2023-05-06 10:06
  • 吕广宏
  • 吕广宏 - 教授-北京航空航天大学-物理学院-个人资料




北京航空航天大学物理学院教授、院长,长江学者特聘教授、先进核能材料北京市重点实验室主任。主持科技部国际热核聚变实验堆(ITER)专项2项,杰出青年基金1项、基金重点国际合作项目1项,基金面上与青年项目6项。主编文集3部,发表包括第一/通讯作者2篇PRL、12篇Phys.Rev. B/Appl. Phys. Lett、15篇Nucl. Fusion、27篇J.Nucl. Mater.在内的SCI文章100余篇,授权发明专利4项。担任物理专业课程《热力学与统计物理》、研究生课程《计算物理》等课程主讲教师,近年来培养博士、硕士研究生二十余名。\r
《Tungsten》杂志副主编;《原子能科学技术》杂志常务副主编;《Nuclear Energy & Materials》杂志编委\r
“Plasma Facing Materials & Components forFusion Application”、“International Conference on ComputerSimulation of Radiation Effects in Solids”系列国际会议国际顾问委员会委员




X. L. Zhu, Y. Zhang, A.Kreter, L. Q. Shi, Y. Yuan, L. Cheng, C. Linsmeier andG. H. Lu*,Aggravated blisteringand increased deuterium retention in iron-damaged tungsten after exposure todeuterium plasma with various surface temperatures,Nuclear Fusion58, 106005 (2018).\r
L. Cheng, G. DeTemmerman, T. W. Morgan, T. Schwarz-Selinger, Y. Yuan, H. B. Zhou, B. Wang, Y.Zhang andG. H. Lu*, Mitigatedblistering and deuterium retention in tungstenexposed to high-flux deuterium-neon mixed plasmas,Nuclear Fusion57, 046028 (2017).\r
G. H. Lu*, L. Cheng, K. Arshad,Y. Yuan, J. Wang, S. Y. Qin, Y.Zhang, K.G. Zhu, G. N. Guang, H. S. Zhou, B. Li,J. F. Wu, B. Wang, Development and Optimization of STEP-A Linear Plasma Devicefor Plasma-Material Interaction Studies,Fusion Science and Technology71, 177 (2017).\r
H. B. Zhou, J. L. Wang ,W. Jiang ,G. H. Lu*, J. A. Aguiard* and F. Liu*, Electrophobicinteraction induced impurity clustering in metals,Acta Materialia119, 1 (2016).\r
L. L. Niu, Y. Zhang, X.L. Shu, F. Gao*, S. Jin, H. B. Zhou,G.H. Lu*, Shear-coupled grainboundary migration assisted by unusual atomic shuffling,Scientific Reports6, 23602 (2016).\r
X.L. Zhu, Y. Zhang, L.Cheng, Y. Yuan, G. De Temmerman, B. Y. Wang, X. Z. Cao andG. H. Lu*,Deuterium occupation of vacancy-type defects in argon-damaged tungsten exposedto high flux and low energy deuterium plasma,Nuclear Fusion56, 036010 (2016).\r
L.Cheng, G. De temmerman, P. A. Zeijlmans van emmichoven, G. Ji, H. B. Zhou, B.Wang, Y. Yuan*, Y. Zhang,Guang-Hong Lu*, Effect of neon plasmapre-irradiation on surface morphology and deuterium retention of tungsten,Journalof Nuclear Materials463, 1025-1028 (2015).\r
Liang-LiangNiu, Ying Zhang, Xiaolin Shu*, Shuo Jin, Hong-Bo Zhou, Fei Gao andGuang-HongLu*, Interplay between intrinsic point defects and low-angle grain boundaryin bcc tungsten: effects of local stress field,Journal of Physics-CondensedMatter27, 255007(2015).\r
Guang-HongLu*, Hong-Bo Zhou, and C. S. Becquart, Areview of modelling and simulation of hydrogen behaviour in tungsten atdifferent scales,Nuclear Fusion54, 21 (2014).\r
LuSun, Shuo Jin, Hong-Bo Zhou, Ying Zhang, W. Q. Zhang, Y. Ueda, H. T. Lee, andGuang-HongLu*, Critical concentration for hydrogen bubble formation in metals,Journalof Physics-Condensed Matter26, 9 (2014).\r
LeiZhang, C. C. Fu*, andGuang-Hong Lu*, Energetic landscape anddiffusion of He in alpha-Fe grain boundaries from first principles,PhysicalReview B87, 11 (2013).\r
LeiZhang, Ying Zhang, andGuang-Hong Lu*, Structure and stability of He andHe-vacancy clusters at a Sigma 5(310)/ 001 grain boundary in bcc Fe from first-principles,Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter25, 10 (2013).\r
LuSun, Shuo Jin*, Xiao-Chun Li, Ying Zhang, andGuang-Hong Lu*,Hydrogen behaviors in molybdenum and tungsten and a generic vacancy trappingmechanism for H bubble formation,Journal of Nuclear Materials434,395-401 (2013).\r
Hong-Bo Zhou, Shuo Jin, Ying Zhang,Guang-Hong Lu*, andFeng Liu, Anisotropic Strain Enhanced Hydrogen Solubility in bcc Metals: TheIndependence on the Sign of Strain,Physical Review Letters109,135502 (2012).\r
Xiao-Chun Li, Xiaolin Shu, Yi-Nan Liu, YiYu, F. Gao, andGuang-Hong Lu*, Analytical W-He and H-He interatomicpotentials for a W-H-He system,Journal of Nuclear Materials426,31-37 (2012).\r
LeiZhang, Ying Zhang, Wen-Tong Geng, andGuang-Hong Lu*, Towardstheoretical connection between tensile strength of agrain boundary andsegregated impurity concentration: Helium in iron as an example,EurophysicsLetters98, 17001(2012).\r
Hong-BoZhou, Shuo Jin, Xiaolin Shu, Ying Zhang,Guang-Hong Lu*, and F. Liu,Stress tensor: A quantitative indicator of effective volume and stability ofhelium in metals,Europhysics Letters96, 5 (2011).\r
Xiao-ChunLi, Xiaolin Shu, Yi-Nan Liu, F. Gao, andGuang-Hong Lu*, Modifiedanalytical interatomic potential for a W-H system with defects,Journal ofNuclear Materials408, 12-17 (2011).\r
Hong-BoZhou, Yue-Lin Liu, Chen Duan, Shuo Jin, Ying Zhang, F. Gao, Xiaolin Shu*,andGuang-Hong Lu*, Effect of vacancy on the sliding of an iron grainboundary,Journal of Applied Physics109, 5 (2011).\r
Hong-BoZhou, Yue-Lin Liu, Shuo Jin, Ying Zhang, G. N. Luo, andGuang-Hong Lu*,Towards suppressing H blistering by investigating the physical origin of theH-He interaction in W,Nuclear Fusion50, 8 (2010).\r
Hong-BoZhou, Yue-Lin Liu, Shuo Jin, Ying Zhang, G. N. Luo, andGuang-Hong Lu*,Investigating behaviours of hydrogen in a tungsten grain boundary by firstprinciples: from dissolution and diffusion to a trapping mechanism,NuclearFusion50, 10 (2010).\r
Yue-LinLiu, Ying Zhang, Hong-Bo Zhou,Guang-Hong Lu*,Feng Liu, Guang-Nan Luo,Vacancy trappingmechanism for hydrogen bubble formation in metal,Physical Review B,79,172103 (2009).

