2023-05-05 16:31
  • 王旭辉
  • 王旭辉 - 研究员-北京大学-城市与环境学院-个人资料




2016/03-2019/03,法国气候与环境研究室,博士后,合作导师:Philippe Ciais
Clarivate全球高被引科学家2019 (top 1% researcher)
Publons同行评议奖2018 (top 1% reviewer)




Liu, Y., Piao, S., Gasser, T., Ciais, P., Yang, H., Wang, H., Keenan, T. F., Huang, M., Wan, S., Song, J., Wang, K., Janssens, I. A., Peñuelas, J., Huntingford, C., Wang, X., Altaf Arain, M., Fang, Y., Fisher, J. B., Huang, M., Huntzinger, D. N., Ito, A., Jain, A. K., Mao, J., Michalak, A. M., Peng, C., Poulter, B., Schwalm, C., Shi, X., Tian, H., Wei, Y., Zeng, N., Zhu, Q., & Wang, T. (2019). Field-experiment constraints on the enhancement of the terrestrial carbon sink by CO2 fertilization. Nature Geoscience, 12(10), 809-814. doi:10.1038/s41561-019-0436-1.
Müller, C., Elliott, J., Kelly, D., Arneth, A., Balkovic, J., Ciais, P., Deryng, D., Folberth, C., Hoek, S., Izaurralde, R. C., Jones, C. D., Khabarov, N., Lawrence, P., Liu, W., Olin, S., Pugh, T. A. M., Reddy, A., Rosenzweig, C., Ruane, A. C., Sakurai, G., Schmid, E., Skalsky, R., Wang, X., de Wit, A., & Yang, H. (2019). The Global Gridded Crop Model Intercomparison phase 1 simulation dataset. Scientific Data, 6(1), 50. doi:10.1038/s41597-019-0023-8
Yang, H., Piao, S., Huntingford, C., Peng, S., Ciais, P., Chen, A., Zhou, G., Wang, X., Gao, M., & Zscheischler, J. (2019). Strong but Intermittent Spatial Covariations in Tropical Land Temperature. Geophysical Research Letters, 46(1), 356-364. doi:doi:10.1029/2018GL080463
Piao, S., Zhang, X., Chen, A., Liu, Q., Lian, X., Wang, X., . . . Wu, X. (2019). The impacts of climate extremes on the terrestrial carbon cycle: A review. Science China Earth Sciences. doi:10.1007/s11430-018-9363-5
Huang, M., Piao, S., Ciais, P., Peñuelas, J., Wang, X., Keenan, T. F., . . . Mao, J. (2019). Air temperature optima of vegetation productivity across global biomes. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 1. doi:10.1038/s41559-019-0838-x
Ciais, P., Tan, J., Wang, X., Roedenbeck, C., Chevallier, F., Piao, S. L., . . . Tans, P. (2019). Five decades of northern land carbon uptake revealed by the interhemispheric CO2 gradient. Nature. doi:10.1038/s41586-019-1078-6
Schewe J, Gosling SN, Reyer C, Zhao F, Ciais P, Elliott J, Francois L, Huber V, Lotze HK, Seneviratne SI, Van Vliet MTH, Vautard R, Wada Y, Breuer L, Büchner M, Carozza DA, Chang J, Coll M, Deryng D, De Wit A, Eddy TD, Folberth C, Frieler K, Friend AD, Gerten D, Gudmundsson L, Hanasaki N, Ito A, Khabarov N, Kim H, Lawrence P, Morfopoulos C, Müller C, Müller Schmied H, Orth R, Ostberg S, Pokhrel Y, Pugh TaM, Sakurai G, Satoh Y, Schmid E, Stacke T, Steenbeek J, Steinkamp J, Tang Q, Tian H, Tittensor DP, Volkholz J, Wang X, Warszawski L (2019) State-of-the-art global models underestimate impacts from climate extremes. Nature Communications, 10, 1005.
