2023-05-06 10:01
  • 胡伟平
  • 胡伟平 - 副教授-北京航空航天大学-航空科学与工程学院-个人资料




1975年生,2002年于北京航空航天大学航空科学与工程学院固体力学专业获得博士学位,同年7月留校任教,承担材料力学理论课与实验课的教学,目前主要讲授本科生课程《材料力学》与研究生课程《断裂与损伤力学》。2004年获“徐芝纶杯”全国基础力学青年教师讲课比赛二等奖,2005年获国家级教学成果二等奖,2005年被评为北航“蓝天新星”,2008年被评为北航优秀主讲教师,2015年2月-2016年2月被北航选派赴美国路易斯安娜州立大学固体力学领域知名教授George Z. Voyiadjis实验室交流访问,2017年被评为北航教学名师。目前共发表论文60余篇,其中国际期刊论文30余篇,参加编写专著1部——《断裂与损伤力学》,主持或参加国家自然基金、973项目专题、重大专项子课题、民机科研项目、航空基金、航空航天研究院所课题等30多项科研项目的研究工作。




Fukai Li,WeipingHu*, Qingchun Meng, Zhixin Zhan, Fei Shen, A new damage-mechanics-basedmodel for rolling contact fatigue analysis of cylindrical roller bearing,Tribology International 120 (2018) 105–114\r
JiaojiaoTang,Weiping Hu*, Qingchun Meng, Linlin Sun, Zhixin Zhan, A noveltwo-scale damage model for fatigue damage analysis of transition region betweenhigh- and low-cycle fatigue, International Journal of Fatigue 105 (2017)208–218\r
Ying Sun,George Z Voyiadjis,Weiping Hu*, Qingchun Meng,Yuanming Xu,Fatigue damageanalysis of double-lap bolted joints considering the effects of hole coldexpansion and bolt clamping force, Journal of Engineering Materials andTechnology (Transactions of the ASME), APRIL 2017,Vol.139,021007-1-10\r
ZhanZhixin,Hu Weiping*, Shen Fei, Meng Qingchun, Pu Jing, Guan Zhidong,Fatigue life calculation for a specimen with an impact pit considering impactdamage, residual stress relaxation and elastic-plastic fatigue damage,International Journal of Fatigue, 96 (2017) 208–223.\r
Ying Sun,George Z Voyiadjis,Weiping Hu*, Fei Shen, Qingchun Meng, Fatigue andfretting fatigue life prediction of double-lap bolted joints using continuumdamage mechanics-based approach, International Journal of Damage Mechanics,Volume 26, Issue 1, January 2017, 162-188\r
Fei Shen,WeipingHu*, Qingchun Meng,A non-local approach based onthe hypothesis of damage dissipation potential equivalence to the effect ofstress gradient in fretting fatigue,InternationalJournal of Fatigue, 90 (2016) 125–138\r
Ping Hu,Qingchun Meng,Weiping Hu*, Fei Shen, Zhixin Zhan, Linlin Sun, Acontinuum damage mechanics approach coupled with an improved pit evolutionmodel for the corrosion fatigue of aluminum alloy, Corrosion Science 113 (2016)78–90\r
Ying Sun,Weiping Hu*,Fei Shen,QingchunMeng,Yuanming Xu,Numerical simulations of the fatiguedamage evolution at a fastener hole treated by cold expansion or withinterference fit pin,InternationalJournal of Mechanical Sciences,2016,107:188-200.\r
Fei Shen,Weiping Hu*,George Z. Voyiadjis,Qingchun Meng,Effectsof fatigue damage and wear on fretting fatigue under partial slip condition,Wear,2015,338–339:394-405。\r
Fei Shen,Weiping Hu*,Qingchun Meng,A damage mechanics approach to fretting fatigue life predictionwith consideration of elastic–plastic damage model and wear,Tribology International,2015,82:176-190。\r
Zhan Zhixin,Hu Weiping*,Zhang Miao,MengQingchun,The fatigue life prediction forstructure with surface scratch considering cutting residual stress, initialplasticity damage and fatigue damage,International Journal of Fatigue,2015,74:173-182。\r
Hu Weiping*,Shen Quanan,Zhang Miao,Meng Qingchun,Zhang Xing,Corrosion-FatigueLife Prediction for 2024-T62 Aluminum Alloy Using Damage Mechanics-BasedApproach,International Journal of DamageMechanics, 2012,21(8):1245-1266。

