(1)基本情况付韬,博士,北京工业大学经济与管理学院副教授,硕士生导师。教学概况主讲课程:信息系统分析与设计,JAVA技术与应用,C语言程序设计,系统工程学,信息资源检索与利用,复杂系统与多主体仿真。 研究生招生对象复杂网络研究方向,要求具备较强数学建模能力和编程能力。研究领域
Tao Fu, Liling Zou, Chenguang Li(*), Junbo Zhao. A relatively simple model for percolation properties of real networks[J]. Physics Letters A, 2017, 381(32):2578-2582. (SCI) Tao Fu*, Chenguang Li, Liping Guo, Yanni Wang. How we view competitions between the converging Internet social platforms: Does higher user number mean the final victory? International Journal of Modern Physics C. 2015, 26(8): 1550084. (SCI)Tao Fu, Yini Chen*; Zhen Qin; Liping Guo. Percolation on shopping and cashback electronic commerce networks. Physica A. 2013, 392(12): 2807-2820. (SCI)Tao Fu*, Bo Xu, Yong’an Zhang, Yini Chen. Tolerance of scale-free networks under degree segment protection and removal. Modern Physics Letters B. 2012, 26(24): 1250156. (SCI).付韬*,张永安. 核型集群创新网络演化过程的仿真——基于回声模型. 系统管理学报. 2011, 20(4): 406-415. 相关热点