2023-05-06 08:56
  • 赵达慧
  • 赵达慧 - 博士 教授 博士生导师-北京大学-化学与分子工程学院-个人资料




2016 ‒ 至今 Chemistry of Materials (ACS) 副主编\r
2014 ‒ 至今 北京大学化学学院,教授\r
2006 ‒ 2014 北京大学化学学院,副教授PI\r
2003 ‒ 2006 美国麻省理工学院 (MIT),博士后\r
1999 ‒ 2003 美国伊利诺依大学 (UIUC),博士\r
1992 ‒ 1997 北京大学化学学院,学士




Jianxin Guan, Rong Wei, Antonio Prlj, Jie Peng, Kun‐Han Lin, Jitian Liu, Han Han Prof, Clémence Corminboeuf Prof, Dahui Zhao Prof, Zhihao Yu Prof, Junrong Zheng. Direct Observation of Aggregation‐Induced Emission Mechanism. Angewandte Chemie. DOI: 10.1002/anie.202004318\r
Zhouyang Luo,Xiao Yang,Kang Cai,Xiangyu Fu,Di Zhang,Yuguo Ma,Dahui Zhao. Toward Möbius and Tubular Cyclopolyarene Nanorings via Arylbutadiyne Macrocycles. Angewandte Chemie. DOI: 10.1002/ANIE.202003538.\r
Han, H., Bai, F., Wei, R. et al. High Open-circuit Voltage and Low Voltage Loss in All-polymer Solar Cell with a Poly(coronenediimide-vinylene) Acceptor. Chin J Polym Sci (2020). DOI: 10.1007/s10118-020-2426-6.\r
Xiao Yang,Di Zhang,Yinhui Liao,Dahui Zhao. Toward an Air-Stable Triradical with Strong Spin Coupling: Synthesis of Substituted Truxene-5,10,15-triyl. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2020, 85, 9, 5761-5770. DOI: 10.1021/ACS.JOC.9B03077\r
Xiangyu Fu‡ , Han Han‡ , Di Zhang , Han Yu , Qilin He and Dahui Zhao*. A polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon diradical with pH-responsive magnetic properties. Chem. Sci., 2020, 11, 5565-5571. DOI: 10.1039/D0SC00770F.\r
Han, H.;† Ma, L.-K.;† Zhang, L.; Guo, Y.; Li, Y.; Yu, H.; Ma, W.;* Yan, H.;* Zhao, D.* “Tweaking the Molecular Geometry of a Tetraperylenediimide Acceptor” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2019, 11, 6970-6977.\r
Chen, H.; Guo, Y.; Chao, P.; Liu, L.; Chen, W; Zhao, D.* He, F.* “A Chlorinated Polymer Promoted Analogue Co-Donors for Efficient Ternary All-Polymer Solar Cells” Sci. China Chem. 2019, 11, 62, 238–244.\r
Guo, X.; Chen, Q.; Tong, Y.; Li, Y.; Liu, Y.; Zhao, D.;* Ma, Y.* “Enhanced Triplet Sensitizing Ability of an Iridium Complex by Intramolecular Energy-Transfer Mechanism” J. Phys. Chem. A 2018, 122, 6963–6969.​\r
Chen, Q.; Liu, Y.; Guo, X.; Peng, J.; Garakyaraghi, S.; Papa, C. M.; Castellano, F. N.; Zhao, D.;* Ma, Y.* “Energy Transfer Dynamics in Triplet–Triplet Annihilation Upconversion Using a Bichromophoric Heavy-Atom-Free Sensitizer” J. Phys. Chem. A 2018, 122, 6673–6682.\r
Cai, K;† Xie, J.;† Zhang, D.; Shi, W.; Yan, Q.;*Zhao, D.* Chen, W.; Xu, G.-Q.; Wu, K.* “Concurrent Cooperative J- and Anti-cooperative H-aggregates”J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2018, 140, 5764-5773.\r
Liu, J.; Chen, Q.; He, Q.; Zhang, Y.; Fu, X.; Wang, Y.;*. Zhao, D.* Chen, W.; Xu, G.-Q.; Wu, K.* “Bromine Adatom Promoted C-H Bond Activation in Terminal Alkynes at Room Temperature on Ag(111)”Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2018, 20, 11081-11088.\r
