2023-05-05 16:38
  • 尹艳慧
  • 尹艳慧 - 副教授-北京大学-基础医学院-个人资料




北京大学医学部免疫学系,副教授。1993年毕业于白求恩医科大学英语医学专业获医学学士学位,1996年于白求恩医科大学免疫教研室获硕士学位,2001年于吉林大学免疫教研室获博士学位,2005年北京大学医学部免疫学系博士后出站。1999至2001年日本德岛大学访问学者。担任中国食品药品监督管理局医疗器械评审专家;担任INT J CAN, SCI REP,Cancer Biology & Medicine等杂志审稿人。




1. Song X, Guo C, Zheng Y, Wang Y, Jin Z, Yin Y*. Post-transcriptional regulation of cancer/testis antigen MAGEC2 expression by TRIM28 in tumor cells. BMC Cancer. 2018, 18: 971-980.
2. Zeng P, Wang Y, Zheng Y, Song X, Yin Y*. Cancer-testis antigen HCA587/MAGEC2 interacts with the general transcription coactivator TAF9 in cancer cells. Mol Med Rep. 2018; 17: 3226-3231.
3. Song X, Hao J, Wang J, Guo C, Wang Y, He Q, Tang H, Qing X, Li Y, Zhang Y*, Yin Y*. The cancer/testis antigen MAGEC2 promotes amoeboid invasion of tumor cells by enhancing STAT3 signling. Oncogene. 2017; 36, 1476–1486.
4. Wang J#, Song X#, Guo C, Wang Y, Yin Y*. Establishment of MAGEC2-knockout cells and functional investigation of MAGEC2 in tumor cells.Cancer Sci. 2016; 107(12): 1888-1897.
5. Xiao Song#, Wenjie Song#, Ying Wang, Jingjing Wang, Yan Li, Xiaoping Qian, Xuewen Pang, Yu Zhang, Yanhui Yin*. MicroRNA-874 functions as a tumor suppressor by targeting cancer/testis antigen HCA587/MAGE-C2.J Cancer. 2016 ;7(6):656-663..
6. Hao J, Song X, Wang J, Guo C, Li Y, Li B, Zhang Y*, Yin Y*. Cancer-testis antigen MAGE-C2 binds Rbx1 and inhibits ubiquitin ligase-mediated turnover of cyclin E. Oncotarget. 2015, 6(19):42028-42039.
7. Li X, Peng J, Pang Y, Yu S, Yu X, Chen P, Wang W, Han , Zhang J,Yin Y*, Zhang Y*. Identification of a FOXP3(+)CD3(+)CD56(+) population with immunosuppressive function in cancer tissues of human hepatocellular carcinoma. Sci Rep. 2015, 5:14757.
8. Sun X, Jin Z, Song X, Wang J, Li Y, Qian X, Zhang Y, Yin Y*. Evaluation of KF23 variant 1 expression and relevance as a novel prognostic factor in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. BMC Cancer. 2015, 15:961.
9. Jiaqing Hao, Rui Shen, Yan Li, Yu Zhang, Yanhui Yin*. Cancer-testis antigen HCA587/MAGE-C2 interacts with BS69 and promotes its degradation in the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2014, 449(4): 386-391.
10. Lijie Zhang, Juanjuan Chen, Xiao Song, Weigang Wen, Yan Li, Yu Zhang, Yanhui Yin*. Cancer/Testis antigen HCA587-derived long peptide vaccine generates potent immunologic responses and antitumor effects in mouse model. Oncol Res. 2014,21(4):193-200.