Chen C, Park T, Wang X, Piao S, Xu B, Chaturvedi RK, Fuchs R, Brovkin V, Ciais P, Fensholt R (2019) China and India lead in greening of the world through land-use management. Nature Sustainability, 2, 122.
Yang H, Piao S, Huntingford C, Peng S, Ciais P, Chen A, Zhou G, Wang X, Gao M, Zscheischler J (2019) Strong but Intermittent Spatial Covariations in Tropical Land Temperature. Geophysical Research Letters, 46, 356-364.
Liu D, Piao S, Wang T, Wang X, Wang X, Ding J, Ciais P, Peñuelas J, Janssens I (2018) Decelerating Autumn CO2 Release With Warming Induced by Attenuated Temperature Dependence of Respiration in Northern Ecosystems. Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 5562-5571.
Müller C, Elliott J, Pugh TaM, Ruane AC, Ciais P, Balkovic J, Deryng D, Folberth C, Izaurralde RC, Jones CD, Khabarov N, Lawrence P, Liu W, Reddy AD, Schmid E, Wang X (2018) Global patterns of crop yield stability under additional nutrient and water inputs. PLoS ONE, 13, e0198748.
Wartenburger R, Seneviratne SI, Hirschi M, Chang J, Ciais P, Deryng D, Elliott J, Folberth C, Gosling SN, Gudmundsson L, Henrot A-J, Hickler T, Ito A, Khabarov N, Kim H, Leng G, Liu J, Liu X, Masaki Y, Morfopoulos C, Müller C, Schmied HM, Nishina K, Orth R, Pokhrel Y, Pugh TaM, Satoh Y, Schaphoff S, Schmid E, Sheffield J, Stacke T, Steinkamp J, Tang Q, Thiery W, Wada Y, Wang X, Weedon GP, Yang H, Zhou T (2018) Evapotranspiration simulations in ISIMIP2a—Evaluation of spatio-temporal characteristics with a comprehensive ensemble of independent datasets. Environmental Research Letters, 13, 075001.
Lian X, Piao S, Huntingford C, Li Y, Zeng Z, Wang X, Ciais P, Mcvicar TR, Peng S, Ottlé C, Yang H, Yang Y, Zhang Y, Wang T (2018) Partitioning global land evapotranspiration using CMIP5 models constrained by observations. Nature Climate Change, 8, 640-646.
Li X, He Y, Zeng Z, Lian X, Wang X, Du M, Jia G, Li Y, Ma Y, Tang Y, Wang W, Wu Z, Yan J, Yao Y, Ciais P, Zhang X, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Zhou G, Piao S (2018) Spatiotemporal pattern of terrestrial evapotranspiration in China during the past thirty years. Agricultural And Forest Meteorology, 259, 131-140.
Xi Y, Peng S, Ciais P, Guimberteau M, Li Y, Piao S, Wang X, Polcher J, Yu J, Zhang X, Zhou F, Bo Y, Ottle C, Yin Z (2018) Contributions of Climate Change, CO2, Land-Use Change, and Human Activities to Changes in River Flow across 10 Chinese Basins. Journal Of Hydrometeorology, 19, 1899-1914.
Piao S, Huang M, Liu Z, Wang X, Ciais P, Canadell JG, Wang K, Bastos A, Friedlingstein P, Houghton RA, Le Quéré C, Liu Y, Myneni RB, Peng S, Pongratz J, Sitch S, Yan T, Wang Y, Zhu Z, Wu D, Wang T (2018) Lower land-use emissions responsible for increased net land carbon sink during the slow warming period. Nature Geoscience.
Wang X*, Ciais P, Wang Y, Zhu D (2018) Divergent response of seasonally dry tropical vegetation to climatic variations in dry and wet seasons. Global Change Biology, doi:10.1111/gcb.14335
Huang M, Wang X*, Keenan TF, Piao S (2018) Drought timing influences the legacy of tree growth recovery. Global Change Biology, doi:10.1111/gcb.14294.
