2023-05-06 08:55
  • 昝涛
  • 昝涛 - 副教授-北京大学-历史学系-个人资料




Name: ZAN, Tao(昝涛)
Current position/现任岗位:
Associate Professor of History Department, Peking University (PKU), 2011 to present

Educational History/教育背景:
2001-2007: Ph.D, History Department, PKU(北京大学历史学系)
1997-2001: B.A., History Department, PKU(北京大学历史学系)
August 2008:“Citizenship, Human Rights and Identity Formation Factory of Ideas (XI): Advanced Course in Ethnic and Racial Studies,” Center of Afro-Oriental Studies and Federal University of Bahia in Brazil; Sponsors: Ford Foundation, SEPHIS Program, CAPES, CNP, Research Foundation of the State of Bahia. Hours: 160.
Professional and Teaching Experience/职业经历

1.Feb. 2015 to present, Vice Dean of History Department, PKU(副系主任)
2.Nov. 2012-Apr. 2014, Visiting Scholar in Central Eurasian Studies ,Department at Indiana University, Bloomington, USA
3.Aug. 2011 to present, Associate professor, History Department, PKU;(副教授)
4.July 2010 to August 2011, Vice dean (concurrent post), Humanity School, Tibet University, Lhasa; in charge of scientific research
5.Apr. 2009 to Aug. 2011, Lecturer, History Department, PKU; (讲师)
6.2007-2009, Postdoctoral researcher, Sociology Department, PKU;(博士后)
7.June-July 2008, Visiting researcher, Bo?azi?i University, Turkey;
8.2005–2006, Visiting researcher, Middle East Technical University, Turkey.
Courses Taught/教授课程
1.Islam and Modern World 伊斯兰教与现代世界
2.Introduction to Turkish History, Language and Culture
3.Nationalism and World History 民族主义与世界历史
4.Introduction to Studies of Nationalism 民族主义研究导论
5.The Mediterranean Region: from present to past (co-teaching course)
Research Grants and Fellowships
1.2016-2019, Fund for research on Euraianism in Modern Turkey, from the Huo Yingdong Foundation, China;霍英东基础研究基金
2.2013-2016, Fund for “Young Talents of Universities”, from Beijing Municipal Education Commission;北京高校青年英才项目
3.2009-2016, Chinese National Social Sciences Fund for the junior scholar programme of “Secularization and Islamic Revivalism in Turkey”(09CZJ004);国家社科基金青年项目
4.2004-2007, Sephis Grant from Holland for Ph. D Research:“From ‘Turkism’ to ‘Turkish History Thesis’:Turkish Nationalism in the Early 20th Century”.
1.?Modern State and Nation Building: a study on Turkish nationalism in the early 20th century, Monograph, Beijing: Sanlian Publisher, August 2011(专著《现代国家与民族建构——20世纪前期土耳其民族主义研究》,北京:三联书店,2011年8月).

◎Book chapters/合著
1. “The Islamic World of Middle East during the Process of Modernization,” Chapter 27 in Keyao Ma eds., History of World Civilizations, Beijing: Peking University Press, revised version 2016 (马克垚主编:《世界文明史》,北京大学出版社2016修订版);
2. “An Alternative Partner to the West? Turkey’s Growing Relations with China,” in Niv Horesh, ed., Toward Well-oiled Relations? China’s Presence in the Middle East Following the Arab Spring, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016;
3. “ ‘civil religion’ and the thesis of secularization,” in Fang Lili and Yu Huifang eds., Intellectual Movement during Social Transformation, Peking University Publisher, 2011(“‘公民宗教’与世俗化问题——一项思想史的考察,”方李莉、于慧芳主编:《中国见解:社会变迁中的知识运动》,北京大学出版社,2011);
4. “Why did the Ottoman Empire Collapse while the Chinese Qing Empire didn’t?” in Territory, Nation and Identity of Ancient China, Zhonghua Publishing Bureau(“为什么奥斯曼帝国崩溃了,晚清中国却没有?”姚大力、罗新等:《殊方未远:古代中国的疆域、民族与认同》,中华书局2016年版) ;
5. “Culture in Globalization,” in Shunguo He ed., Globalization and Asian-Pacific Regional Societies, Jiang Xi People’s Publishing House, 2009(“文化与全球化”,何顺果主编:《全球化与亚太地区社会》(合著),江西人民出版社,2009).

