2023-05-05 16:33
  • 王辉
  • 王辉 - 教授 博导-北京大学-光华管理学院-个人资料




1982年进入北京大学心理学系学习,1989年毕业,获硕士学位。同年进入中国科学院心理研究所从事社会心理,组织行为及人力资源管理等方面的研究,1996年晋升为副研究员。1998年进入香港科技大学组织管理学系攻读博士学位,研究方向为战略型领导,企业文化, 绩效评估与管理等。先后在美国密执根大学,英国诺丁汉大学访,瑞典斯德哥尔摩商学院,美国内布拉斯加大学管理系等访问。现在北京大学光华管理学院从事教学和科研工作。
2003年以来,在国内外发表论文50余篇(其中包括SSCI论文16篇),国际会议论文30余篇,包括“美国管理学会会刊”,“组织行为与决策过程”“领导学季刊”,“管理与组织评论”, “国际人力资源管理杂志”等。出版《组织中的领导行为》等专著。 主持国家自然科学基金重点课题1项,青年基金1项,面上基金2项,教育部留学归国人员基金1项,参加重点基金2项。同时,作为主要合作者,获得香港研究基金资助2项。王辉的论文多次在国内外获奖,包括教育部人文社会科学优秀论文奖,中国管理国际研究会(IACMR)首届年会最佳论文提名奖,第5届亚洲管理学会最佳论文提名奖,国际“积极心理学研究会”优秀论文奖等。入选教育部2010年跨世纪人才支持计划 。
王辉在研究方面取得优异成绩的同时,还注重将理论应用于企业管理实践,与业界建立了广泛的联系,负责并参加企业文化塑造,战略管理,市场定位,人事选拔,绩效考核等多项咨询课题。为国内外多家国有,独资,和私营企业进行领导力,企业文化,人力资源管理,人际沟通,团队建设等方面的培训(如GSK, 松下,三星,LG,爱立信,招商局,国家电网,中信集团,中投公司,中国平安,中国航天,中国移动,中国联通等)。
同时,王辉教授还是“Journal of World Business”,“Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies”,“心理学报”,“心理科学进展”等杂志的编委,“中国企业文化促进会”特邀研究员

1996~ 1997


1. Liu, J. Wang, H. Hui, C., & Lee, C. (forthcoming). Psychological Ownership: How Having Control Matters. Journal of Management Studies.
2. Walumbwa, F. O., May, D. M.,Wang, P., Wang, H., Workman, K., & Christensen, A. L. 2012. Linking Ethical Leadership to Employee Performance: The Roles of Leader-Member Exchange, Self-Efficacy, and Organizational Identification. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,115: 204-213.
3. Lee, C., Begley, T., Hui, C., & Wang H. 2012. Are the Effects of Conscientiousness on Contextual and Innovative Performance Context Specific? Organizational Culture as a Moderator. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 23, 174-189.
4. Zhang, Y, Farh, L, J. & Wang, H. 2012. Organizational Antecedents of Employee Perceived Organizational Support in China: A Grounded Investigation. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 23: 422-446.
5. Wang, H., Tsui, A.S., & Xin, K. R., 2011. CEO leadership behaviors, organizational performance, and employees’ attitudes,The Leadership Quarterly. 22,92-105
6. Walumbwa, F. O., Wang, P., Wang, H., Schaubroeck, J., & Avolio, B., 2010. Psychological Processes Linking Authentic Leadership to Follower Behaviors. Leadership Quarterly. 21: 901-914.
7. Law, K. S., Wang, H., & Hui, C. 2010. Currencies of Exchange and Global LMX: How They Affect Employee Task Performance and Extra-role Performance. Asia Pacific Journal of Management. 27: 625-646.
8. Zhang, J., Yang, Y., & Wang, H. 2009. Measuring Subjective Well-being: A Comparison of Chinese and American Cultures. Asian Journal of Social Psychology.12:221-225.
9. Wang, H., Law, K. S., & Chen, G. 2008. Leader-member Exchange, Employee Performance, and Work Outcomes: An Empirical Study in the Chinese Context. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 19, 1809-1824.
10. Bachrach, D. G., Wang, H., Bendoly, E., & Zhang, S. 2007. Importance of Organizational Citizenship Behaviour for Overall Performance Evaluation: Comparing the Role of Task Interdependence in China and the USA Management and Organization Review, 2, 255-276.
11. Tsui, A.S., Wang, H., & Xin, K.R. 2006. Organizational Culture in the People’s Republic of China: An Analysis of Culture Dimensions and Culture Types. Management and Organization Review, 2, 345-376.
12. Tsui, A.S., Zhang, Z, Wang, H., Xin, K. R. & Wu, J. B. 2006. Unpacking the Relationship between CEO Leadership Behavior and Organizational Culture. The Leadership Quarterly, 17, 113-117
13. Bendoly, E., Bachrach, D.G., Wang, H, & Zhang, S. 2006. ERP in the Minds of Supervisors: Joint Roles of Task Interdependence and Cultural Norms. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 26, 558-578.
14. Wang, H., Law, S. K, Hackett, R., Wang, D., & Chen, Z. 2005. Leader-Member Exchange as a Mediator of the Relationship between Transformational Leadership and Followers’ Performance and Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Academy of Management Journal, 48, 420-432.
15. Tsui, A.S., Wang, H., Xin, K. R., Zhang, L, & Fu, P. P. 2004. Let a Thousand Flowers Bloom: Variation of Leadership Styles among the Chinese CEOs. Organizational Dynamics, 33, 5-20.

