2023-05-06 09:41
  • 周颖
  • 周颖 - 副教授 硕导-北京工业大学-环境与能源工程学院-个人资料




教育背景 2003年--2007年北京工业大学环境科学学士 2007年--2012年北京工业大学环境科学与工程博士 工作经历 2012年--2014年 北京工业大学,环境科学系,助理研究员 2014年--2016年 北京工业大学,环境科学系,助理研究员、硕导 2016年—至今 北京工业大学,环境科学系,副教授、硕导


1.大气污染源排放 2.区域环境数值模拟 3.大气污染物传输和转化 4.PM2.5污染优化控制及对策


1.Xing,X.F., Zhou,Y.*, Lang, J.L., Chen, D.S., et al., 2018. Spatiotemporalvariation of domestic biomass burning emissions in rural China based on a newestimation of fuel consumption. Science of the Total Environment 626, 274-286.
2.Zhou, Y.,Xing, X.F., Lang, J.L., Chen, D.S., et al.,2017. A comprehensive biomass burning emission inventory with high spatial andtemporal resolution in China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 17, 2839-2864.
3.Zhou, Y., Cheng,S.Y., Lang, J.L., Chen, D.S., et al., 2015. A comprehensive ammonia emissioninventory with high-resolution and its evaluation in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei(BTH) region, China. Atmospheric Environment 106, 305-317.
4.Zhou,Y., Cheng, S.Y., Chen, D.S., Lang, J.L., et al., 2015.Temporal and patial Characteristics of Ambient Air Quality in Beijing, China.Aerosol and Air Quality Research 15, 1868-1880.
5.Zhou, Y., Cheng,S.Y., Chen, D.S., Lang, J.L., et al., 2014. A new statistical approach forestablishing high-resolution emission inventory of primary gaseous airpollutants. Atmospheric Environment 94, 392-401.
6.Zhou, Y., 2014. Estimation of vehicular NMVOCs emissions in China.Advanced Materials Research, 962-965: 1303-1307.
7.Zhou, Y., Cheng,S.Y., Liu, L., Chen, D.S., 2012. A Coupled MM5-CMAQ modeling system forassessing effects of restriction measures on PM10 pollution inolympic city of Beijing, China. Journal of Environmental Informatics 19,120-127.
8.Zhou, Y., Cheng,S.Y., Li, J.B., Lang, J.L., et al., 2012. A new statistical modeling andoptimization framework for establishing high-resolution PM10emission inventory - II. Integrated air quality simulation and optimization forperformance improvement. Atmospheric Environment 60, 623-631.
9.Lang, J.L., Zhou,Y., Chen, D.S., Xing, X.F., et al.,2017. Investigating the contribution of shipping emissions to atmospheric PM2.5using a combined source apportionment approach. Environmental Pollution 229,557-566.
10.Lang, J.L., Zhou,Y., Cheng, S.Y., Zhang, Y.Y., et al.,2016. Unregulated pollutant emissions from on-road vehicles in China,1999-2014. Science of the Total Environment 573, 974-984.
11.Cheng, S.Y., Zhou,Y., Li, J.B., Lang, J.L.,et al., 2012. A new statisticalmodeling and optimization framework for establishing high-resolution PM10emission inventory - I. Stepwise regression model development and application.Atmospheric Environment 60, 613-622.