Zhu P, Jin Z, Zhuang Q, Ciais P, Bernacchi C, Wang X, Makowski D, Lobell D The important but weakening maize yield benefit of grain filling prolongation in the US Midwest. Global Change Biology, doi:10.1111/gcb.14356
Li Y, Piao S, Li LZX, Chen A, Wang X, Ciais P, Huang L, Lian X, Peng S, Zeng Z, Wang K, Zhou L (2018) Divergent hydrological response to large-scale afforestation and vegetation greening in China. Science Advances, 4, 10.1126/sciadv.aar4182.
Schleussner C-F, Deryng D, Müller C, Elliott J, Saeed F, Folberth C, Liu W, Wang X, Pugh T, Thiery W (2018) Crop productivity changes in 1.5° C and 2° C worlds under climate sensitivity uncertainty. Environmental Research Letters, 13, 064007.
Kvakić M, Pellerin S, Ciais P, Achat DL, Augusto L, Denoroy P, Gerber JS, Goll D, Mollier A, Mueller ND, Wang X, Ringeval B (2018) Quantifying the Limitation to World Cereal Production Due To Soil Phosphorus Status. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 32, 143-157.
Li X, He Y, Zeng Z, Lian X, Wang X, Du M, Jia G, Li Y, Ma Y, Tang Y, Wang W, Wu Z, Yan J, Yao Y, Ciais P, Zhang X, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Zhou G, Piao S (2018) Spatiotemporal pattern of terrestrial evapotranspiration in China during the past thirty years. Agricultural And Forest Meteorology, 259, 131-140.
Yao Y, Li Z, Wang T, Chen A, Wang X, Du M, Jia G, Li Y, Li H, Luo W, Ma Y, Tang Y, Wang H, Wu Z, Yan J, Zhang X, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Zhou G, Piao S (2018) A new estimation of China’s net ecosystem productivity based on eddy covariance measurements and a model tree ensemble approach. Agricultural And Forest Meteorology, 253-254, 84-93.
Yu C, Huang X, Chen H, Huang G, Ni S, Wright JS, Hall J, Ciais P, Zhang J, Xiao Y, Sun Z, Wang X, Yu L Assessing the Impacts of Extreme Agricultural Droughts in China Under Climate and Socioeconomic Changes. Earth's Future, 6, doi:10.1002/2017EF000768.
Parkes B, Defrance D, Sultan B, Ciais P, Wang X (2018) Projected changes in crop yield mean and variability over West Africa in a world 1.5 K warmer than the pre-industrial era. Earth Syst. Dynam., 9, 119-134.
Fernández-Martínez M, Vicca S, Janssens IA, Ciais P, Obersteiner M, Bartrons M, Sardans J, Verger A, Canadell JG, Chevallier F, Wang X, Bernhofer C, Curtis PS, Gianelle D, Grünwald T, Heinesch B, Ibrom A, Knohl A, Laurila T, Law BE, Limousin JM, Longdoz B, Loustau D, Mammarella I, Matteucci G, Monson RK, Montagnani L, Moors EJ, Munger JW, Papale D, Piao SL, Peñuelas J (2017) Atmospheric deposition, CO2, and change in the land carbon sink. Scientific Reports, 7, 9632.
Yao Y, Wang X, Li Y, Wang T, Shen M, Du M, He H, Li Y, Luo W, Ma M, Ma Y, Tang Y, Wang H, Zhang X, Zhang Y, Zhao L, Zhou G, Piao S Spatiotemporal pattern of gross primary productivity and its covariation with climate in China over the last thirty years. Global Change Biology, in press.
Parkes B, Sultan B, Ciais P, Wang X (2017) Modelling fertiliser significance in three major crops. European Journal Of Agronomy, 90, 1-11.
Zhao C, Liu B, Piao S, Wang X, Lobell DB, Huang Y et al. (2017) Temperature increase reduces global yields of major crops in four independent estimates. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114, 9326-9331.
