR Meth the11th wuhan international conference on E-Business, 2012, Wuhan.\r
Zhiming Liu, Lu liu, HongLi. An Empirical Study of Sentiment Analysis for Chinese Microblogging. The11th wuhan international conference on E-Business, 2012.\r
高雅,李红,施慧斌.在线评论投票数的影响因素研究[J].中国管理信息化. 2012, 9, 88-91.\r
Li Hong, Gao Ya. Researchon determinants of voting for online reviews[C]. International Conference onInformation Science and Control Engineering. 2012\r
蔡华利,李红,刘鲁.基于Web挖掘的突发事件破坏指数测度研究[J],情报学报. 2011, 30(4): 410-416\r
蔡华利,刘鲁,李红.基于规则推理的突发事件发生地点识别研究[J].情报学报. 2011, 30(2): 219-224\r
Lin Jiajia, Li Hong.Analysis Impact Factors of Trust of Emergent Events on Web Diffusion Channels.Proceedings 2011 2nd International Conference on Emergency Management andManagement Sciences. Beijing, China. 2011:167-170.\r
Hui-bin Shi, Hong Li, LuLiu, Li Wang. A web-based risk assessment system for consumer product quality.2011 Asian Conference of Management Science & Applications, December 21-22,2011, Sanya\r
Wenting Zhang, Hong Li.Imbalanced distribution analysis based on telecom data. ICIM2010 Industrialmanagement. 2010: 392-394.\r
Hong Li, Jinfeng Wei.Netnews Hot Topic Detection Based on Bursty Features. The InternationalConference on E-Business and E-Government. GuangZhou China, May 2010:1437-144.\r
GaoHui,LiHong,XuYingcheng,ZengJunwei. Research on the object-oriented simulation of concrete dam construction.ICCMS 2010: 15-21.