◎Other selected articles/其他作品
1. Rediscovering Turkey, Xi Nan Cai Jing Publisher, China, Sept 2016(a collection of published articles in Chinese;《重新发现土耳其》(文集),西南财经出版社,2016年9月版,第一作者);
2. “The Palace of Arabian Dream, reviewing Lawrence of Arabia, ”in Shanghai Book Review, Jan. 18, 2015( “阿拉伯的梦幻宫殿”,评《阿拉伯的劳伦斯》,《上海书评》,2015年1月18日);
3. “On Kurkish Question,” in Shanghai Book Review, Nov. 16, 2014(从库尔德问题谈起,上海书评),2014年11月16日);
4. “The value and limits of history of civilization, reviewing History of World Civilizations,” in Bo Lan Qun Shu, July 2017(“文明史的价值与局限”(评《世界文明史》),《博览群书》,2016年7月);
5. “The Turkish Military Coup from the Perspective of Macro History,” in Shanghai Book Review, Aug. 1, 2016 (“大历史视野下的土耳其军人政变,”《上海书评》,2016年8月1日);
6. “The Egyptian Revolution from the perspective of history,”in Beijing Cultural Review, no.4, 2011( “历史视野下的埃及革命,”《文化纵横》,2011年第4期);
7. “'Turkish Model' and Islamic Democracy, ”in China Reform, Vol. 4, 2011. ( “‘土耳其模式’与‘伊斯兰/民主’问题,”《中国改革》,2011年第4期);
8. “Conflict betweet two types of Turkish elites,”in World Affairs, Aug. 2011(“土耳其两种精英的斗争,”《世界知识》,2011年8月);
9. “The Limits of Turkey as a Model,”in Shanghai Economic Review, July 23, 2013 ( “‘土耳其模式’之困,”《上海经济评论》,2013年7月23日);
10. “The Implied Problem for Open Politics during Transformation,” in People’s Forum, August 2013 (“转型时期的开放政治隐忧”,《人民论坛》,2013年8月);
11. “The Sweet Fruit on the Branch of Hope, reviewing the historical novel Smarkand by Maaruf Emin, ”in Shanghai Book Review, Sept. 11, 2017 (“希望枝头的一枚甜果——评《撒马尔罕》,”《上海书评》,2017年9月11日);
12. “Turkey’s Relationship with the Issue of East Turkistan in China,” in Beijing: Chinese Economy, vol. 83, August, 2009( “土耳其与‘东突’的‘不解之缘’,”《中国经济》,2009年8月,第83期);
13. “The Islamic Nature of Democratic Iran,” in Beijing Cultural Review, no.10, 2010(“民主伊朗的伊斯兰属性,”《文化纵横》,2010年第10期);
14. “Meeting Kurds in Turkey,” in SEPHIS: Global South (Holland), April 2009; 15. “bian dong bu ju de dao lu?”(Turkey’s Bumpy Road towards Secularism?), in Dushu, Beijing, Nov., 2007(“变动不居的道路?”《读书》,2007年11月);
16. “Bei Cheng Ren de Wen Ti”(The Kurdish Identity in Turkey), in Dushu, Beijing, Feb. 2009.(“被承认的问题”,《读书》,2009年2月);
17. “The Decline of Ottoman Empire and the Birth of Turkish Nationalism”, in Daguo (National Interest), Vol. 4, Beijing, 2005.(“奥斯曼帝国的衰败与土耳其民族主义的产生,” 《大国》,2005年第4期);
18. “Is Modernization an Ideology?”, in Bo Lan Qun Shu, Vol. 8, 2004(“现代化是意识形态?”《博览群书》,2004年第8期);
19. “Romanization of Alphabets and Turkey’s Modernization,” in World Affairs, No. 1510, June 2009(“字母拉丁化与土耳其的现代化,”《世界知识》,2009年6月);
◎Translations of other authors’ works into Chinese/译作
1. “从暴政到专制主义:启蒙对土耳其人的无知图画”(Asli Cirakman,“From Tyranny to Despotism: The Enlightenment’s Unenlightened Image of the Turks,”in International Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol. 33, No. 1., Feb, 2001, pp. 49-68),收入林国华主编“海国图志丛书”之《欧罗巴与亚细亚》,上海人民出版社,2010。
2. “法国的、德国的与美国的:土耳其的高等商务教育,1883-2003”(The French, the German and the American: Higher Education for Business in Turkey, 1883-2003, in New Perspectives on Turkey, 2004 , 31:5-38),收入黄万盛主编:《人文学与大学理念》,江苏教育出版社,2007。
3. 威亚尔达:《非西方发展理论——地区模式与全球趋势》(Howard J.Wiarda, Non-Western Theories of Development: Regional Norms Versus Global Trends, Wadsworth Publishing, 1998; co-translation with Dong Zhenghua and Zheng Zhenqing),北京大学出版社,2006。
4. 加尔布雷斯:“没有心肝的社会”(John Kenneth Galbraith, “The Heartless Society”, New York Times, September 2, 1984),载《开放时代》,2006年第5期。
5. 阿克储拉:“三种政策”(Yusuf Ak?ura, Three Policies/ü? Tarz? Siyaset, in H.B. Paksoy ed., Central Asia Reader: the rediscovery of history, N.Y. : M.E. Sharpe,1994), 《大国》,2005年第4期。

Paper Presentations/学术会议
1. “Constructing the Chinese commonsense cognition of Central Asia,” International Conference of “History and Present Situation of the Western Region”,Xinjiang(《建立中国对中亚的常识性认知》,“西域的历史与现状”国际会议,新疆:2011年9月9-11日);
2. “A Historical Rethinking of the Discourse of \