Zhao, X.; Zhang, D.; Ren, Y.; Chen, S.; Zhao, D.;* “Tetrahydrosalen Uranyl(VI) Complexes: Crystal Structures and Solution Binding Study” Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2018, 1185-1191.\r
Guo, X.; Liu, Y.; Chen, Q.; Zhao, D.;* Ma, Y.* “New Bichromophoric Triplet Photosensitizer Designs and Their Application in Triplet–Triplet Annihilation Upconversion” Adv. Opt. Mater. 2018, 6, 1700981.\r
郭亦堃, 赵达慧* “苝二酰亚胺聚合物受体设计及在全聚合物太阳能电池中的应用” 高分子学报 2018,174-185.\r
Xu, W.; Guo, Y.; Zhang, X.; Zheng, L.; Zhu, T.; Zhao, D.;* Hu, W.;* Gong, X.* “Room-Temperature-Operated Ultrasensitive Broadband Photodetectors by Perovskite Incorporated with Conjugated Polymer and Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes” Adv. Fun. Mater. 2018, 28, 1705541.\r
熊文涛, 郭亦堃, 赵达慧, 孙艳明* “基于非卤素溶剂的高性能全聚合物太阳能电池” 高分子学报, 2018, 315-320.\r
Wang, R.; Guo, Y.; Zhang, D.; Zhou, H.; * Zhao, D.;* Zhang, Y.* “Improved Electron Transport with Reduced Contact Resistance in N-Doped Polymer Field-Effect Transistors with a Dimeric Dopant” Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2018, 39, 1700726.\r
Guo,Y.;† Li, Y.;† Awartani, O.; Han, H.; Zhao, J.; Ade, H.;* Yan, H.;* Zhao, D.;* “Improved Performance of All-polymer Solar Cells Enabled by Naphthodiperylenetetraimide-based Polymer Acceptor” Adv. Mater. 2017, 29, 1700309.\r
Zhang, S.; Geng, Y.; Fan, Y.; Duan, W.;* Deng, K.;* Zhao, D.* Zeng, Q.* “Two-Dimensional (2D) Self-Assembly of Oligo(Phenylene-ethynylene) Molecules and Their Triangular Platinum(II) Diimine Complexes Studied by STM” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2017, 19, 31284-31289.\r
Gu, X.; Zhou, Y.; Gu, K.; Kurosawa, T.; Guo, Y.; Li, Y.; Lin, H.; Schroeder, B. C.; Yan, H.; Molina-Lopez, F.; Tassone, C. J.; Wang, C.; Mannsfeld, S. C. B.; Yan, H.; Zhao, D.; Toney, M. F.;* Bao, Z.* “Roll-to-Roll Printed Large-Area All-Polymer Solar Cells with 5% Efficiency Based on a Low Crystallinity Conjugated Polymer Blend” Adv. Energy Mater. 2017, 7, 1602742.\r
Guo, Y.; Li, Y.; Awartani, O.; Han, H.; Zhang, G.; Ade, H.;* Yan, H.; Zhao, D.* “Side-chain Engineering of Perylenediimide-vinylene Polymer Acceptors for High-performance All-polymer Solar Cells” Mater. Chem. Front. 2017, 1, 1362-1368.\r
Li, T.; Zhang, D.; Wang, R.; Fan, Y.; Guo, X.; Liu, S.; Ma, Y.;* Zhao, D.* “Synthesis, Solvent-dependent Emission and Two-photon Absorption of a Triangular –[D–π–A]3– Macrocycle” Org. Chem. Front. 2017, 4, 737-742.\r
Guo, Y.; Li, Y.; Han, H.; Yan, H.; Zhao, D.* “All-Polymer Solar Cells with Perylenediimide Polymer Acceptors” Chin. J. Polym. Sci. 2017, 35, 293-301.\r
