2023-05-05 16:41
  • 周珍楠
  • 周珍楠 - 助理教授-北京大学-北京国际数学研究中心-个人资料




Assistant Professor (Tenure-track), BICMR, Peking University, 2017.8–
William W. Elliott Assistant Research Professor, Duke University, 2014.8 –2017. 7
Mentor: Professor Jianfeng Lu
Ph.D. in Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2014.
Thesis Advisor: Professor Shi Jin Thesis Title: Computational Methods for Semi-classical Schödinger Equations with Vector Potentials and Erhenfest Dynamics
M.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2011.
B.S., Jilin University, 2009.
The Thousand Talents Plan (Young Professionals, 14th)
Math Department TA Teaching Awards 2011, UW-Madison.
Honored Instructors by University Housing, UW-Madison. (Four times)
2009 Contemporary Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling (China) 1st Price.
2009 Meritorious Award in International Mathematical Contest of Modeling.
2009 China Aerospace Scholarship.
2008, 2009 The First Class National Scholarship (China).
2008 Samsung Scholarship.
Launching program of the Zu Chongzhi Center for Mathematics and Computational Sciences, Duke Kunshan University, Oct. 29 - Nov. 2, 2019.
Mathematical Analysis and Computation for Quantum Systems, Peking University, Jan 4 - Jan 6, 2019.
AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, Taipei, SS154, Jul 5 - Jul 9, 2018.
Mini-workshop on Nonadiabatic Chemistry, Peking University, May 19 - May 20, 2018.
Young Researchers Workshop: New Trends in Computational and Applied Mathematics, Peking University, Dec 18 - Dec 20, 2017.
2017 Data+ research program (by Duke I.I.D.): Comparing the Exploration of Academic Majors at Duke. (Project Manager)
Young Researchers Workshop: Stochastic and deterministic methods in kinetic theory, Duke University, Nov 28 - Dec 2, 2016.
Analysis and Applied Math seminar, Duke University.
Graduate students participation seminars in applied math, UW-Madison.


研究方向: 数值微分方程,偏微分方程的应用分析,应用随机方法,计算化学,计算量子动力系统,生物数学和数据聚类方法"RESEARCH INTEREST
My primary research interests are in the applied analysis of PDE and stochastic models