Academic Journal Articles/学术论文
1. “Spiritual Connections between Turkey and China: History and Imagination,” in Journal of New Silk-Roadology, No. 1, Vol. 1, Shekewenxian Publisher, Beijing, June 2017(“中国和土耳其之间的精神联系:历史与想象,”《新丝路学刊》第1期,社科文献出版社,2017年6月);
2. “Turkey Dream”and the China-Turkish Cooperation under“One Belt and One Road” Initiative in Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (in Asia), Vol. 10, No. 3, 2016;
3. “A Historical Analysis on Turkey’s Multilateralism of Foreign Policy,” in Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (in Asia),Vol. 9, No. 3, September, 2015;
4. “Turkey, Eurasianism and Silk Road Economic Belt: a note of intellectual history,” in China Book Review( “土耳其、‘欧亚主义’与‘丝绸之路经济带’——一则思想史的侧记,”《中国图书评论》第9期,2015年9月);
5. “The Difficulties of the Transformational States: a comparative studies on political turmoil in recent Turkey and Ukraine,” in Leaders, Vol. 65, 2015(“转型国家之困——近年土耳其与乌克兰政治不稳定的原因,”《领导者》,2015年总第65期) ;
6. “On Intellectual Challenges Proposed by the Belt and Road Initiative,” in Economics, No. 3, 2015(“‘一带一路’给我们的智识挑战,”《经济科学》,2015年第3期);
7. “Rethinking the 'Secularizaion' thesis of social science, ” in Journal of Beijing Normal University, supplementary issue, 2011( “对社会科学理论之‘世俗化’命题的反思”,《北京师范大学学报》2011年增刊); revised version published in Xu Zhang Run and Zhai Zhiyong, eds., The Secular Order: from the world of mind to politics of law,Law Publisher,2013.
8. “Turkish Nationalism and the Reconstruction of National History, ”in Oriental History Review, Vol. 3, 2013(“土耳其的民族主义与‘族史重构’,”《东方历史评论》第三辑,2013);
9. “The Mughal Empire and its Historical Heritages,” in National Interest, Vol. 8, Law Publisher, 2012 (“莫卧儿帝国的兴衰及其遗产,”《大观》第8卷,法律出版社,2012);
10. “Turkey Model: past and present,” in Journal of Xinjiang Normal University, March, 2012( “土耳其模式:历史与现实,”《新疆师范大学学报》,2012年3月);
11. “Ottoman, Islamic or Turkish? An Analysis About Different Discourses during Turkish National Movement, 1919-1923,” in Beijing: West Asia and Africa, Vol. 1, 2012 (“奥斯曼、伊斯兰还是土耳其?——浅析土耳其独立运动的革命话语问题”,《西亚非洲》,2012年第1期);
12. “Rethinking Pan-Turkism and Pan-Islamism from the Historical Perspective,” in National Interest, Vol. 5, 2011 (“从历史的角度重新认识‘双泛’,”《大观》,2011年第5期,法律出版社);
13. “The geographical and the civilizational: constructing the Chinese commonsense cognition of Central Asia,” in National Interest, Vol. 5, 2011 (“地缘与文明:建立对中亚的常识性认知,”《大观》,2011年第5期);
14. “State and Society during the process of modernization——centering on the case of Egypt,” in Leaders, Vol. 43, 2011(“现代化进程中的国家与社会——以埃及革命为中心,”《领导者》,2011年12月总第43期);
15. “An Overview of Turkish Studies in China,” in Turkish Studies Review (Turkiye Arastirmalari Literatur Dergisi-TAL?D), Issue 15, Spring, 2010;
16. “Modernization of Iran and the Ideals of an Islamic Revolution,” in National Interest, Vol. 1, 2010 (“伊朗的现代化与伊斯兰革命理念,”《大观》,2010年第1期,法律出版社);
17. “Sino-Turkish Relationship and Turkey’s Perceptions on the Rise of China,” in Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (in Asia), Vol. 3, No. 1, March 2009;
18. “Ziya G?kalp’s Thoughts on Turkish Nationalism and Modernization,” in Beijing: West Asia and Africa, August 2008 (“民族主义与现代化—格卡尔普的民族主义思想,”《西亚非洲》,2008年8月)
19. “Why did Turks Seek the American Trustee after WWⅠ?” in Twenty-first Century, Hongkong, Vol.101, June, 2007( “‘一战’后土耳其人寻求美国托管之原因,”香港:《二十一世纪》,2007年6月号,总第101期);
20. “East Turkestan, Pan-Turkism and Turkey: History and Present,” in China Social Sciences, No. 3, 2008 (“‘东突’问题、泛突厥主义与土耳其:历史和现状”,《中国社会科学(内刊)》,2008年第3期);
21. “Guided Modernity: Historical Reconsideration of Turkey’s Modernization,” in Journal of Studies on Historical Theories, No. 1, 2009 (“被管理的现代性--对土耳其现代化的历史反思,”《史学理论研究》,2009年第1期);
22. “Historiography and Ideology: Paradigms of Studies on Turkish Modern History”, in Bei Da Shi Xue (PKU Clio), Jan. 2007(历史学与意识形态:土耳其现代史研究的几种范式,《北大史学》, 2007).

