2023-05-06 09:42
  • 赵丽娇
  • 赵丽娇 - 教授-北京工业大学-生命科学与生物工程学院-个人资料




赵丽娇,博士,教授,博士生导师。北京工业大学生命科学与生物工程学院生物系副主任,兼任中国化学会永久会员、中国生物医学工程学会会员、美国化学会会员等学术职务。先后于2008年和2012年留学美国麻省理工学院生物工程系和美国明尼苏达大学癌症中心。主要从事致癌机理及抗癌药物研究。提出亚硝胺代谢活化导致DNA股间交联是其致癌作用的关键步骤;阐明了亚硝基脲抗癌和致癌作用机制的关键差异并提出dG-dC交联作为评价其抗癌活性的生物标志物,为设计开发高效低毒的抗癌药物奠定了基础。入选2009年北京市“科技新星”计划、2008年北京市委组织部“优秀人才”计划和2015年北京工业大学“京华人才”计划。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金和面上项目、北京市自然科学基金等课题项目。发表研究论文50余篇,其中SCI、EI收录 40余篇。主讲本科生《仪器分析》、《食品检测技术》和研究生《量子生物学》等课程,获得北京工业大学“优秀教学质量奖”和“优秀教育教学成果奖”等,主持校教育教学研究课题和研究生课程建设项目各1项。


1. 新型靶向性抗癌烷化剂的设计、合成及活性研究。 2. 烷化剂类抗癌药物对生物大分子的损伤及其修复作用。 3. 化学致癌物的作用机理及其分子结构与致癌活性关系。 4. 吸烟导致癌症的作用肌理、生物标志物及化学预防。


1.Lili Li, Sisi Li, Guohui Sun, Ruizeng Peng, Lijiao Zhao,*Rugang Zhong. Influence of the Expression Level of O-6-Alkylguanine-DNAAlkyltransferase on the Formation of DNA Interstrand Crosslinks Induced byChloroethylnitrosoureas in Cells: A Quantitation Using High-Performance LiquidChromatography-Mass Spectrometry. PlosOne, 2015, 10(3):UNSP e0121225 (SCI收录)
2.Guohui Sun, Lijiao Zhao,* Tengjiao Fan,Sisi Li, Rugang Zhong. Investigations on the effect of O6-benzylguanineon the formation of dG-dC interstrand crosslinks induced bychloroethylnitrosoureas in human glioma cells using a stable isotope dilutionhigh-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization tandem massspectrometry. Chem. Res. Toxicol.,2014, 27(7): 1253-1262. (SCI收录)
3.Lili Li, Lijiao Zhao,* Rugang Zhong.Quanti?cation of DNAinterstrand crosslinks induced by ACNU in NIH/3T3 and L1210 cells usinghigh-performance liquid chromatography/ electrospray ionization tandemmassspectrometry. Rapid Comm. Mass Spectrom.,2014, 28(5): 439-447. (SCI收录)
4.Lijiao Zhao,* Lili Li, Jie Xu, Rugang Zhong. Comparative investigation of the DNA inter-strandcrosslinks induced by ACNU, BCNU, CCNU and FTMS using high-performance liquidchromatography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. Int. J. Mass Spectrom., 2014,368(7):30-36. (SCI收录)
5.Lijiao Zhao, Silvia Balbo, Mingyao Wang, Pramod Upadhyaya, Samir S. Khariwala, Peter W. Villalta,Stephen S. Hecht*. Quantitation of pyridyloxobutyl- DNA adducts in tissues ofrats treated chronically with (R)- or(S)-N′-nitrosonornicotine (NNN) in acarcinogenicity study. Chem. Res.Toxicol., 2013, 26(10): 1526-1535. (SCI收录)
6.Tingting Liu, Lijiao Zhao,* Rugang Zhong.DFT study of phosphotriesters hydrolysis in aqueous solution: a model study forDNA single strand scission induced by N-nitrosoureas. J. Mol. Model., 2013, 19(2): 647-659. (SCI收录)
7.Lijiao Zhao,* Xinyan Ma, Rugang Zhong. A DFT investigation on theformation mechanisms of DNA interstrand crosslinks induced bychloroethylnitrosoureas. Int. J. QuantumChem., 2013, 113(9): 1299-1306. (SCI收录)
8.Ting Ren, Lijiao Zhao,* Bosi Sun, Rugang Zhong. Determination of lead, cadmium,copper, and nickel in the Tonghui River of Beijing, China, by cloud pointextraction-high resolution continuum source graphite furnace atomic absorptionspectrometry. J. Environ. Qual.,2013, 42(6): 1752-1762. (SCI收录)
9.Lijiao Zhao,* Xinyan Ma, Rugang Zhong. Comparative theoreticalinvestigation of the mechanism of DNA interstrand crosslinks induced by twoN-nitroso compounds: nitrosoureas andnitrosamines. J. Phy. Org. Chem.,2012, 25(12): 1153-1167. (SCI收录)
10.Jun Cao, Lijiao Zhao,* Shubin Jin, RugangZhong. Relationship between the molecular structure and the anticancer activityof N-(2-chloroethyl)-N'-c yclohexyl-N-nitrosoureas: A theoreticalinvestigation. Int. J. Quantum Chem.,2012, 112(3): 747-758. (SCI收录)
11.Lijiao Zhao,* Ting Ren, Rugang Zhong. Determination of lead in humanhair by high resolution continuum source graphite furnace atomic absorptionspectrometry with microwave digestion and solid sampling. Anal. Lett., 2012, 45(16): 2467-2481. (SCI收录)
12.Baoqing Bai, Lijiao Zhao,* Rugang Zhong.Quantification of meCCNU-induced dG-dC crosslinks in oligonucleotide duplexesby liquid chromatography/ electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. Rapid Comm. Mass Spectrom., 2011,25(14): 2027-2034. (SCI收录)
13.Lijiao Zhao,* Tingting Liu, Rugang Zhong. A comparison of thestereoisomeric penta-coordinated phosphorus intermediates formed from 19dimethoxyl N-phosphoryl amino acids by DFT calculations. J. Theor. Comput. Chem., 2011, 10(2): 217-229.(SCI收录)

