2023-05-05 16:23
  • 钱文澜
  • 钱文澜 - 访问副教授-北京大学-汇丰商学院-个人资料






Board, American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association, 2018 – Fellow, Asian Bureau of Finance and Economics Research, 2017- Fellow, Homer Hoyt Weimer School of Advanced Studies in Real Estate and Land Economics, 2016 –
Editorial Board
Editor, Real Estate Economics, 2019-

Associate Editor, Financial Management, 2016 - Associate Editor, Real Estate Economics, 2015 – 2019
2018 Award for the Best Paper, China Financial Research Conference

2016 Among the Most Influential Business Professors 40 and under, Singapore Business Review 2015 Young Researcher Award, NUS Business School 2014 Award for the Best Paper in Asset Pricing, Society of Financial Studies Cavalcade conference 2014 Blackrock Research Award for the Best Paper in Capital Market/Funds Management/Mutual Funds, Australasian Banking and Finance Conference 2012 Best Paper Award (first prize), Global Chinese Real Estate Congress (GCREC) annual conference 2009 Best Paper Award, joint American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association (AREUEA) and Asian Real Estate Society (AsRES) Conference
Household Finance; Real Estate; Digitization, E-Commerce, and FinTech; Short Sellers; Financial Intermediaries

INVITED CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS (Including scheduled, * coauthor presentation)
2019 AEA* (x2); AFA*; NBER/China; WEAI*; ABFER; Wisconsin Real Estate Conference, University of Wisconsin-Madison; China International Conference in Macroeconomics; China Meeting of the Econometric Society*; China Financial Research Conference; First Annual Conference on Digital Economy, Luohan Academy
Discussion: ASSA/AREUEA; ASSA/SSEM; ABFER; Peking GSM FinTech Symposium; CICF
2018 AEA*; NBER/China; ABFER; SFS Cavalcade Asia-Pacific (x2); CFRC, PBC Tshinghua; FIRS* (x3); CICF*; AsFA*; International AREUEA*; Fintech, Credit, and the Future Banking Conference; Interdisciplinary Big Data Conference, SFI; Singapore Scholars Symposium*,
Discussion: AREUEA/ASSA; CEPR European Household Finance Conference; ABFER; PreWFA Real Estate Symposium; CIFFP; SFS Cavalcade/Asia Pacific
2017 AEA*; ABFER Specialty Conference*; AREUEA/ASSA*; ABFER*; EFA*; Wellington Finance Summit*; Singapore Scholars Symposium*, Finance Research Association
Discussion: AREUEA/ASSA; CEPR European Household Finance Conference; SFS Cavalcade/Asia Pacific; ABFER; Singapore Scholars Symposium
2016 AEA*; NBER/SI; NBER/EASE*, Weimer School of Advanced Studies in Real Estate and Land Economics; ABFER; CEPR European Conference on Household Finance
Discussion: ASSA/IBEFA, FIRS, Pre-WFA Real Estate Symposium
2015 AEA; AEA/AFE; NBER/EASE; Fourth Symposium on Emerging Financial Markets: China and Beyond; Society of Economic Dynamics*; CEIBS Finance
conference; ABFER; CICF; Frontier of Behavioral Economics; WU Gutmann Center Symposium
Discussion: ABFER, CICF, Annual Risk Management Conference, Singapore Scholars Symposium
2014 AEA; AFA; NBER/Behavioral*; CEPR European Summer Symposium in Financial Markets*; SFS Cavalcade; EFA; FIRS (accepted); ABFER; CICF (x2); AFBC; Singapore Scholar Symposium*; AsFA*
Discussion: EFA; WFA; CICF (x2); AREUEA-ASSA; ABFER; CAF-ISB Summer Research Conference; RFS Symposium on Emerging Financial Markets; AFBC
2013 European Conference on Household Finance; NBER/EASE; Asian Bureau of Financial and Economic Research (ABFER, x2); IRES symposium; CICF; 7th Singapore International Conference on Finance (SICF); Econometric Society Asian Meeting; International AREUEA/AsRES conference*, Hong Kong institute of monetary research (HKIMR) Summer Workshop
Discussion: Singapore Scholar Symposium; CICF; HKIMR Summer Workshop; SMU-SUFE Summer Research Conference; NBER EASE; ABFER; AREUEA-ASSA
2012 AREUEA-ASSA (x2); CICF (x2); Global Chinese Real Estate Congress; IRES symposium on Asia Growth and Urban Economy, Singapore; 6th Singapore International Finance Conference JFW; Finance Down Under conference; RERI*; ARES*; IRES
Discussion: CICF; AREUEA-ASSA; FSU-UF Critical Issues Symposium; IRES symposium
2011 CICF; IRES Real Estate Symposium; International AREUEA/AsRES conference*, Asian Pacific Real Estate Real Estate Symposium; Maastricht-NUS-MIT symposium, Maastricht
Discussion: CICF; International AREUEA; APRER Real Estate Symposium
2010 AREUEA-ASSA*; Pre-WFA Summer Real Estate Symposium; AsFA; AFBC; 4th Singapore International Finance Conference JFW; FMA
Discussion: FMA; AsFA; IRES symposium
2009 AREUEA-ASSA; International AREUEA/AsRES Conference; Global Chinese Real Estate Congress
Discussion: Third Singapore International Finance Conference; APRER Real Estate Symposium; MIT Maastricht NUS Real Estate Symposium
2008 AsRES; DePaul University Symposium
Discussion: APRER Real Estate Symposium, Annual Risk Management Conference
2019 CUHK (Econ; Finance); ESSEC; Fudan University/Fanhai; CUHK(Shenzhen); Tsinghua SEM; PBC School of Finance; CKGSB, National Taiwan University

