2023-05-05 16:06
  • 何航
  • 何航 - 教师-北京大学-现代农学院-个人资料




教育经历: 2009 - 2011 , 博士后 , 生物信息学 , 北京大学 2004 - 2009 , 理学博士 , 生物信息学 , 中科院生物物理所 2000 - 2004 , 理学学士 , 应用数学 , 北京大学 工作经历: 2011 - 至今 , 副研究员 , 北京大学


1.多组学(Multi-Omics)研究  生物信息学是在生命科学的研究中,利用信息技术对大量而复杂的生物数据进行存储、检索和分析,进而揭示生物学奥秘的新兴学科。近年来,随着基因组序列的不断完善和各种大通量采集数据实验方法的开发,对数据的发掘和理解也在生物研究中起到越来越重要的作用。本课题组通过长期基因组序列变异、转录组、表观遗传组及表型组的研究,建立起完善的生物信息分析平台,并将不同的组学数据整合,发掘基因在不同组学数据中的关联,形成层级或网络的调控关系。并通过多组学方法发现新的调控因子和调控通路。2.杂种优势研究  杂交优势是自然界普遍存在的一种复杂生物学现象,在农业生产中获得了广泛的应用。但是杂交优势的分子遗传机理迄今尚不清楚。随着分子生物学、基因组学和生物信息学研究的深入和发展,利用系统生物学手段开展杂交优势分子机理的研究,具有重要的科学意义和实际应用价值。基因型异质的亲本其杂交子一代许多性状上不同于双亲,这必然涉及到亲本基因组在杂交遗传背景中相互作用而引起基因表达调控发生变化。目前,我们利用高通量测序技术对具有不同优势的杂交组合的亲本和子一代不同组织在不同环境条件下进行全基因组基因差异表达分析,并进一步分析造成这种差异表达基于顺式作用元件和反式调控因子DNA序列多态性的遗传机制,以及基于DNA甲基化、组蛋白修饰、染色质重塑和非编码RNA的表观遗传机制,全面探索杂交优势的可能分子机制。3.全基因组选择   随着更多新技术在农业生产中应用,我们可以从大量基因型和表型数据出发,快速发掘水稻玉米等作物中的功能基因,同时整合多种有利性状,开展全基因组选择育种。目前,本课题组通过开发的多个高通量的SNP标记芯片结合测序和表型鉴定,对各种水稻、玉米的种质资源和杂交分离群体进行分型分析,在全基因组层次建立性状与标记的关联性,进一步通过数学建模,预测品种的性状表现,开展分子设计育种。"研究领域:生物信息平台的建设和应用、杂交优势、分子设计育种。通过生物信息学方法建立系统生物学研究平台;开展杂交优势的分子机制研究,以及分子设计育种分析。
  随着更多新技术在农业生产中应用,我们可以从大量基因型和表型数据出发,快速发掘水稻玉米等作物中的功能基因,同时整合多种有利性状,开展全基因组选择育种。目前,本课题组通过对多个水稻品种全基因组重测序结果的分析,提取了大量单核苷酸多态性(Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms


