2023-05-22 15:05
  • 阮晓红
  • 阮晓红 - 教授-南京大学-地球科学与工程学院-个人资料




相关科研项目 Research Projects
1.科技部重大专项课题,沙颍河流域差异化水质目标管理与多目标智能管理平台构建(201706-202006) Key Project of Major Science and Technology Program for Water Pollution Control and Treatment, Targeted Management of Differentiated Water Quality and Establishment of Multi-Objective Intelligent Management Platform in Shayinghe Basin(201706-202006)
2.国家自然科学基金委重点基金,人类活动影响下长江三角洲平原网氮的累计调控机制(201301-201712) Key project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, Network of nitrogen accumulation and control mechanism in the Yangtze River Delta under the influence of human activities (201301-201712)
3.科技部重大专项课题,淮河下游重污染河流水质改善多目标管理综合技术与应用(201401-201612) Key Project of Major Science and Technology Program for Water Pollution Control and Treatment, Water quality improvement and management of multi-objective integrated technology and application in the Huaihe River heavily polluted rivers (201401-201612)
4.科技部重大专项课题,淮河流域地表与地下水氮源补排及防控关键技术研究与示范(201201-201512) Key Project of Major Science and Technology Program for Water Pollution Control and Treatment, Key technologies research and demonstration of surface and groundwater nitrogen sources recharge prevention and control in Huaihe River Basin (201201-201512)
5.科技部重大专项子课题,淮河流域水体污染控制与治理决策支撑关键技术研究及综合管理平台构建(200902-201112) Sub-project of Major Science and Technology Program for Water Pollution Control and Treatment, Key technologies and integrated management platform construction of water pollution control and management decision support in the Huaihe River Basin (200902-201112)
6.科技部重大专项子课题,城市轻度污染景观河道多元生态水质改善与功能提升关键技术研究与工程示范(200902-201212) Sub-project of Major Science and Technology Program for Water Pollution Control and Treatment, Key technologies research and engineering demonstration of slightly polluted city landscape river diversified ecological water quality improvement and function upgrading (200902-201212)
7.科技部重大专项子课题,沙颖河流域典型区域面源污染控制关键问题识别及最佳管理技术研究(200901-201112) Sub-project of Major Science and Technology Program for Water Pollution Control and Treatment, Key issues identification and best management technology research on typical regional non-point source pollution control in Shaying River Basin (200901-201112)
8.科技部863课题,长三角浅层地下水氮污染厌氧氨氧化控制技术研究(200810-201206) 863 Project of Ministry of Science and Technology, Shallow groundwater nitrogen pollution anammox control technology in Yangtze River Delta (200810-201206)
专利 Patent
1. 一种地下水氮污染的功能生物固定原位修复方法,Functional biological fixation in-situ remediation method for underground water polluted by nitrogen(ZL201010167301.5)
2. 交替式组合湿地系统及高效去除城市尾水中氮磷的方法,Alternate combined wetland system and method for efficiently removing nitrogen and phosphorus in urban wastewater(ZL201010224776.3)
3. 一种地下水氮固定化修复滤料及其制备方法,Underground water nitrogen-fixation remediation filtering material and preparation method thereof(ZL201110001391.5)
4. 用于污染地下水生物修复的缓释碳源材料及其制备方法,Controlled-release carbon source material for repairing polluted underground water organisms and preparation method thereof(ZL201110423562.3)
5. 一种地下水修复用缓释氧材料及其制备方法,Slow oxygen releasing material for repairing underground water and preparation method for slow oxygen releasing material(ZL201110426869.9)
6. 一种沉积物氮营养盐污染的原位修复方法,In-situ repair method for polluted sediment nitrogen nutritive salt and in-situ repairing pile applied to in-situ repair method(ZL201210502673.8)
7. 一种底泥中氮固定化原位修复用的覆盖材料及其制备方法,Covering material for immobilized in-situ remediation of nitrogen in bottom sediment(ZL201210206786.3)
8. 一种碳铁微电池缓释碳源填料及其制备方法,Carbon-iron microbattery slow-release carbon source filler and preparation method thereof(ZL201310727268.0)
9. 一种半湿润区流域面源污染负荷的确定方法,Method for determining drainage basin surface source pollution load of semi-humid region(ZL201210148635.7)
10. 一种用于地下水硝酸盐生物脱除的可渗透反应墙填充材料、系统及其填充方法,Permeable reactive filler for removing nitrate organisms from underground water, system and filling method thereof(ZL201410441671.1)


环境水文地球化学 Environmental Hydro-geochemistry
环境与生态水文学 Environmental and Ecological Hydrology""