2018 Xiamen University; Singapore Management University; Central University of Finance and Economics; Renmin University; INSEAD

2017 Tsinghua PBC School of Finance; Singapore Management University; Nanyang Technological University; Deakin University; Tsinghua University

2016 UNSW; University of Technology Sydney; Chinese University of Hong Kong; Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; NYU Stern; Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College; Office of the Comptroller of the Currency; Johns Hopkins University Carey Business School

2015 CKGSB; Australian National University; Guanghua School of Management, Peking University; Chinese University of Hong Kong; Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Chengdu

2014 Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco; Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago; Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance (SAIF); Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Hong Kong University; City University of Hong Kong; Singapore Management University

2013 Nanyang Technological University
2012 University of Florida; University of Cincinnati

2008 Rice University; Concordia University; National University of Singapore; Moody's KMV; BGI

Externally Reviewed

2019-2021 National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC 中国国家自然科学基金), “The Mechanism Design, Risk Control and Management of Informal Finance in the Era of Financial Technology”, Co-PI, RMB 1,960,000 2018-2021 AcRF Tier 2 Research Grant, Ministry of Education, Singapore, “The Impact of Economic and Policy Shocks on Consumption and Labor Choice”, PI, S$379,578 2013-2014 NBER Household Finance Group/Sloan Foundation Research Grant, NBER, US$16,000 2012-2013 Real Estate Research Institute Research Grant, US$ 10,000

2017-2020 FRC Tier 1 Research Grant, Ministry of Education, Singapore, “Regulating the Housing Market”, PI, S$39,090 2017-2019 Global Asia Institute, Lifecycle Financing Program, “Lifecycle Financing: Retirement Wealth, Reverse Mortgages, Investment Decisions and Household Consumption Behavior”, PI, S$ 207,600 2015-2018 FRC Tier 1 Research Grant, Ministry of Education, Singapore, “Study of Consumer Credit in China”, PI, S$47,687 2014-2015 CAMRI Applied Finance Research Grant, S$15,000 2012-2015 FRC Tier 1 Research Grant, Ministry of Education, Singapore, “The impact of fiscal policy, housing wealth, liquidity constraints and consumer sentiment on consumption in Singapore”, PI, S$86,100 2011-2012 IMAS-CAMRI Applied Finance Research Grant, S$15,000 2010-2013 FRC Tier 1 Research Grant, Ministry of Education, Singapore, “Investor sophistication and market efficiency”, PI, S$44,400 2008-2011 Start-up Research Fund, NUS Business School, PI, S$40,000
Instructor, FIN 3102, Undergraduate Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, NUS Business School, National University of Singapore, 2008 -
Instructor, BZD 6004, Applied Econometrics (Business School PhD core course), NUS Business School, National University of Singapore, 2017 -
Instructor, BFA 6002, PhD Finance Theory, NUS Business School, National University of Singapore, 2011-2013
Editorial Board
Editor, Real Estate Economics, 2019-

