2023-05-05 16:21
  • 倪宏刚
  • 倪宏刚 - 教授 博士生导师-北京大学-城市规划与设计学院-个人资料




1. 环境生态学
2. 生态经济学
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:碳/氢稳定同位素用于塑化剂和溴阻燃剂环境降解机理研究、2019/1-2022/12、在研、主持。
2. 深圳市科技研发资金项目:单体同位素分析用于塑化剂环境降解机理研究、2019/1-2020/12、在研、主持。
3. 国家重点研发计划课题:人类活动对海岸带生态影响机制及综合调控研究课题一之专题4、2017/7-2020/12、在研、主持。
4. 国家重点研发计划课题:城市化与区域生态耦合及调控机制课题一之专题3、2017/7-2020/12、在研、主持。
5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:城市化地区大气卤代多环芳烃来源与人群呼吸暴露研究、2016/1-2019/12、在研、主持。
1. Science of the Total Environment,Editorial Board Member(2014-2016)
2. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry,Editorial Board Member(2015-2017)


1. Hong-Ying Li, Pan-Pan Gao, Hong-Gang Ni*. Emission characteristics of parent and halogenated PAHs in simulated municipal solid waste incineration. Science of the Total Environment 2019, 665, 11-17.
2. Yi-Bo Zhao, Ming-Zheng Yang, Hong-Gang Ni*. An emergy-GIS method of selecting areas for sponge-like urban reconstruction. Journal of Hydrology 2018, 564, 640-650.
3. Yi-Bo Zhao, Xu-Dong Lv, Hong-Gang Ni. Solvent-based separation and recycling of waste plastics: A review. Chemosphere 2018, 209, 707-720.
4. Wen-Bo Shu, Yi-Bo Zhao, Hong-Gang Ni*, Hui Zeng. Size-dependent emission characteristics of airborne parent and halogenated PAHs from municipal solid waste incinerators in Shenzhen, China. Chemosphere 2018, 192, 250-257.
5. Pan-Pan Gao, Yi-Bo Zhao, Hong-Gang Ni*. Incidence of real-world automotive parent and halogenated PAH in urban atmosphere. Environmental Pollution 2018, 237, 515-522.
6. Yi-Bo Zhao, Pan-Pan Gao, Wan-Dong Yang, Hong-Gang Ni*.Vehicle exhaust: An overstated cause of haze in China. Science of the Total Environment 2018, 612 , 490–491.
7. Yue-Shan Zhu, Wan-Dong Yang, Xiu-Wen Li, Hong-Gang Ni*, Hui Zeng. Airborne particle-bound brominated flame retardants: Levels, size distribution and indoor-outdoor exchange. Environmental Pollution 2018, 233, 1104-1112.
8. Yi-Bo Zhao, Xu-Dong Lv, Wan-Dong Yang, Hong-Gang Ni*. Laboratory simulations of the mixed solvent extraction recovery of dominate polymers in electronic waste. Waste Management 2017, 69, 393-399.
9. Si-QI Li, Hong-Gang Ni*, Hui Zeng. PAHs in polystyrene food contact materials: An unintended consequence. Science of the Total Environment 2017, 609, 1126–1131.
10. Hong-Gang Ni*, Shao-You Lu, Ting Mo, Hui Zeng. Brominated flame retardants emissions from open burning of five plastic wastes and implications for environmental exposure in China. Environmental Pollution 2016, 214, 70-76.
11. Juan-Ping Xie, Hong-Gang Ni*. Chromatographic fingerprint similarity analysis for pollutant source identification. Environmental Pollution 2015, 207, 341-344.
12. Shao-You Lu, Hui-Min Zhang, Samuel .O. Sojinu, Gui-Hua Liu, Jian-Qing Zhang, Hong-Gang Ni*. Trace elements contamination and human health risk assessment in drinking water from Shenzhen, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 2015, 187, 4203-4208.
