2023-05-05 16:15
  • 李晟
  • 李晟 - 研究员-北京大学-生命科学学院-个人资料




教育经历: 1998 - 2002 理学学士,植物分子及发育生物学. 北京大学,生命科学学院 2002 - 2009 博士,动物学. 北京大学,生命科学学院 工作经历: 2009- 2011  访问学者. 斯密森尼保护生物学研究所. Smithsonian Institution, USA. 2011- 2013  博士后. 威斯康辛大学 (麦迪逊校区),森林与野生动物生态学系, USA. 2011- 2014  副研究员. 斯密森尼保护生物学研究所. Smithsonian Institution, USA. 2015-至今  研究员, PI. 北京大学,生命科学学院.


本课题组专注于大型兽类、鸟类及其栖息地的野外生态学和保护生物学研究。研究组主要关注以下两个科学问题: 大尺度上,动物群落(以兽类和鸟类为主要研究对象)的组成、结构、空间分布格局及其动态变化的影响因素和作用机制是什么?


Li B.*, Pimm S.L., Li S., Zhao L. & Luo C. Free-ranging Livestock Threaten the Long-term Survival of Giant Pandas. Biological Conservation 216: 18-25. Wang W., Qiao Y., Li S., Pan W. &Yao M. Low Genetic Diversity and Strong Population Structure Shaped by Anthropogenic Habitat Fragmentation in a Critically Endangered Primate, Trachypithecus leucocephalus. Heredity 118: 542-553. Xiong M., Wang D., Bu H., Shao X., Zhang D., Li S., Wang R. & Yao M. Molecular Dietary Analysis of Two Sympatric Felids in the Mountains of Southwest China Biodiversity Hotspot and Conservation Implications. Scientific Reports 7: 41909. Laguardia A., Kamler J.F., Li S., Zhang C., Zhou Z. & Shi K. The Current Distribution and Status of Leopards Panthera pardus in China. Oryx 51(1): 153-159. Bu H., Wang F., McShea W.J., Lu Z., Wang D.* &, Li S.* Spatial Co-occurrence and Activity Patterns of Mesocarnivores in the Temperate Forest of SW China. PLoS One 11(10): e0164271. Bu H., Hopkins III J.B., Zhang D., Li S., Wang R., Yao M. & Wang D. An Evaluation of Hair-snaring Devices for Small-bodied Carnivores in Southwest China. Journal of Mammalogy 97: 589-598. Xiong M., Shao X., Long Y., Bu H., Zhang D., Wang D., Li S., Wang R. & Yao M. Molecular Analysis of Vertebrates and Plants in Scats of Leopard Cats (Prionailurus bengalensis) in Southwest China. Journal of Mammalogy 97: 1054-1064. 2015 Shen X., Li S.*, Wang D. & Lu Z. Viable Contribution of Tibetan Sacred Mountains in Southwestern China to Forest Conservation. Conservation Biology. In press. Wang F., McShea W.J., Wang D. & Li S.* Shared Resources between Giant Panda and Sympatric Wild and Domestic Mammals. Biological Conservation 186: 319-325. Guan T., Wang F., Li S.* & McShea W. J. Nature Reserve Requirements for Landscape-dependent Ungulates: the Case of Endangered Takin (Budorcas taxicolor) in Southwestern China. Biological Conservation 182: 63-71. 2014 Malcolm K. D., McShea W. J., Garshelis D. L., Luo S., Van Deelen T. R., Liu F., Li S., Miao L., Wang D. & Brown J. L. Increased Stress in Asiatic Black Bears Relates to Food Limitation, Crop Raiding, and Foraging beyond Nature Reserve Boundaries in China. Global Ecology & Conservation 2: 267-276. Wang F., McShea W.J., Wang D., Li S., Zhao Q, Wang H. & Lu Z. Evaluating Landscape Options for Corridor Restoration between Giant Panda Reserves. PLOS One 9(8): e105086. Huang Z., Qi X., Garber P. A., Jin T., Guo S., Li S. & Li B. 2014. The Use of Camera Traps to Identify the Set of Scavengers Preying on the Carcass of a Golden Snub-nosed Monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana). PLOS One 9(2): e87318.