1. Wang, H., Zhang W. H., Xin, K. R., & Tsui, A. S. 2011. Strategic Leadership and Firm Effectiveness: The Mediating Role of Organizational Culture. Management World, 9, 93-104.
2. Yin, J., & Wang, H. 2011. Social Exchange, Psychological Empowerment, and Working Outcomes of Employees. Journal of Economic Science, 3, 118-128.
3. Zhang, Y., Liu, S. S., Zhang, Z., & Wang, H. 2011. Training and Development Practice and Commitement of Employees: The Moderating Effects of Justice Perception. Journal of Economic Science, 3, 116-127.
4. Zhang, W. H., & Wang, H. 2009. The Consideration of Long-term Consequences, the behaviour of the Spirit of Self-sacrifice and the Behaviour of Leader’s Empowerment: The moderating effect of the Uncertainty of Environment. Management World, 6, 115-123.
5. Wang, H., Zhang, W. H., & Xie, H. 2009. The Moderating Effect of Leader-member Exchange on the Results of Empowering Leadership Behaviour. Economic Management Journal, 4, 99-104.
6. Wang, H., Wu, Z.Y., Zhang, Y., & Chen, C. C. 2008. The Dimensions and Measurement of Empowering Leadership Behavior in the Chinees Organizations. Acta Psychologica Sinica, 40, 1030-1040 .
7. Zhang, Y., Wang, H., & Fan, J. L. 2008. The Effect of Perceived Organization Support on Human Resource Management Practices and Employee’s Performance. The Journal of Management Science, 11, 120-131.
8. Zhang, Y., Wang, H., & Chen, C. Q. 2007. Empowering Leadership Behavior and its Practices. Nanjing University Business Review. 11, 117-131.
9. Zhang, Y., Zhang, G. D., Chen, C.C., & Wang, H. 2007. Empowering Leadership Behavior: The Tactics of Motivating Employees to Work. 1, 30-33. Peking University Business Review.
10. Wang, H., Xin, K. R., & Tsui, A. 2006. Organizational Culture: Its Predicting Powering to Firm Performance Comparing to Firm Ownership Structure. Harvard Business Review (Chinese), 7, 32-35.
11. Wang, H., Xin, K. R., & Tsui, A. 2006. The Effect of the Chinese CEO Leadership Behaviors on Firm Performance. The Management World, 4, 87-96.
12. Wang, H., Xin, K. R., & Tsui, A. 2004. Who are you: The Sketch of the Chinese CEO Leadership Behaviors. Harvard Business Review (Chinese), 5, 28-31.
13. Wang, H., Niu, X.Y., & S. Law 2004. The Dimensionality of Leader-Member Exchange and its Influence on Task Performance and Contextual Performance of Employees. Acta Psychologica Sinica, 36, 179-185.
14. Wang, H., Liu, Y.F., & Zhang, K. 2003. The Effect of Group Decision Supporting System and Group Discussion on Group Decision Making. Acta Psychologica Sinica, 2003, 35. 190-194.

1. Wang, H, Liu, X. F., & Law, S. K. 2007. Leader-member Exchange in People’s Republic of China: A Preliminary Research on the Contents and Dimensions. In G. Graen (Ed.). New National Network Sharing. P. 105-128. Information Age Publishing.
2. Zhong, C. B., Wang, H., Tsui, A.S., Farh, J. L., & Cheng, B. S. 2006. Strategic versus Diffusion Perspectives of Organizational Culture: Implications for Employee Commitment and the Extra Role Behavior in the Chinese Context. In Mobley, W. H. and Weldon, E. (Eds.) Adavances in Global Leaderhisp, Vol 4, p. 59-82. JAI Press.
3. Xin, K. R., Tsui, A.S., Wang, H., Zhang, Z, & Chen, W. 2002. Corporate Culture in Chinese State-owned Enterprises: An Inductive Analysis of Dimensions and Influences. In Tsui, A.S. and Lau, C.M. (Eds.) The Management of Enterprises in the People's Republic of China. Kluwer Academic Press.

1. Wang, H., Bachrach, D.G., & Chen, X. Perceived Insider Status: Employee’s Perception of Insider and Outsider with Organizations and Distinction from Leader-member Exchange. Revised and resubmitted to Journal of Applied Psychology.
2. Law, K., Wang, H., MA, Y.L., Wang, J. R., & Li, Q. The Domain of Job Performance and their Antecedents and Consequences: An Integrated Model. Revised and Submitted to Management and Organizational Review.
3. Lee, C, Begley, T., Hui, C., & Wang, H. Organizational Culture as a Moderator of the Conscientiousness-Performance Relationship. Revised and Resubmitted to Management and Organization Review.
4. Wang, P., Walumbwa, F. O., & Wang, H. A Multi-foci Model of Family-Supportive Work Environment and Employee Behavior: Perceived Insider Status and Relational Identification as Mediators. Submitted to Personnel Psychology.
5. Lee, C., Hui, C., & Wang, H. I Want to Be Included: Sources of Perceived Insider Status and Why Insider Status is Important. Target to Organizational Science.
6. Zhang, Y., Chen, C.C., & Wang, H. Accountability and Psychological Empowerment: Effects of Accountability Focus, Leader Developmental Behavior and Subordinates’ Power Distance Orientation. Target to Journal of Management.

