2023-05-05 16:06
  • 胡建信
  • 胡建信 - 教授-北京大学-环境科学与工程学院-个人资料






Fang X, Ravishankara AR, Velders GJM, Molina MJ, Su S, Zhang J, Hu J, Prinn RG. Changes in emissions of ozone-depleting substances from China due to implementation of the Montreal Protocol. Environmental Science & Technology [Internet]. Forthcoming:null. 访问链接Abstract 2018 Wang Z, Wang Y, Li J, Henne S, Zhang B, Hu J, Zhang J. Impacts of the degradation of 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene into trifluoroacetic acid from its application in automobile air conditioners in China, the United States and Europe. Environmental Science & Technology. 2018;52(5).Abstract 2017 Li L, Liu J, Hu J, Wania F. The degradation of fluorotelomer-based polymers contributes to the global occurrence of fluorotelomer alcohol and perfluoroalkyl carboxylates: A combined dynamic substance flow and environmental fate modelling analysis. Environmental Science & Technology. 2017.Abstract 姜含宇, 张兆阳, 别鹏举, 胡建信. 发达国家HFCs管控政策法规及对中国的启示. 气候变化研究进展. 2017;13(2):165-171.AbstractPKU Bie P, Fang X, Li Z, Wang Z, Hu J. Emissions estimates of carbon tetrachloride for 1992-2014 in China. Environmental Pollution. 2017;224.Abstract 2016 Fang X, Velders GJ, Ravishankara AR, Molina MJ, Hu J, Prinn RG. Hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) Emissions in China: An Inventory for 2005-2013 and Projections to 2050. Environ Sci TechnolEnviron Sci Technol. 2016;50:2027-34.Abstract 胡建信. 积极推动新增POPs,为保护全球环境和人民健康做出贡献. 2016:004. Li L, Weber R, Liu J, Hu J. Long-term emissions of hexabromocyclododecane as a chemical of concern in products in China. Environment International. 2016;91:291.Abstract Li Z, Bie P, Wang Z, Zhang Z, Jiang H, Xu W, Zhang J, Hu J. Estimated HCFC-22 emissions for 1990–2050 in China and the increasing contribution to global emissions. Atmospheric EnvironmentAtmospheric Environment. 2016;132:77-84. Wang Z, Fang X, Li L, Bie P, Li Z, Hu J, Zhang B, Zhang J. Historical and projected emissions of HCFC-22 and HFC-410A from China's room air conditioning sector. Atmospheric EnvironmentAtmospheric Environment. 2016;132:30-35. Su S, Fang X, Zhao J, Hu J. Spatiotemporal characteristics of consumption based CO 2 emissions from China’s power sector. Resources Conservation & RecyclingResources Conservation & Recycling. 2016.Abstract 韩佳蕊, 姜含宇, 张兆阳, 胡建信. 中国氢氟碳化物削减政策框架研究——基于现有控制臭氧消耗物质体系及发达国家经验. 环境保护环境保护. 2016;44:69-71.Abstract 2015 Li L, Liu J, Hu J. Global inventory, long-range transport and environmental distribution of dicofol. Environ Sci TechnolEnviron Sci Technol. 2015;49:212-22.Abstract Fang X, Stohl A, Yokouchi Y, Kim J, S Li, Saito T, Park S, Hu J. Multiannual top-down estimate of HFC-23 emissions in East Asia. Environ Sci TechnolEnviron Sci Technol. 2015;49:4345-53.Abstract

