1、基本信息姓名:方乐职称:副教授办公地点:2号楼411 2、教育背景:2006/9–2009/7,法国里昂中央理工大学,流体力学,博士,导师:J.P.Bertoglio2004/9–2006/7,清华大学,流体力学,硕士,导师:崔桂香2000/9–2004/7,清华大学,力学,学士,导师:崔桂香3、工作经历:2012/2-至今,北京航空航天大学,中法工程师学院,副教授2011/5-2011/12,法国里昂中央理工大学,流体与声学实验室,工程师2009/9-2011/4,法国里昂中央理工大学,博士后,合作导师:F. Lebeouf4、主讲课程:流体力学(2013-至今)微分方程(2012-2015)高等流体力学(2017)流体力学习题课(2012-2013)微分方程习题课(2015-2016)代数习题课(2014-2016)计算力学中的时间积分习题课(2012)5、研究领域方向:湍流、计算流体力学6、代表性研究成果(论著、专利等) · 方乐,非均衡湍流:现象、理论与建模,2016年湍流与流动稳定性专题研讨会,厦门, 2016· 鲍赋劼,方乐,槽道湍流中应变率张量的拉格朗日时间自相关研究,全国流体力学学术会议,南京, 2016· 方乐,W.J.T. Bos,晋国栋,各向同性湍流拉格朗日速度梯度交叉相关函数的短期增长现象,中国力学大会,上海, 2015· 金雪夫,方乐,王颖,一种基于势能网格的新型人群流动数值模拟方法,中国力学大会,上海, 2015· 方乐,各向同性非均衡湍流与大涡模拟,2014年湍流与流动稳定性专题研讨会,上海, 2014· 曲波,方乐,陆利蓬,被动标量湍流对流与标量脉动梯度相关性研究,中国力学大会,西安, 2013· 吴建钊,姚思远,吕金明,方乐,任意方向三点速度增量的二阶结构函数的研究,中国力学大会,西安, 2013· 孙雪砚,方乐,柳阳威,亚格子建模中正交条件的研究,北航研究生学术论坛,北京, 2016· 李豪扬,方乐,牛薇,王璐,基于斜截式变换的红外触摸屏触点识别算法,北航研究生学术论坛,北京, 2014· 李博,方乐,陆利蓬, Scaling law of resolved-scale isotropic turbulence and itsapplication in large-eddy simulation,北航研究生学术论坛,北京, 2013· 曲波,方乐,陆利蓬, Statistical correlation between scalar gradient and advection inturbulent passive scalar mixing,北航研究生学术论坛,北京, 2013· Marc Pauly著,方乐译,微分方程,科学出版社,北京, 2013· 方乐,牛薇,李豪扬,基于点斜式变换的红外触摸屏的单触点识别方法,申请号:201410222324.X· 方乐,牛薇,张浩,管健,基于红外触摸屏触摸点识别算法的虚拟测试系统和方法,申请号:201310149129.4· sph-turb: 3D SPH simulation for homogeneousisotropic turbulence (Fortran 77)· pushbox-pyqt: A PyQT based Sokoban solver7、获奖情况:2016北航第一届“研究生课程卓越教学奖”近期论文
· L. Fang, X.Y. Sun, and Y.W. Liu.A criterion of orthogonality onthe assumption and restrictions in subgrid-scale modelling of turbulence.Physics Letters A,380(47): 3988-3992 (2016) (SCI)· L. Fang, Y.J. Zhang, J. Fang, and Y.Zhu.Relation of the fourth-order statistical invariants ofvelocity gradient tensor in isotropic turbulence.Physical Review E,94(2): 023114 (2016) (SCI)· L. Fang, J.C. Marongiu, J. Leduc, A.Amicarelli, and J. Caro. A high-order SPH method by introducing inversekernels.Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, accepted (2016) (SCI)· Z.C. Qin,L.Fang, and J. Fang.How isotropic are turbulent flows generated by using periodic conditions ina cube?PhysicsLetters A,380(13): 1310-1317 (2016) (SCI)· Y.W. Liu,H. Yan,L. Fang, L.P. Lu, Q.S. Li, and L. Shao.Modified k-omega model using kinematic vorticity forcorner separation in compressor cascade.Science China Technological Sciences. 59(5):795-806 (2016) (SCI)· L. Fang, F.Y. Liu, S. Chen, and J.Z.Wu.The SPH-EL method for the simulation of the interactionbetween water drops and solid wall.Journal of Modern MechanicalEngineering and Technology,2(2): 55-60 (2015)· L. Fang, W.J.T. Bos, and G.D. Jin,Short-time evolution of Lagrangian velocity gradientcorrelations in isotropic turbulence,Physics of Fluids, 27:125102 (2015) (SCI)· M.W. Ge,L.Fang, and D. Tian,Influence of Reynolds number on multi-objective designof a wind turbine blade in the aspect of aerodynamics.PloS one, 10(11):E0141848 (2015) (SCI)· L. Fang, Y. Zhu, Y.W. Liu, and L.P.Lu,Spectral non-equilibrium property in homogeneousisotropic turbulence and its implication in subgrid-scale modeling,Physics Letters A, 379(38),2331-2336 (2015) (SCI)· W.J.T. Bos,andL. Fang,Dependency of turbulent advection on the Lagrangiancorrelation time,Physical Review E, 91, 043020 (2015) (SCI)· Y.S. Ma,L.Fang, and Y. Wang,Advances of some recent mechanical models on emergencyevacuation,Journal of Modern Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 1(1): 25-30(2014)· L. Fang,Correlation between large- and small-scale velocity components underFourier filters,Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters, 4(6):10-062008 (2014)· L. Fang, L. Shao, and J.P. Bertoglio,Recent understanding on the subgrid-scale modeling oflarge-eddy simulation in physical space,Science China Physics, Mechanics& Astronomy, 57(12): 2188-2193 (2014) (SCI)· L. Fang, J.Z. Wu, and Y.W. Liu,Inverse SPH method: a new method for restoringhigh-order consistency,Energy Education Science and Technology Part A,32(6): 4839-4848 (2014) (EI)· S. Chen,L.Fang, and B. Qu,A numerical method for tracking the deformation of fluid particles,Applied Mechanics andMaterials, 556-562: 3752-3755 (2014) (EI)· F.Y. Liu,L.Fang,A Local regrouping method in the 2D SPH simulation.Applied Mechanics andMaterials, 556-562: 3756-3759 (2014) (EI)· L. Fang, B. Li, and L.P. Lu,Scaling law of resolved-scale isotropic turbulence andits application in large-eddy simulation,Acta Mechanica Sinica, 30(3),339-350 (2014) (SCI)· H. Yan,Y.W. Liu,L. Fang, and L.P. Lu,Modificationof Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model for predicting S825 airfoil aerodynamicperformance,Applied Mechanics and Materials, 543-547:189-194 (2014) (EI)· S.Y. Yao,L. Fang, J.M. Lv, J.Z. Wu, and L.P. Lu,Multiscale three-point velocity increment correlation in turbulent flows,Physics Letters A,378(11-12), 886-891 (2014) (SCI)· Y.S. Jiang,L. Fang, X.D. Jing, X.F. Sun, and F. Leboeuf,A second-order numerical method for elliptic equationswith singular sources using local filter,Chinese Journal of Aeronautics,26(6), 1398-1408 (2013) (SCI)· L. Fang, M.W. Ge, and J.Z. Wu,Comment on \ 相关热点