Chang J, Ciais P, Wang X et al. (2017) Benchmarking carbon fluxes of the ISIMIP2a biome models. Environmental Research Letters, 12, 045002.
Müller C, Elliott J, Chryssanthacopoulos J, Arneth A, Balkovic J, Ciais P, Deryng D, Folberth C, Glotter M, Hoek S, Iizumi T, Izaurralde RC, Jones C, Khabarov N, Lawrence P, Liu W, Olin S, Pugh TaM, Ray DK, Reddy A, Rosenzweig C, Ruane AC, Sakurai G, Schmid E, Skalsky R, Song CX, Wang X, De Wit A, Yang H (2017) Global gridded crop model evaluation: benchmarking, skills, deficiencies and implications. Geosci. Model Dev., 10, 1403-1422.
Zhang Y, Yao Y, Wang X, Liu Y, Piao S (2017) Mapping spatial distribution of forest age in China. Earth and Space Science, 4, 108-116.
Wang X, Ciais P, Li L, Ruget F, Vuichard N, Viovy N, Zhou F, Chang J, Wu X, Zhao H, Piao S (2017) Management outweighs climate change on affecting length of rice growing period for early rice and single rice in China during 1991–2012. Agricultural And Forest Meteorology, 233, 1-11.
Zhao C, Piao S, Wang X, Huang Y, Ciais P, Elliott J, Huang M, Janssens IA, Li T, Lian X, Liu Y, Müller C, Peng S, Wang T, Zeng Z, Peñuelas J (2016) Plausible rice yield losses under future climate warming. Nature Plants, 3, 16202.
Zhao C, Piao S, Huang Y, Wang X, Ciais P, Huang M, Zeng Z, Peng S (2016) Field warming experiments shed light on the wheat yield response to temperature in China. Nature Communications, 7, 13530.
Chang J, Ciais P, Herrero M, Havlik P, Campioli M, Zhang X, Bai Y, Viovy N, Joiner J, Wang X, Peng S, Yue C, Piao S, Wang T, Hauglustaine DA, Soussana JF, Peregon A, Kosykh N, Mironycheva-Tokareva N (2016) Combining livestock production information in a process-based vegetation model to reconstruct the history of grassland management. Biogeosciences, 13, 3757-3776.
Porwollik V, Müller C, Elliott J, Chryssanthacopoulos J, Iizumi T, Ray DK, Ruane AC, Arneth A, Balkovič J, Ciais P, Deryng D, Folberth C, Izaurralde RC, Jones CD, Khabarov N, Lawrence PJ, Liu W, Pugh TaM, Reddy A, Sakurai G, Schmid E, Wang X, De Wit A, Wu X Spatial and temporal uncertainty of crop yield aggregations. European Journal Of Agronomy.
Yao Y, Wang X, Zeng Z, Liu Y, Peng S, Zhu Z, Piao S (2016) The Effect of Afforestation on Soil Moisture Content in Northeastern China. PLoS ONE, 11, e0160776.
Zhu Z, Piao S, Myneni RB, Huang M, Zeng Z, Canadell JG, Ciais P, Sitch S, Friedlingstein P, Arneth A, Cao C, Cheng L, Kato E, Koven C, Li Y, Lian X, Liu Y, Liu R, Mao J, Pan Y, Peng S, Penuelas J, Poulter B, Pugh TaM, Stocker BD, Viovy N, Wang X, Wang Y, Xiao Z, Yang H, Zaehle S, Zeng N (2016) Greening of the Earth and its drivers. Nature Clim. Change, 6, 791-795.
Sun Y, Piao S, Huang M, Ciais P, Zeng Z, Cheng L, Li X, Zhang X, Mao J, Peng S, Poulter B, Shi X, Wang X, Wang Y-P, Zeng H (2016) Global patterns and climate drivers of water-use efficiency in terrestrial ecosystems deduced from satellite-based datasets and carbon cycle models. Global Ecology And Biogeography, 25, 311-323.