Associate Editor, Financial Management, 2016 - Associate Editor, Real Estate Economics, 2015 – 2019
American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association
Ad Hoc Referee
American Economic Review; The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy; Economic Inquiry; Financial Management; Financial Review; Health Economics; International Review of Finance; Journal of Banking and Finance; Journal of Business Finance and Accounting; Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization; Journal of Housing Economics; Journal of Finance; Journal of Financial and Quantitative
Analysis; Journal of Financial Economics; Journal of Financial Services Research; Journal of Money, Credit and Banking; Journal of Pension Economics and Finance; Journal of Public Economics; Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics; Journal of Regional Studies; Journal of Urban Economics; Management Science; Mathematical and Financial Economics; Pacific-Basin Finance; Real Estate Economics; Regional Science and Urban Economics; Review of Asset Pricing Studies; Review of Economics and Statistics; Review of Financial Studies
Conference Organizing Committee
2018-2019 AREUEA awards committee 2019 AFA session chair 2019 AEA session organizer for “The Impact of Digital Economy” 2018- ABFER (Real Estate track) 2018 AEA session organizer for “Cohort Effects: Sources and Implications” 2017- CEPR Household Finance Conference 2017 AREUEA-ASSA 2016 NBER/EASE 2015- ABFER (Investment track) 2015 AEA session organizer for “Retirement Savings and Household Decisions” 2014 AEA session organizer for “Consumption and Debt Response to Income Shocks” 2014 China International Conference in Finance (CICF) 2011,2017 NUS IRES Real Estate Symposium 2009 International Real Estate Conference of AREUEA/AsRES
Conference Review Committee
2019 CUHK-RCFS Corporate Finance and Financial Intermediation Conference 2019 ABFER/CEPR/CUHK Conference on financial economics 2019 IBEFA summer meeting at the WEAI 2019 China Financial Research Conference 2018- FMA 2017- FMA Napa Conference on Financial Markets 2017 Financial Institutions, Regulation and Corporate Governance Conference 2016- Finance Down Under conference, University of Melbourne 2016 FMA Asian Conference 2015- European Finance Association conference 2014-2015, 2018 International Banking, Economics and Finance Association (IBEFA) 2011, 2018 SFS Cavalcade conference 2010-2015 Asian Finance Association (AsFA) Annual Meeting 2010-2011 4th and 5th Singapore International Finance Conference 2010, 2012-2014 NUS Risk Management Conference
Grant Reviewer
2010 Risk Management Institute Research Grant, NUS 2010 Hong Kong Research Grants Council


Committee & Other Service
2016- Department PhD coordinator 2016- Department recruiting committee 2017 Business school EMBA review committee 2016- Business school faculty research committee 2014-2016 Department seminar coordinator 2013-2016 Department PhD program committee 2012-2013 Department financial database committee 2011-2012 Department PhD program committee 2010-2011 Department financial database committee 2009-2010 Department recruiting committee 2009-2016 Undergraduate honors thesis examiner 2008-2016 APEX-EMBA thesis examiner
PhD Dissertation Committee
Weibiao Xu (finance, 2015; first placement—Nankai University) Jian Zhang (finance, 2016; first placement—Hong Kong Baptist University) Xin Zou (finance, 2017, co-chair; first placement—Hong Kong Baptist Univerity) Man Zhang (finance, 2018; first placement – University of Sydney) Yuan Ren (finance, chair; ongoing) Siyu Chen (economics, 2019; first placement—Jinan University/IESR)

Bloomberg, “That property boom could be the reason employees are goofing off”, March 2019 Straits Times, “When home prices rise, people goof off at work”, March 2019 Business Times, “When home prices rise, people goof off at work”, March 2019 Business Times, “Mobile payments have positive impact on business growth”, February 2019 Straits Times, “QR code payment popular in Singapore and a boon for small merchants, says NUS study”, December 2018 Channel News Asia, “Singapore's small merchants benefit most from mobile wallet use”, December 2018 Singapore Business Review, “Mobile wallet usage boosts business growth for small merchants”, December 2018 The New Paper, “Retails hoping for Black Friday boom”, November 2018 Straits Times, “Singapore retailers see Singles' Day sales spike”, November 2018 VoxChina, “Housing booms and shirking”, October 2018 MoneyFM (radio), “How are people spending their CPF withdrawals?”, September 2018 Lianhe Zaobao, “Lower income individuals over 55yo rely on CPF savings for expenditure”, September 2018

Straits Times, “Golf buddies and board diversity”, March 2018 Straits Times, “SG Bonus a Boost for the Economy”, February 2018 Straits Times, “S’pore research: Key is access to info”, June 2017 Straits Times, “Dragon babies, muted achievements?”, Jan 2017 Business Times, “One impact of HDB cooling measure is cut in spending”, September 2016 Straits Times, “Golden spending in the silver years”, August 2016 Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation, “Golf buddies and board diversity?”, June 2016 Straits Times, “Shop till you drop or when you run out of cards”, June 2016 Today, “How money-smart is the Singapore woman?”, May 2016 Business Times, “The impact of short selling on insider trading”, April, 2016 Forbes, “Backdoor Bribes? Banks Offer Special Credit Lines To Chinese Bureaucrats”, January 2016 Straits Times (op-ed), “Pick a card, any card: Cloaked corruption in China”, January 2016 Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation, “Does the presence of short sellers affect insider selling?”, December 2015 Straits Times (op-ed), “CPF reforms: To be or not to be (more flexible, that is)”, February 2015 Straits Times (op-ed), “Singaporeans’ puzzling behavior at age 55”, September 2014 Barron’s, “Hedge-fund research: Transparently short”, March 2014 Bloomberg, “New investing strategy: Talk your book”, March 2014 VoxEU, “Speculative investors and transaction tax in the housing market”, November 2013 Straits Times, “Govt rebates: Spend or save?”, June 2013 The Malaysian Insider, “Does ‘Free Money’ really boost spending?”, June 2013