1. Xia M#, Han X#, He H#, Yu R, Zhen G, Jia X, Cheng B*, Deng XW*. Improved de novo genome assembly and analysis of the Chinese cucurbit Siraitia grosvenorii, also known as monk fruit or luo-han-guo. Gigascience. 2018 Jun 1;7(6). 2017 1. Wang Z, Li J, Chen S, Heng Y, Chen Z, Yang J, Zhou K, Pei J, He H*, Deng XW*, Ma L*. Poaceae-specific MS1 encodes a phospholipid-binding protein for male fertility in bread wheat. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2017 Nov 6. 2. Zhen G, Qin P, Liu KY, Nie DY, Yang YZ*, Deng XW*, He H*. Genome-wide dissection of heterosis for yield traits in two-line hybrid rice populations. Sci Rep. 2017 Aug 9;7(1):7635. 3. Yan W, Chen Z, Lu J, Xu C, Xie G, Li Y, Deng XW*, He H*, Tang X*., Simultaneous Identification of Multiple Causal Mutations in Rice. Front Plant Sci. 2017 Jan 17;7:2055. 4. Chen S, Lin Z, Zhou D, Wang C, Li H, Yu R, Deng H, Tang X, Zhou S, Wang Deng X, He H*. Genome-wide study of an elite rice pedigree reveals a complex history of genetic architecture for breeding improvement. Sci Rep. 2017 Apr 4;7:45685. 2016 1. Yu R, Yan W, Liang M, Dai X, Chen H, Sun Y, Deng XW*, Chen X, He H*, Chen L*., Exploring the genetic characteristics of 93-11 and Nipponbare recombination inbred lines based on the GoldenGate SNP assay. Sci China Life Sci. 2016 Jul;59(7):700-8. 2015 1. Liu Y, Zhou M, Gao Z, Ren W, Yang F, He H*, Zhao J*., RNA-Seq Analysis Reveals MAPKKK Family Members Related to Drought Tolerance in Maize. PLoS One. 2015 Nov 24;10(11):e0143128. 2. The IC4R Project Consortium (as Co-corresponding author)., Information Commons for Rice (IC4R)., Nucl. Acids Res., 2015, Oct; doi: 10.1093/nar/gkv1141. 3. Zhen G, Zhang L, Du Y, Yu R, Liu X, Cao F, Chang Q, Deng XW*, Xia M*, He H*., De novo assembly and comparative analysis of root transcriptomes from different varieties of Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer grown in different environments., Sci China Life Sci., 2015, Nov; 58(11):1099-110. 4. Zhou D, Chen W, Lin Z, Chen H, Wang C, Li H, Yu R, Zhang F, Zhen G, Yi J, Li K, Liu Y, Terzaghi W, Tang X, He H*, Zhou S*, Deng XW*., Pedigree-based analysis of derivation of genome segments of an elite rice reveals key regions during its breeding., Plant Biotechnol J , 2015 Jun 10. doi: 10.1111/pbi.12409. 2014 1. Chen S, He H*, Deng XW*., Allele-specific DNA methylation analyses associated with siRNAs in Arabidopsis hybrids, Sci China Life Sci, 2014, 57(5):519-25. 2013 1. Chen W, Chen H, Zheng T, Yu R, Terzaghi WB, Li Z, Deng XW, Xu J*, He H*., Highly efficient genotyping of rice biparental populations by GoldenGate assays based on parental resequencing., Theor Appl Genet, 2013, 10.1007/s00122-013-2218-2. 2. Chen H#, Xie W#, He H#, Yu H#, Chen W, Li J, Yu R, Yao Y, Zhang W, He Y, Tang X, Zhou F, Deng XW, Zhang Q., A High-Density SNP Genotyping Array for Rice Biology and Molecular Breeding., Mol Plant, 2013, 10.1093/mp/sst135. 3. He G, He H, Deng XW., Epigenetic variations in plant hybrids and their potential roles in heterosis., J Genet Genomics, 2013, 40(5):205-10. 4. Chen H, He H, Zhou F, Yu H, Deng XW., Development of genomics-based genotyping platforms and their applications in rice breeding., Curr Opin Plant Biol., 2013, 16(2):247-54. 2012 1. Shen H#, He H#, Li J, Chen W, Wang X, Guo L, Peng Z, He G, Zhong S, Qi Y, Terzaghi W, Deng XW., Genome-wide analysis of DNA methylation and gene expression changes in two Arabidopsis ecotypes and their reciprocal hybrids., Plant Cell, 2012, 24(3):875-92. 2011 1. Chen H#, He H#, Zou Y#, Chen W, Yu R, Liu X, Yang Y, Gao YM, Xu JL, Fan LM, Li Y, Li ZK, Deng XW. , Development and application of a set of breeder-friendly SNP markers for genetic analyses and molecular breeding of rice (Oryza sativa L.)., Theor Appl Genet, 2011, 123(6):869-79. 2. Zhang H, He H, Wang X, Wang X, Yang X, Li L, Deng XW., Genome-wide mapping of the HY5-mediated gene networks in Arabidopsis that involve both transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation., Plant J, 2011, 65(3):346-58. Before 2011 1. He H, Zhang H, Wang X, Wu N, Yang X, Chen R, Li Y, Deng XW, Li L., Development of a versatile, target-oriented tiling microarray assay for measuring allele-specific gene expression., Genomics, 2010, 96(5):308-15. 2. Charron JB#, He H#, Ellinga AA, Deng XW., Dynamic landscapes of four histone modifications during deetiolation in Arabidopsis., Plant Cell, 2009, 21(12):3732-48. 3. Li L#, He H#, Zhang J, Wang X, Bai S, Stolc V, Tongprasit W, Young ND, Yu O, Deng XW., Transcriptional analysis of highly syntenic regions between Medicago truncatula and Glycine max using tiling microarrays., Genome Biol, 2008, 9(3):R57. 4. Zhang HY#, He H#, Chen LB, Li L, Liang MZ, Wang XF, Liu XG, He GM, Chen RS, Ma LG, and Deng XW., A genome-wide transcription analysis reveals a close correlation of promoter INDEL polymorphism and heterotic gene expression in rice hybrids., Mol Plant, 2008, 1(5):720-31. 5. Wang X#, He H#, Li L, Chen R, Deng XW, Li S., NMPP: a user-customized NimbleGen microarray data processing pipeline., Bioinformatics, 2006, 22(23):2955-7.