13. Jian-Lin Sun, Yan-Bing Wang, Hui Zeng, Hong-Gang Ni*. Parent and halogenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in farmed cockroaches and implications for human exposure. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2015, 111, 256-262.
14. Pei Luo, Hong-Gang Ni*, Lian-Jun Bao, Shao-Meng Li, Eddy Y. Zeng. Size distribution of airborne particle-bound polybrominated diphenyl ethers and its implications for dry and wet deposition. Environmental Science and Technology 2014, 48, 13793-13799.
15. Yan-Bing Wang, Samuel O. Sojinu, Jian-Lin Sun, Hong-Gang Ni*, Hui Zeng, Mengyao Zou. Are cockroaches reliable bioindicators of persistent organic pollutant contamination of indoor environments? Ecological Indicators 2014, 50, 44-49.
16. Chao Ding, Wen-Jing Chang, Hui Zeng, Hong-Gang Ni*. Field and modeling study of PBDEs uptake by three tree species. Science of the Total Environment 2014, 472, 923-928.
17. Hong-Gang Ni* and Hui Zeng. HBCD and TBBPA in particulate phase of indoor air in Shenzhen, China. Science of the Total Environment 2013, 458,15-19.
18. Hong-Gang Ni, Jianyan Guo*¬¬. Parent and halogenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in seafood from South China and the implications for human exposure. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2013, 61, 2013-2018.
19. Jian-Lin Sun, Hui Zeng, Hong-Gang Ni*. Halogenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the environment: a review. Chemosphere 2013, 90, 1751-1759.
20. Chao Ding, Hong-Gang Ni* and Hui Zeng. Human exposure to parent and halogenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons via food consumption in Shenzhen, China. Science of the Total Environment 2013, 443, 857-863.
21. Shao-You Lu, Wen-Jing Chang, Samuel O Sojinu and Hong-Gang Ni*. Bisphenol A in supermarket receipts and its exposure to human in Shenzhen, China. Chemosphere 2013, 92, 1190-1194.
22. Yuan-Na Xing, Hong-Gang Ni*, Ze-Yong Chen. Semicarbazide in edible bird’s nest: source and human exposure assessment. Journal of Food Protection 2012, 75, 1654-1659.
23. Chao Ding, Hong-Gang Ni*, Hui Zeng. Parent and halogenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in rice and implications for human health in China. Environmental Pollution 2012, 168, 80-86.
24. Hong-Gang Ni*, Chao Ding, Shao-You Lu, Xiao-Lin Yin, Sojinu Olatunbosun Samuel. Food as a main route of adult exposure to PBDEs in Shenzhen, China. Science of the Total Environment 2012, 437, 10-14.
25. Hong-Gang Ni, Eddy Y Zeng*. Environmental and human exposure to soil chlorinated and brominated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in an urbanized region. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2012, 31, 1494-1500.
26. Hong-Gang Ni, Hui Zeng, Eddy Y. Zeng*. Sampling and analytical framework for routine environmental monitoring of organic pollutants. Trac-Trends in Analytical Chemistry 2011, 30, 1549-1559.
27. Hong-Gang Ni, Shan-Ping Cao, Wen-Jing Chang, Hui Zeng*. Incidence of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in central air conditioner filter dust from a new office building. Environmental Pollution 2011, 159, 1957-1962.
28. Hong-Gang Ni, Pei-Heng Qin, Shan-Ping Cao, Hui Zeng*. Fate estimation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soils in a rapid urbanization region, Shenzhen of China. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 2011, 13,313-319.
29. Hong-Gang Ni, Shan-Ping Cao, Hui Zeng*. Incidence of organochlorine pesticides in soils of Shenzhen, China. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 2011, 13,951-956.
30. Hong-Gang Ni, Hui Zeng, Shu Tao, and Eddy Y. Zeng*. Environmental and human exposure to persistent halogenated compounds derived from E-Waste in China . Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2010, 29, 1237–1247.