1. Cheng, J., W. Qian, and D. Reeb, 2019, “The Ownership Complaint Gap: Mutual vs. Stock Intermediaries”, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, forthcoming
2. Agarwal, S., W. Qian, B. Yeung, and X. Zou, 2019, “Mobile Wallet and Entrepreneurial Growth”, American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings, 109,48-53
3. Agarwal, S., W. Qian, A. Seru, and J. Zhang, 2018, “Disguised Corruption: Evidence from Consumer Credit in China”, Journal of Financial Economics forthcoming
4. Agarwal, S., J. Pan, and W. Qian, 2018, “The Age of Decision: Pension Savings Withdrawal and Consumption and Debt Responses”, Management Science forthcoming
5. Agarwal, S. and W. Qian, 2017, “Access to Home Equity and Consumption: Evidence from a Policy Experiment”, Review of Economics and Statistics, 99(1), 40-52
6. Ljungqvist, A. and W. Qian, 2016, “How Constraining are Limits to Arbitrage?”, Review of Financial Studies, 29(8), 1975-2028
Award for Best Paper in Asset Pricing, SFS Cavalcade, 2014
Blackrock Research Award for the Best Paper in Capital Market, ABFC, 2014
CAMRI Applied Finance Research Grant, 2014
7. Agarwal, S., W. Qian, D. Reeb, and T. F. Sing, 2016, “Playing the Boys Game: Golf Buddies and Board Diversity”, American Economic Review Paper and Proceedings, 106(5), 272-276
8. Fu, Y., W. Qian, and B. Yeung, 2016, “Speculative Investors and Transaction Tax: Evidence from the Housing Market”, Management Science, 62(11), 3254–3270
Best Paper Award, first prize, Global Chinese Real Estate Congress, 2012
IMAS-CAMRI Applied Finance Research Grant, 2011
9. Agarwal, S., Y. Deng, C. Luo, and W. Qian, 2016, “The Hidden Peril: the Role of the Condominium Loan Market in the Recent Financial Crisis”, Review of Finance, 20(2), 467-500
10. Massa, M., W. Qian, W. Xu, and H. Zhang, 2015, “Competition of the Informed: Does the Presence of Short Sellers Affect Insider Selling?”, Journal of Financial Economics, 118(2), 268-288
11. Agarwal, S., J. Pan, and W. Qian, 2015, “The Composition Effect of Consumption around Retirement: Evidence from Singapore”, American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 105(5), 426-431
12. Agarwal, S. and W. Qian, 2014, “Consumption and Debt Response to Unanticipated Income Shocks: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Singapore”, American Economic Review, 104(12), 4205-4230
Grant award from NBER Household Finance Group/Sloan Foundation, 2013
13. Fu, Y. and W. Qian, 2014, “Short-term Speculators and Price Overreaction in the Housing Market”, Real Estate Economics, 42(4), 977-1007
14. Edelstein, R. and W. Qian, 2014, “Short Term Buyers and Housing Market Dynamics”, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 49(4), 654-689
Best Paper Award, AREUEA/AsRES Conference, 2009
15. Qian, W., 2013, “Why do Sellers Hold Out in the Down Market? An Option-based Explanation”, Real Estate Economics, 41(2), 384-417
16. Edelstein, R., W. Qian, and Desmond Tsang, 2011, “How do Institutional Factors Influence International Real Estate Returns?”, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 43(1): 130-151.

17. Housing Booms and Shirking (with Q. Gu and J. He)
18. Mortgage Debt, Hand-to-Mouth Households and Monetary Policy Transmission (with S. Agarwal, Y. Deng, Q. Gu, J. He, and Y. Ren)
19. Does E-Commerce Crowd out Consumer Spending Offline? (with H. Chen)
20. Sticky Expectations in the Housing Market: Evidence from House Purchase Restriction Policy (with H. Tu, J. Wu, and W. Xu)
NUS BUSINESS SCHOOL, NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE 2016-present Associate Professor of Finance 2018-present Dean’s Chair 2008-2015 Assistant Professor of Finance

