2023-03-07 14:00



个人简介杨文志,江苏南京人,安徽大学数学科学学院副教授,理学博士,九三学社社员。教育背景:(1)2002年9月至2006年6月,合肥工业大学理学院,数学与应用数学专业,毕业论文指导老师凌能祥教授;(2)2007年9月至2010年6月,安徽大学数学科学学院,概率论与数理统计专业,导师胡舒合教授;(3)2010年9月至2013年6月,安徽大学数学科学学院,基础数学专业,导师胡舒合教授; (4) 2017年10月至2018年10月,新加坡南洋理工大学访学,导师潘光明副教授。工作经历:2013年6月至2015年12月,安徽大学数学科学学院,讲师;2015年12月至今,安徽大学数学科学学院,副教授。 教学情况本科生课程:概率论、线性模型、计量经济学、概率论与数理统计,实变函数,等等;研究生课程:现代回归分析、高等计量经济学、极限理论、高等概率论,等等。 科研情况[1] 主持国家自然科学基金青年基金和天元基金各一项,安徽省自然科学基金青年基金一项。 培养学生:已毕业的硕士:徐海云(2015级)、赵张瑞(2015级) 在读硕士:仰蕾(2016级)、韦达(2016级)、丁赛赛(2018级)、高敏(2018级)




Yang Wenzhi, Yang Lei, Wei Da, Hu Shuhe, 2019. The laws of large numbers for Pareto-type random variables with infinite means, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03610926.2018.1473602Yang Wenzhi, Yang Lei, Hu Shuhe, 2018. Upper and lower bounds of Borel-Cantelli Lemma in a general measure space, Stochastic Analysis and Applications, 36(3): 443-451Yang Wenzhi, Xu Haiyun, Chen Ling, Hu Shuhe, 2018. Complete consistency of estimators for regression models based on extended negatively dependent errors, Statistical Papers, 59,449-465.Yang Wenzhi, Zhao Zhangrui, Wang Xinghui, Hu Shuhe, 2017. The large deviation results for the nonlinear regression model with dependent errors, TEST, 26(2), 261-283.Yang Wenzhi, Wang Yiwei, Hu Shuhe, 2017. Some probability inequalities of least-squares estimator in non linear regression model with strong mixing errors, Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 46(1), 165-175.Yang Wenzhi, Hu Shuhe, Wang Xuejun, 2017. On the asymptotic approximation of inverse moment for nonnegative random variables, Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 46(16), 7787-7797Li Xiaoqin, Zhao Zhangrui, Yang Wenzhi, Hu Shuhe, 2017, The inequalities of randomly weighted sums of paiwise NQD sequences and its application to limit theory, Journal of Mathematical Inequalities, 11(2),323-334Yang Wenzhi, Shi Xiaoping, Li Xiaoqin, Hu Shuhe, 2016. Approximations to inverse moments of double-indexed weighted sums, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 440(2), 833-852.Wang Yiwei, Yang Wenzhi, Hu Shuhe, 2016. The Bahadur representation of sample quantiles for weakly dependent sequences, Stochastics,88(3), 428-436Yang Wenzhi, Hu Shuhe, 2015. Complete moment convergence of pairwise NQD random variables, Stochastics,87(2), 199-208.Yang Wenzhi, Wang Xuejun, Hu Shuhe, 2014. A Note on the Berry-Esseen Bound of Sample Quantiles for phi-mixing Sequence, Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 43(19), 4187-4194Yang Wenzhi, Hu Shuhe, 2014. Large deviation for a least squares estimator in a nonlinear regression model, Statistics and Probability Letters, 91, 135-144.Yang Wenzhi, Hu Shuhe, 2014. Some maximal type inequalities for N-demimartingales and related results, Mathematical Inequalities and Applications, 17(2), 731–747.Zhang Qinchi, Yang Wenzhi, Hu Shuhe, 2014. On Bahadur representation for sample quantiles under α-mixing sequence, Statistical Papers, 55(2), 285-299.Hu Shuhe, Wang Xinghui, Yang Wenzhi, Wang Xuejun. 2014. A note on the inverse moment for the non negative random variables, Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 43(8), 1750–1757.Ling Nengxiang, Li Zhihuan, Yang Wenzhi, 2014. Conditional density estimation in the single functional index model for alpha-mixing functional data, Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 43(3), 441-454. Shen Yang, Wang Xuejun, Yang Wenzhi, Hu Shuhe, 2013. Almost sure convergence theorem and strong stability for weighted sums of NSD random variables, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 29(4),743-756.Yang Wenzhi, Hu Shuhe, Wang Xuejun, Ling Nengxiang, 2012. The Berry-Esseen type bound of sample quantiles for strong mixing sequence, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 142(3), 660-672.Hu Shuhe, Wang Xinghui, Yang Wenzhi, Wang Xuejun, 2012. Some inequalities for demimartingales and N-demimartingales, Statistics & Probability Letters, 82(2), 232-239.Yang Wenzhi, Wang Xuejun, Li Xiaoqin, Hu Shuhe, 2012. Berry-Esseenbound of sample quantiles for pha-mixing random variables, Journal of Mathematical Analysisand Applications, 388(1), 451-462.Yang Wenzhi, Shen Yan, Hu Shuhe, Wang Xuejun, 2012. Hajek-Renyi-type inequality and strong law of large numbers for some dependent sequences, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series, 28(3), 495-504.Wang Xuejun, Prakasa Rao B.L.S., Hu Shuhe, Yang Wenzhi, 2012. On some maximal inequalities for demimartingales and N-demimartingales based on concave Young functions, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 396(2), 434-440.Hu Shuhe, Li Xiaoqin, Yang Wenzhi, Wang Xuejun, 2011. Maximal inequalities for some dependent sequences and their applications, Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, 40(1), 11-19.Li Xiaoqin, Yang Wenzhi, Hu Shuhe, Wang Xuejun, 2011. The Bahadur representation for sample quantile under NOD sequence, Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 23(1), 59-65.

