2023-05-22 14:35
  • 张靖
  • 张靖 - 副教授-华中科技大学-电子信息与通信学院-个人资料




现任华中科技大学副教授,湖北省绿色宽带无线通信国际科技合作基地成员,绿色通信与网络国际联合研究中心成员,IEEE绿色通信与计算技术委员会成员。1997年于武汉理工大学获电子工程专业工学学士学位,2002年于华中科技大学获通信与电子系统工学硕士学位,2010年于华中科技大学获 信息与通信工程工学博士学位。1999年至今任职于华中科技大学,其中2014年至 2015年,于德国埃尔朗根-纽伦堡大学做访问学者。主要研究方向为移动通信、绿色通信。在IEEE Wireless Communications、IEEE Networks、IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology等期刊和会议共发表文章30多篇。多年来主持和参与了无线通信、微波等方面的科研项目,作为核心人员获得了2015年度中国通信学会科学技术自然科学二等奖。获得IEEE IWCMC2015最佳会议论文,IEEE GlobeCom Workshop 2014最佳会议论文。
Jing Zhang is currently an Associate Professor with the School of Electronic Information and Communications at Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), China. He received his B.S. degree in Electronic Engineering from Wuhan University of Technology in 1997 and PhD degree in Communication and Information Engineering from HUST in 2010. He has worked at HUST since 1999. He was a visiting scholar at University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany from November 2014 to November 2015. His research interests are in the area of mobile communications, green communications, and signal processing in wireless communications. He has published about 30 papers in refereed journals and conference proceedings and has been granted about 10 patents in China. He received the Best Paper Awards from IEEE GlobeCom Workshop 2014 and IEEE IWCMC 2015. He is leading several projects funded by NSFC, China MOST. He is also taking part in several international joint EU FP7 funded project.
Dr. Jing Zhang currently served as a reviewer for several international journals, such as IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Journal of Selected Area on Communications, IEEE Access et. al. He also served as a reviewer for several international conferences, such as EEE ICC2013、ICC2014、ICC2015、IEEE GlobeCom 2014. He is a Member of the IEEE ComSoc.
Research Project
Principal Investigator of Project “Research on Energy Efficiency Optimization Technologies of Heterogeneous Networks Based on Functional Series Models”, granted No.: 61271224, Sponsor: NSFC, Research Period: 2013 ~ 2016, Budget: 700,000 RMB.
Principal Investigator of Project “Joint Research on the Key Technology of Next Generation Green Broadband Mobile Communications”, granted No.2013BFE005, Sponsor: China Hubei Provincial Science and Technology Dpartment, Research Period: 2013~2015, Buget: 150,000 RMB.
Project participants of Project “Research on Theory and Key Technology of Information Spatial Cooperation Optimization in Green Communication Networks,” granted No.: 61210002, Sponsor: NSFC (Natural Science Foundation of China), Principal Investigator: Prof.Xiaohu Ge (HUST, China), Research Period: 2013 ~ 2017, Budget: 2,600,000 RMB.
Project participants of Project “Joint Research on the Next Generation Green Wireless Cellular Networks”, granted No.: 2012DFG12250, Sponsor: China MOST international cooperative research programme, Project core member: Prof.YingZhuang Liu (HUST, China), Research Period: 2012 ~ 2014, Budget: 600,000 RMB
Project participants of Project “Research on cooperative communication technologies in wireless networks”, Sponsor: China MOST international cooperative research programme, granted No.: 0903, Principal Investigator: Prof.Xiaohu Ge (HUST, China), Research Period: 2010 ~ 2012, Budget: 1,000,000 RMB
Project participants of Project “Research on multi-cell multi-user interference coordination key technologies based on the MIMO environments”, granted No.: 2009AA01Z239, Sponsor: National High-Tech 863 Programme, Principal Investigator: Prof.Xiaohu Ge (HUST, China), Research Period: 2009 ~ 2010, Budget: 660,000 RMB
Project participants of Project




[1] Xiaohu Ge, Ran Zi, Haichao Wang, Jing Zhang, Minho Jo,
担任IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology、IEEE Journal of Selected Area on Communications和IEEE Access等期刊的审稿人,担任了IEEE ICC2013、ICC2014、ICC2015、IEEE GlobeCom 2014等国际学术会议审稿人