Wu X, Vuichard N, Ciais P, Viovy N, De Noblet-Ducoudré N, Wang X, Magliulo V, Wattenbach M, Vitale L, Di Tommasi P, Moors EJ, Jans W, Elbers J, Ceschia E, Tallec T, Bernhofer C, Grünwald T, Moureaux C, Manise T, Ligne A, Cellier P, Loubet B, Larmanou E, Ripoche D (2016) ORCHIDEE-CROP (v0), a new process-based agro-land surface model: model description and evaluation over Europe. Geosci. Model Dev., 9, 857-873.
Zhao H, Fu YH, Wang X, Zhao C, Zeng Z, Piao S (2016) Timing of rice maturity in China is affected more by transplanting date than by climate change. Agricultural And Forest Meteorology, 216, 215-220.
Campioli M, Vicca S, Luyssaert S, Bilcke J, Ceschia E, Chapin Iii FS, Ciais P, Fernandez-Martinez M, Malhi Y, Obersteiner M, Olefeldt D, Papale D, Piao SL, Penuelas J, Sullivan PF, Wang X, Zenone T, Janssens IA (2015) Biomass production efficiency controlled by management in temperate and boreal ecosystems. Nature Geosci, in press
Peng S, Ciais P, Chevallier F, Peylin P, Cadule P, Sitch S, Piao S, Ahlström A, Huntingford C, Levy P, Li X, Liu Y, Lomas M, Poulter B, Viovy N, Wang T, Wang X, Zaehle S, Zeng N, Zhao F, Zhao H (2015) Benchmarking the seasonal cycle of CO2 fluxes simulated by terrestrial ecosystem models. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 29, 46-64.
Zhou F, Shang Z, Zeng Z, Piao S, Ciais P, Raymond PA, Wang X, Wang R, Chen M, Yang C, Tao S, Zhao Y, Meng Q, Gao S, Mao Q (2015) New model for capturing the variations of fertilizer-induced emission factors of N2O. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 29, 885-897.
Chang J, Ciais P, Viovy N, Vuichard N, Herrero M, Havlík P, Wang X, Sultan B, Soussana J (2015) Effect of climate change, CO2 trends, nitrogen addition, land cover and management intensity changes on the carbon balance of European grasslands. Global Change Biology, in press
Wang X, Piao S, Xu X, Ciais P, Macbean N, Myneni RB, Li L (2015) Has the advancing onset of spring vegetation green-up slowed down or changed abruptly over the last three decades? Global Ecology And Biogeography, 24, 621-631.
F Zhou, Z Shang, P Ciais, S Tao, S Piao, P Raymond, C He, B Li, R Wang, X Wang, S Peng, Z Zeng, H Chen, N Ying, X Hou, P Xu (2014) A New High-Resolution N2O Emission Inventory for China in 2008. Environmental Science & Technology, 48, 8538-8547.
Wang X, Peng L, Zhang X, Yin G, Zhao C, Piao S (2014) Divergence of climate impacts on maize yield in Northeast China. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 196, 51-58.
Fu Y, Piao S, Zhao H, Jeong S, Wang X, Vitasse Y, Ciais P, Janssens I (2014) Unexpected role of winter precipitation in determining heat requirement for spring vegetation green-up at northern middle and high latitudes. Global Change
Biology, 20, 3743-55.
Wang X, Piao S, Ciais P, Friedlingstein P, Myneni RB, Cox P, Heimann M, Miller J, Peng S, Wang T, Yang H, Chen A (2014) A two-fold increase of carbon cycle sensitivity to tropical temperature variations. Nature, 506, 212-215.
Piao S, Nan H, Huntingford C, Ciais P, Friedlingstein P, Sitch S, Peng S, Ahlstrom A, Canadell JG, Cong N, Levis S, Levy PE, Liu L, Lomas MR, Mao J, Myneni RB, Peylin P, Poulter B, Shi X, Yin G, Viovy N, Wang T, Wang X, Zaehle S, Zeng N, Zeng Z, Chen A (2014) Evidence for a weakening relationship between interannual temperature variability and northern vegetation activity. Nat Commun, 5, 5018.