1. Wen Zhang, Xiaohong Ruan, Ying Bai, Lin Yin, The characteristics and performance of sustainable-releasing compound carbon source material applied on groundwater nitrate in-situ remediation, Chemosphere, 2018, 205:635-642. (SCI)
2. Ying Bai, Xiaohong Ruan, J. P. van der Hoek, Residues of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in aquatic environment and risk assessment along Shaying River, China, Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2018. (SCI)
3. Wan Yu, Bai Yang, He Jia, Zhang Yaping, Li Rongfu, Ruan Xiaohong, Temporal and spatial variations of aquatic environmental characteristics and sediment bacterial community in five regions of Lake Taihu, Aquatic Ecology, 2017, 51:343–358. (SCI)
4. Zharong Pan, Xiaohong Ruan, Mingkai Qian, Jian Hua, Nan Shan, Spatio-temporal variability of streamflow in the Huaihe River basin, China: climate variability or human activities? Hydrology Research,2017, 49(1):nh2017155 (SCI)
5. Rongfu Li,Xiaohong Ruan, Ying Bai,Tianhai Ma,Congqiang Liu, Effect of wheat-maize straw return on the fate of nitrate in groundwater in the Huaihe River Basin, China.Science of The Total Environment,Volume 592, 15 August 2017, Pages 78–85.(SCI)
6. Yu Wan, Xiaohong Ruan, Illumina sequencing-based analysis of sediment bacteria community in different trophic status freshwater lakes, Microbiology Open,2016,e00450.(SCI)
7. Yaping ZHANG, Xiaohong RUAN, Yu WAN et al. Analysis of Anammox bacterial community structure and environmental parameters from sediment samples of Lake Yangcheng in the Yangtze River Delta, Geomicrobiology Journal,2016 ,33(6): 479-487.(SCI)
8. Wan Y, Ruan X, et al., Odour emission characteristics of 22 recreational rivers in Nanjing. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 2014,186(10): 6061-6081. (SCI\EI)
9. Nan Shan, Xiao-Hong Ruan, et al., Modelling the optimal width of buffer strip for nonpoint source pollution control in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, China. Ecological Modelling 2014, 276:51-63. (SCI\EI)
10. Ao jing, Ruan xiaohong, et al Distribution, Sources and ecological risks of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in an urban landscape river, Water science and technology, 2012,66(5):934-941. (SCI\EI)
11. Lin weibo, Wang yigang, Ruan xiaohong, et al. Modeling Residual Circulation and Stratification in Oujiang River Estuary, China Ocean Engineering,2012,26(2): 351-362. (SCI)
12. Xu jing, Ren liliang, Ruan xiaohong, et al. Development of a physically based PDSI and its application for assessing the vegetation response to drought in northern China. J. Geophys. Res.. 2012,117. (SCI)
13. Pan Zarong, Ruan Xiaohong,Ao Jing. Application of 3S technology in the study of instream habitat assessment, 2012 2nd International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering. (EI)
14. Zhou Xiaohai, Ruan Xiaohong, Pan Zharong. The use of multivariate statistical techniques for hydrogeochemical study in Suzhou, China. EPPH2010, Chengdu, 2010.6. (EI和ISTP检索)
15. Shi Xiaodan, Ruan Xiaohong. Distribution of Silicon and Its Effect on the Phytoplankton Community Structure in the Lake Ecosystem,第十三届世界湖泊大会,武汉, 2009: 268-269. (ISTP)
16. Zhou Xiaohai, Ruan Xiaohong, Pan Zharong. Application of factor analysis in the assessment of groundwater quality in Suzhou, China. 2nd ISASWR•LCE, 2009.12.
17. Ying Zhang, Xiao-hong Ruan, et al Diversity and abundance of aerobic and anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing bacteria in freshwater sediments of the Xinyi River(China), Environmental Microbiology, 2007, 9 (9) :1462-2962 (SCI)
18. Xiaohong Ruan, Yuqun Xue, Jianqiang Wu, Lixiao Ni, Min Sun, Xudong Zhang. 2006. Treatment of polluted river water using pilot-scale constructed wetlands. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 76(1). (SCI)
19. 吴庆乐, 阮晓红等.太湖西部河湖氮污染物来源及转化途径分析.环境科学学报.2015, 35 (12):3883-3889
20. 潘扎荣,阮晓红.淮河流域河道内生态需水保障程度时空特征解析.水利学报,2015,46(3) :280-290(EI)
21. 潘扎荣,阮晓红,徐静.河道基本生态需水的年内展布计算法.水利学报,2013(01):119-126. (EI)
22. 单楠,阮晓红,冯杰.水生态屏障适宜宽度界定研究进展.水科学进展,2012(04):581-589. (EI)
23. 邢雅囡,阮晓红,赵振华.城市重污染河道环境因子对底质氮释放影响.水科学进展, 2010(01):120-126. (EI)

