2023-05-06 09:42
  • 张跃飞
  • 张跃飞 - 研究员-北京工业大学-固体微结构与性能研究所-个人资料




教育背景: 1995.09—1999.07,太原理工大学材料系,获学士学位   1999.09—2002.07,太原理工大学表面工程研究所,获硕士学位2004.09—2008.07,北京工业大学固体微结构性能研究所,获博士学位 工作经历: 2015.07- 现在,北京工业大学,研究员、博士生导师 2014.02-2015.02, 美国麻省理工学院(MIT),访问学者 2012.01-2012.07, 香港城市大学Senior ResearchFellow 2009.12-2015.07,北京工业大学,副研究员 2008.10-2009.12,北京工业大学固体所, 助理研究员 2002.07-2008.10,北京印刷学院,助理研究员


1.电子显微原位分析方法与仪器 2.材料原位高通量表征 2.储能材料电化学-力学结构与性能关系研究 3.极端条件(高温、应力、腐蚀)下材料结构性能关系研究


1.JunxiaLu, Ling Chang, Jin Wang, Lijun Sang, Shikai Wu, Yuefei Zhang,* In-situ investigation of the anisotropicmechanical properties of laser direct metal deposition Ti6Al4V alloy,Materials Science & Engineering A 712 (2018) 199–205
2.YongheLi,Junxia Lv, Xiaopeng Cheng, Huifeng Shi, Yuefei Zhang, * Interfacial lithiationinduced leapfrog phase transformation in carbon coated Se cathode observed byin-situ TEM,NanoEnergy, 2018, accepted
3.YongheLi, Zhun Liu, Xiaopeng Cheng, Xianqiang Liu, Bin Zhang, Dongsheng Sun, RuzhiWang*, Yuefei Zhang*,Assembled graphene nanotubes decorated byhierarchical MoS2 structures: enhanced lithium storage and in situ TEMlithiation study,Energy Storage Materials,2017,9,188-194
4.YongheLi, Hong Sun, Xiaopeng Cheng, Yuefei Zhang*,Kejie Zhao*, In-situ TEM experiments and first-principles studies on theelectrochemical and mechanical behaviors of α-MoO3 in Li-ion batteries, NanoEnergy, 2016, 27, 95–102.
5.D. S. Sun, Y. H. Li, Z. Y. Wang, X. P.Cheng, S. Jaffer, Y. F. Zhang*,Understanding themechanism of hydrogenated NiCo2O4 nanograss supported on Ni foam forenhanced-performance supercapacitors,J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016, 4, 5198
6.Jinyao Ma, Yanping Liu, Peida Hao, JinWang, Yuefei Zhang*, Effectof different oxide thickness on the bending Young’s modulus of SiO2@SiCnanowires,Sci. Rep. 6, 18994
7.Lujun Zhu, Zhenxi Guo, Yuefei Zhang*, Zhengxian Li,Manling Sui,Amechanism for the growth of a plasma electrolytic oxide coating on Al,Electrochimica Acta 208 (2016) 296–303.
8.YuefeiZhang*, Jin Wang, Haiquan Shan, Kejie Zhao, Strengtheninghigh-stacking-fault-energy metals via parallelogram nanotwins, Scripta Materialia,2015,108, 35-39. (Most downloaded articles in Scripta Materialia).
9.YuefeiZhang,Zhenyu Wang, Yujie Li, Kejie Zhao. Lithiation of ZnO nanowires studied by in-situtransmission electron microscopy and theoretical analysis. Mechanics of Materials. 2015,91, 313-322.
10.Zhang, Y.F., Li,Y.J., Wang, Z.Y., Zhao, K.J.Lithiation of SiO2 inLi-Ion Batteries: In Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy Experiments and TheoreticalStudies, NanoLetters, 2014, 14,7161-7170.
11.Zhang, Y. F.*, Wang, F., Zang, P., Wang, J., Mao S.C., Zhang, X. N., Lu, J. X.In-situ observation of crack propagation through the nucleation of nanoscalevoids in ultra-thin, freestanding Ag films, Materials Science & Engineering A, 2014, 618, 614-620
12.Li Yonghe, Zhang Y.F.*,Yujie Li, Zhenyu Wang, Haoyu Fu, Xiaona Zhang, Yanhui Chen, HongzhouZhang, Xiaodong Li. Unveiling the dynamic capacitive storage mechanism of Co3O4@NiCo2O4 hybrid nanoelectrodes for supercapacitor applications,Electrochemical Acta, 2014,145,177-184
13.Li, Y.H., Fu, H. Y., Zhang, Y. F.*,Wang, Z. Y., & Li, X. D. KirkendallEffect Induced One-Step Fabrication of Tubular Ag/MnOx Nanocomposites forSupercapacitor Application, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2014, 118, 6604−6611
14.Wang, Z. Y., Zhang, Y. F.*, Li,Y. H., Fu, H. Y. Hierarchical porous NiCo2O4nanograss arrays grown on Ni foam as electrode material for high-performancesupercapacitors, RSCadvance, 2014, 4, 20234-20238
15.YueFei Zhang, XiaoDongHan, Kun Zheng, XiaoNa Zhang, and Ze Zhang, Direct observation of super-plasticity of beta-SiC nanowires at low temperature,Advanced FunctionalMaterials, 2007.17,3435-3440.
16.XiaoDong Han, YueFeiZhang, Kun Zheng, XiaoNa Zhang, and Ze Zhang, Low-Temperature in SituLarge Strain Plasticity of Ceramic SiC Nanowires and Its Atomic-ScaleMechanism, NanoLetters 2007, 7, 452