J.-G. Liu, Z. Wang, Y. Zhang and Z. Zhou, Rigorous justification of the Fokker-Planck equations of neural networks based on an iteration perspective, arXiv:2005.08285.
J.-G.Liu,J.Wang, Y.ZhaoandZ.Zhou, Field model for complex ionic fluids: analytical properties and numerical investigation, arXiv:1912.09208.
J. Hu, J.-G. Liu, Y. Xie and Z. Zhou, A structure preserving numerical scheme for Fokker-Planck equations of neuron networks: numerical analysis and exploration, arXiv:1911.07619.
J.-G.Liu, M.Tang, L.WangandZ.Zhou, Towards understanding the boundary propagation speeds in tumor growth models, arXiv:1910.11502.
Z.ChenandZ.Zhou, The Bayesian Inversion Problem for Thermal Average Sampling of Quantum Systems, Journal of Computational Physics, 2020, 413: 109448, arXiv:1910.02116.
C. Xie, C.J. Garcia-Cervera, C. Wang, Z. Zhou and J. Chen, Second-order semi-implicit projection methods for micromagnetics simulations, Journal of Computational Physics, 2020, 404: 109104, arXiv:1907.02358.
S. Jin, L. Liu, G. Russo, and Z. Zhou, Gaussian wave packet transform based numerical scheme for the semi-classical Schrödinger equation with random inputs, Journal of Computational Physics, 2020, 401: 109015, arXiv:1903.08740.
J. Lu, Y. Lu and Z. Zhou, Continuum limit and preconditioned Langevin sampling of the path integral molecular dynamics, arXiv:1811.10995.
K. Lafata. J. Hong, R. Geng, B. Ackerson; J.-G., Liu; Z. Zhou, J. Torok, C. Kelsey, F.-F. Yin, Association of pre-treatment radiomic features with lung cancer recurrence following stereotactic body radiation therapy, Physics in Medicine & Biology, 2019, 64(2): 025007.
K. Lafata, Z. Zhou, J.-G. Liu, J. Hong, C. Kelsey and F.-F. Yin, An Exploratory Radiomics Approach to Quantifying Pulmonary Function in CT Images, Scientific Reports, 2019, 9(1): 1-9.
Q.Zhan, M.Zhuang, Z.Zhou, J.-G.LiuandQ.Liu, Complete-Q model for poro-viscoelastic media: large-scale simulation with an adaptive DG algorithm, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2019.
Z. Zhou and G, Russo, The Gaussian wave packets transform for the semi-classical Schrödinger equation with vector potentials,CommunicationsinComputationalPhysics,26(2019): 469-505,arXiv:1802.03705.
L. Li, J.-G. Liu, Z. Liu, Y. Yang and Z. Zhou, On Runge-Kutta methods for the water wave equation and its simplified nonlocal hyperbolic model, submitted to Journal of Computational Physics.
K. Lafata, Z. Zhou, J.-G. Liu and F. Yin, Data Clustering based on Langevin Annealing with a Self-Consistent Potential, Quarterly of Applied Mathematics (2018).
J. Lu and Z. Zhou, Accelerated sampling by infinite swapping of path integral molecular dynamics with surface hopping, Journal of Chemical Physics, 148.6 (2018): 064110, arXiv:1709.06424.
J.-G. Liu, M. Tang, L. Wang and Z. Zhou, An accurate front capturing scheme for tumor growth models with a free boundary limit,JournalofComputationalPhysics,364(2018): 73-94,arXiv:1708.08395.
J. Lu and Z. Zhou, Path integral molecular dynamics with surface hopping for thermal equilibrium sampling of nonadiabatic systems,JournalofChemicalPhysics,146.15(2017): 154110,arXiv:1701.06494.
J.-G. Liu, M. Tang, L. Wang and Z. Zhou, Analysis and computation of some tumor growth models with nutrient: from the cell density models to the free boundary dynamics, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 24.7 (2019): 3011-3035, arXiv:1802.00655.
J.-G. Liu, Z. Ma and Z. Zhou, Explicit and implicit TVD schemes for conservation laws with Caputo derivatives, Journal of Scientific Computing, 72.1 (2017): 291-313, arXiv:1610.03025.
J. Lu and Z. Zhou, Improved sampling and validation of frozen Gaussian approximation with surface hopping algorithm for nonadiabatic dynamics, Journal of Chemical Physics, 145.12 (2016), 124109.
J.-G. Liu, L. Wang and Z. Zhou, Positivity-preserving and asymptotic preserving method for 2D Keller-Segal equations, Mathematics of Computation, 87 (2018), 1165-1189, arXiv:1610.03016.
J. Lu and Z. Zhou, Frozen Gaussian approximation with surface hopping for mixed quantumclassical dynamics: A mathematical justification of surface hopping algorithms, Mathematics of Computation(2018), 87.313, 2189-2232.
Z. Ma, Y. Zhang and Z. Zhou, An improved semi-Lagrangian time splitting spectral method for the semi-classical Schrödinger equation with vector potentials using NUFFT, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 111 (2017), 144-159.
J. Chen, J.G. Liu and Z. Zhou, On a Schrödinger-Landau-Lifshitz system: Variational structure and numerical methods, Multiscale Modeling and Simulation, 14-4 (2016), 1463-1487.
J. Lu and Z. Zhou, Bloch dynamics with second order Berry phase correction, arXiv:1512.07357d.
S. Jin, C. Sparber and Z. Zhou, On the classical limit of a time-dependentself-consistent field system: analysis and computation, Kinetic and related models, 10-1 (2017), 263-298, arXiv:1406.3810.
Z. Zhou, Numerical approximation of the Schrödinger equation with the electromagnetic field by the Hagedorn wave packets, Journal of Computational Physics, 272 (2014), 386-407.
S. Jin, and Z. Zhou, A semi-Lagrangian time splitting method for the Schrödinger equation with vector potentials, Communications in Information and Systems, 13 (2013), no. 3, 247-289.