1. Sui, Y. & Wang, H. 2009. The Effects of Leader-member Exchange and Participative Management on Organization-base Self-esteem and its Relationship with Task Performance Academy of Management Conference, Chicago.
2. Chen, Y., Wang, H., Lee, C. & Erez, M. 2009. Unpacking the Effects of Group Faultlines on Team Innovation: The Moderating Role of Team Task Conflict and Collective Efficacy. Academy of Management Conference, Chicago.
3. Chen, Y., Erez, M., Wang, H., Lee, C. & Sui, Y. 2009. How and When Innovation Culture and Leadership Affect Team Innovation? Exploring the Mediation and Moderation. Academy of Management Conference, Chicago.
4. Yin, J., & Wang, H. Different Effects of Employees' Exchange with Supervisor and Organization on In-role and Contextual Performance. Academy of International Business Conference 2008 Southeast Asia Regional Conference 2008, Malaysia.
5. Chen, Y., Wang, H. & Erez, M., 2008. Whoes and Which Creativity do you want to Ignite: Choosing the Right Goal Priming Strategies. Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim.
6. Walumbwa, F. O., Wang, P., Wang, H., Schaubroeck, J., & Avolio, B., 2008. Psychological Processess Linking Authentic Leadership to Follower Behaviors. Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim.
7. Zhang, Y., Chen, C.C., & Wang, H., 2008. How Does Individualized Consideration Foster OCB? A Comparison of Three Psychological Mechanisms. Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim.
8. Wei, X., Wang, H., Chen, C.C., & Zhang, Y., 2008. Meditating and Moderating Factors of Empowering Leadership: Evidence from the Chinese Organizations. Academy of International Business Conference, Milan.
9. Wei, X., Wang, H., & Chen, C.C. 2008. Supervisor Identification: The Linking-pin of Empowering Leadership Behavior and Employees’ Working Outcomes. IACMR Conference, Guangzhou.
10. Lee, C, Begley, T., Hui, C., & Wang, H. 2008. Organizational Culture as a Moderator of the Conscientiousness-Performance Relationship. IACMR Conference, Guangzhou.
11. Yang, Y.L., Zhang, L., & Wang, H., 2008. An Empirical Research on the Antecedents and Consequences of Empowering Leadership Behaviors. IACMR Conference, Guangzhou.
12. Guo, B. J., Xie, H., & Wang, H. 2008. The Moderating Role of LMX between the Relationship of Empowering Leadership and Psychological Empowerment. IACMR Conference 2008, Guangzhou.
13. Dabos, G. E., Rousseau, D. M., Lee, C, Hui, C, & Wang, H. 2007. Firm Culture as an Antecedent of the Employee Psychological Contract, Its Alignment and Fulfilment. Academy of Management Conference 2007,Philadelphia.
14. Zhang, Y., Chen, C.C., & Wang, H. 2007. Bounded Empowerment: Main and Joint Effects of Supervisory Power Sharing and Management Control. Academy of Management Conference 2007,Philadelphia.
15. Wang, H., Lee, C., & Hui, C. 2006. I Want to Be Included: Sources of Perceived Insider Status and Why Insider Status is Important. Asia Academy of Management Conference 2006, Tokyo. (Best Paper Award Finalist).
16. Zhang, Y, Farh, L, J. & Wang, H. 2006. Organizational Antecedents of Employee Perceived Organizational Support in China: A Grounded Investigation. Academy of Management Conference 2006, Atlanta.
17. Law, K., Wang, H., MA, Y.L., Wang, J. R., & Li, Q. 2006. The Domain of Job Performance and their Antecedents and Consequences: An Integrated Model. Academy of Management Conference 2006,Atlanta.
18. Zhang, Y, Wang, H., & Farh, L, J. 2006. The Effects of Perceived Organizational Support on Human Resource Management Practices and Employees’ Performance. Conference of IACMR Nanjing
19. Zhang, J., & Wang, H. 2006. A Measurement Model of Subjective Well-being: New Direction in Positive Psychology and Happy Economics. Conference of IACMR Nanjing
20. Yuan, S. P., Wang, H., Zou, M. X., & Law, K. S. 2006. An Empirical Study on the Job Domain of Middle Level Managers and its Antecedents and Consequence. Conference of IACMR Nanjing.
21. Zou, M., Wang, H., Ma, Y, L., Law, K. S., & Wu, C. Y. 2008. The Antecedents and Consequences of Performance job of Nursing Employees. Conference of IACMR Nanjing.