Xia J, Niu S, Wang X, Piao S, Yan L, Wan S (2013) Ecosystem Carbon Cycle Under Changing Atmosphere, Climate and Land use in Dryland East Asia in Dryland East Asia: Land Dynamics Amid Social and Climate Change (Eds Jiquan Chen et al. ). Walter De Gruyter Incorporated.
Mohammat A, Wang X, Xu X, Peng L, Yang Y, Zhang X, Myneni RB, Piao S (2013) Drought and spring cooling induced recent decrease in vegetation growth in Inner Asia. Agricultural And Forest Meteorology, 178-179, 21-30.
Piao S, Sitch S, Ciais P, Friedlingstein P, Peylin P, Wang X, Ahlström A, Anav A, Canadell JG, Cong N, Huntingford C, Jung M, Levis S, Levy PE, Li J, Lin X, Lomas MR, Lu M, Luo Y, Ma Y, Myneni RB, Poulter B, Sun Z, Wang T, Viovy N, Zaehle S, Zeng N (2013) Evaluation of terrestrial carbon cycle models for their response to climate variability and to CO2 trends. Global Change Biology, 19, 2117-2132.
Cong N, Wang T, Nan H, Ma Y, Wang X, Myneni RB, Piao S (2013) Changes in satellite-derived spring vegetation green-up date and its linkage to climate in China from 1982 to 2010: a multimethod analysis. Glob Chang Biol, 19, 881-891.
Piao SL, Ito A, Li SG, Huang Y, Ciais P, Wang XH, Peng SS, Nan HJ, Zhao C, Ahlström A, Andres RJ, Chevallier F et al. (2012) The carbon budget of terrestrial ecosystems in East Asia over the last two decades. Biogeosciences, 9, 3571-3586.
Cong N, Piao S, Chen A, Wang X, Lin X, Chen S, Han S, Zhou G, Zhang X (2012) Spring vegetation green-up date in China inferred from SPOT NDVI data: A multiple model analysis. Agricultural And Forest Meteorology, 165, 104-113.
Xu X, Piao S, Wang X, Chen A, Ciais P, Myneni RB (2012) Spatio-temporal patterns of the area experiencing negative vegetation growth anomalies in China over the last three decades. Environmental Research Letters, 7, 035701.
Mao J, Shi X, Thornton PE, Piao S, Wang X (2012) Causes of spring vegetation growth trends in the northern mid–high latitudes from 1982 to 2004. Environmental Research Letters, 7, 014010.
Piao S, Cui M, Chen A, Wang X, Ciais P, Liu J, Tang Y (2011) Altitude and temperature dependence of change in the spring vegetation green-up date from 1982 to 2006 in the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. Agricultural And Forest Meteorology, 151, 1599-1608.
Piao S, Wang X, Ciais P, Zhu B, Wang TaO, Liu JIE (2011) Changes in satellite-derived vegetation growth trend in temperate and boreal Eurasia from 1982 to 2006. Global Change Biology, 17, 3228-3239.
Wang X, Piao S, Ciais P, Li J, Friedlingstein P, Koven C, Chen A (2011) Spring temperature change and its implication in the change of vegetation growth in North America from 1982 to 2006. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108, 1240-1245.
Sun J, Wang X, Chen A, Ma Y, Cui M, Piao S (2011) NDVI indicated characteristics of vegetation cover change in China’s metropolises over the last three decades. Environmental Monitoring And Assessment, 179, 1-14.
Wang X, Piao S, Ciais P, Janssens IA, Reichstein M, Peng S, Wang T (2010) Are ecological gradients in seasonal Q10 of soil respiration explained by climate or by vegetation seasonality? Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 42, 1728-1734.
Peng S, Piao S, Ciais P, Fang J, Wang X (2010) Change in winter snow depth and its impacts on vegetation in China. Global Change Biology, 16, 3004-3013.
Global Change Biology 编委 2017-

