2023-05-06 09:43
  • 胡清扬
  • 胡清扬 - Staff Scientist--胡清扬-个人资料




Youth 1000-Talents Award\r
Staff Scientist, Beijing Laboratory


"""""Study the physics and chemistry of the Earth's mantle and core


Medium-range structure motifs of complex iron oxides Huang S. and Hu, Q.* J. Appl. Phys.. 131, 070902(2022).\r
High temperature melting curve of basaltic glass by laser flash heating Zhuang Y., Li, J., Lu, W., Yang, X., Du, Z.* and Hu, Q.* Chin. Phys. Lett. 39, 020701 (2022).\r
Freeze-thaw controlled aggregation mechanism of humic acid-coated goethite: Implications for organic carbon preservation Wu, S.; Liu, C., Li, X., Xiao, B.* and Hu, Q.* Geoderma. 406, 115514 (2022).\r
Ultrasound elasticity of diamond at gigapascal pressures Hu, Q., Li, B.,* Gao, X., Lei, S., Yan B., and Mao, H.-K. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A, 18, e2118490118 (2021).\r
Role of hydrogen and proton transportation in Earth's deep mantle Hu, Q.* and Mao, H.-K. Matter. Radiat. Extreme., 6, 068101 (2021).\r
Born’s valence force-field model for diamond at terapascals: Validity and implications for the primary pressure scale Hu, Q.* and Mao, H.-K. Matter. Radiat. Extreme., 6, 068403 (2021).\r
Phase transition mechanism and bandgap engineering of Sb2S3 at gigapascal pressures. Cui, Z., Bu, K., Zhuang, Y., Donnelly M.-E., Zhang, D., Dalladay-Simpson P., Howie, R., Zhang, J., Lü, X., and Hu, Q.*Commun. Chem., 4, 125 (2021).\r
Superionic iron oxide–hydroxide in Earth’s deep mantle Hou. M., He, Y., Jang, B.G., Sun, S., Zhuang, Y., Deng, L., Tang, R., Chen, J., Ke, F., Meng, Y., Prakapenka, V.B., Chen, B., Shim, J.H., Liu, J*., Kim, D.K.*, Hu, Q.*, Pickard, C.J., Needs, R.J., Mao, H.-K., Nat. Geosci. 14, 171-178 (2021).\r
Mineralogy of the deep lower mantle in the presence of H2O Hu, Q., Liu, J.*, Chen J., Yan B., Meng Y., Prakapenka, V.B., Mao, W.L. and H.-K. Mao*, Natl. Sci. Rev. 8, nwaa098 (2021).\r
Evidence for oxygenation of Fe-Mg oxides at mid-mantle conditions and the rise of deep oxygen Liu, J.*, Wang, C., Lü, C., Su, X., Liu, Y., Tang, R., Chen, J., Hu, Q.*, Mao, H.-K. and Mao W.L., Natl. Sci. Rev. 8, nwaa096 (2021).\r
Deep mantle hydrogen in the pyrite-type FeO2-FeO2H system Hu, Q.*, Liu, J. Geoscience. Front. 12, 975-981 (2021).\r
Unraveling the structural transition mechanism of room-temperature compressed graphite carbon Zhu, S.* and Hu, Q. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 23, 20560-20566 (2021).\r
Chemistry and P-V-T equation of state of FeO2Hx at the base of Earth’s lower mantle and their geophysical implications Tang, R.*, Jin L., Kim, D.Y., Mao, H-K.*, Hu, Q., et al.,Sci. Bull. 66, 1954-1958 (2021).\r
Metallization of Quantum Material GaTa4Se8 at High Pressure Deng, H., Zhang, J., Jeong, M.Y., Wang, D., Hu, Q., Zhang, S., Sereika, R., Nakagawa, T., Chen, B., Yin, X., Xiao, H., Hong, X., Ren, J., Han, M.J., Chang, J., Weng, H., Ding, Y., Lin, H.-Q., Mao, H.-K.,J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 12, 5601-5607 (2021).\r
Enhanced photocurrent of all-inorganic two-dimensional perovskite Cs2PbI2Cl2 via pressure-regulated excitonic features Guo, S., Bu, K., Li, J; Hu, Q., Luo, H., He, Y., Wu, Y., Zhang, D., Zhao, Y., Yang, W., Kanatzidis, M.G. and Lü. X., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 143, 2545-2551 (2021).\r
Regulating off-centering distortion maximizes photoluminescence in halide perovskites Lü, X.*, Stoumpos, C., Hu, Q., et al. Natl. Sci. Rev. 8, nwaa288 (2021).\r
Structure and stability of iron fluoride at high pressure–temperature and implication for a new reservoir of fluorine in the deep Earth Lin, Y.*, Hu, Q.*, Zhu, L. and Meng, Y. Minerals. 10, 783(2020).\r
Deviatoric stress induced quasi-reconstructive phase transition in ZnTe Zhuang, Y., Wu, L., Gao, B., Cui, Z., Gou, H., Zhang, D., Zhu, S.* and Hu, Q.* J. Mater. Chem. C 8, 3795-3799 (2020).\r
Evidence for the stability of ultrahydrous stishovite in Earth’s lower mantle Lin, Y.*, Hu, Q.*, Meng, Y., Walter, M. and Mao, H.-K.* Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 117, 184-189 (2020). [pdf][Eurek Alert!][GL]\r
The effect of nitrogen on the compressibility and conductivity of iron at high pressure Zhuang, Y., Su, X., Salke, N.P., Cui, Z., Hu, Q., Zhang, D. and Liu, J. Geoscience. Front. 12, 983-989 (2021).