Liu, J.; Fu, X.; Chen, Q.; Zhang, Y.; Wang, Y.; Zhao, D.; Chen, W.; Xu, G. Q.; Liao, P.;* Wu, K.* “Stabilizing Surface Ag Adatoms into Tunable Single Atom Arrays by Terminal Alkyne Assembly” Chem. Commun. 2016, 52, 12944-12947.\r
Shen, M.; Luo, Z.; Geng, Y.; Hu, W.; Zhang, S.; Lai, Y.; Liu, B.; Duan, W.;* Zhao, D.;* Deng, K.;* Zeng, Q.* “STM Analysis of Surface-adsorbed Conjugated Oligo(p-phenylene-ethynylene) (OPE) Nanostructures” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2016, 18, 31725-31731.\r
Guo, Y.;† Li, Y.;† Awartani, O.; Zhao, J.; Han, H.; Ade, H. *; Zhao, D.;* Yan, H.* “A Vinylene-bridged Perylene Diimide-Based Polymeric Acceptor Enabling Efficient All-Polymer Solar Cells Processed under Ambient Conditions” Adv. Mater. 2016, 28, 8483-8489.\r
Zhou, Y.; Gu, K. L.; Gu, X.; Kurosawa, T.; Yan, H.; Guo, Y.; Koleilat, G. I.; Zhao, D.; Toney, M. F.; Bao, Z.* “All-Polymer Solar Cells Employing Non-Halogenated Solvent and Additive” Chem. Mater. 2016, 28, 5037–5042.\r
Luo, Z.; Zhu, N.; Zhao, D.* “Helical Folding Competing with Unfolded Aggregation in Phenylene Ethynylene Foldamers” Chem. Eur. J. 2016, 22, 11028-11034.\r
Shen, M.; Luo, Z.; Zhang, S.; Wang, S.; Cao, L.; Geng, Y.; Deng, K.;* Zhao, D.*; Duan, W.;* Zeng, Q.* “Size, Shape and Concentration Controlled Self-assembling Structure with Host–guest Recognition at the Liquid–solid Interface Studied by STM” Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 11962-11968.\r
Jiang, X.; Guo, X.; Peng, J.; Zhao, D.;* Ma, Y.* “Triplet-triplet Annihilation Photon Upconversion in Polymer Thin Film: Sensitizer Design” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2016, 8, 11441–11449.\r
Jiang, X.; Peng, J.; Wang, J.; Guo, X.; Zhao, D.*; Ma, Y.* “Iridium-based High-sensitivity Oxygen Sensors and Photosensitizers with Ultra-long Triplet Lifetimes” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2016, 8, 3591-3600.\r
Peng, J.; Jiang, X.; Guo, X.; Zhao, D.;* Ma, Y.* “Developing Efficient Heavy-Atom-Free Photosensitizers Applicable to TTA Upconversion in Polymer Films” Chem. Sci. 2016, 7, 1233-1237.\r
Yan, Q.; Cai, K.; Zhao, D.* “Supramolecular Aggregates with Distinct Optical Properties from PDI Oligomers of Similar Structures” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2016, 18, 1905-1910.\r
Wang, R.; Shi, K.; Cai, K.; Guo, Y.; Yang, X.; Wang, J.-Y.; Pei, J.;* Zhao, D.* “Syntheses of Polycyclic Aromatic Diimides via Intramolecular Cyclization of Maleic Acid Derivatives” New J. Chem. 2016, 40, 113-121.\r
Jiang, X.; Zhu, N.; Zhao, D.;* Ma, Y.* “New cyclometalated transition-metal based photosensitizers for singlet oxygen generation and photodynamic therapy” Sci. China Chem. 2016, 59, 40-52.\r
Xie, J.; Shi, K.; Cai, K.; Zhang, D.; Wang, J.-Y.; Pei, J.;* Zhao, D.* “A NIR Dye with High-performance N-type Semiconducting Property” Chem. Sci. 2016, 7, 499-504.

