2023-05-19 10:39
  • 袁振伟
  • 袁振伟 - 教授-郑州大学-化工学院-个人资料




袁振伟,王海娟,张 妍,张 军. 基于Bulk-flow 模型的偏心叶轮前侧盖板泄漏流稳态特性分析. 工程力学,2013,30(5):298-304.(EI: 20132516429203)
Zhenwei Yuan, Haijuan Wang, Jun Zhang. The influences of impeller eccentricity on front leakage flow. Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 452-453: 242-247(EI: 20120814792704)
Jun Zhang, Zhen-wei Yuan, Xin-li Wei. An automatic shake mechanism for the biomass pyrolysis feeding system. Powder Technology, 2011, 207(1-3): 348-352. (SCI收录期刊,EI: 20110413618722)
袁振伟,王海娟,岳希明,褚福磊. 密封进口涡动系数对转子系统动力学性能的影响. 工程力学,2011,28(11):231-236.(EI: 20114914584323)
李志农,蒋静,冯辅周,袁振伟. 基于量子粒子群优化Volterr_时域核辨识的隐Markov模型识别方法. 仪器仪表学报,2011,32(12):2693-2698(EI: 20120314688609)
袁振伟,王三保,岳希明. 液体密封压力差对转子系统动力学性能的影响. 润滑与密封,2010,35(11):4-8.(中文核心)
张妍,杜四宏,袁振伟. 齿啮式快开门法兰的接触分析. 压力容器,2010,03:26-29(中文核心)
张新广,李志农,王心怡,袁振伟. 一种基于阶比域的AR模型盲辨识算法. 振动与冲击,2009,28(5):41-43 (EI: 20092412123174)
Yuan Z W, Wang S B, Yue X M, Li Z N, and Chu F L. Dynamic analysis of rotor’s radial rub-impact in full degrees of freedom accounting for turborotor’s non-linear clearance-excitation force. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2008, 222(9): 1647-1653 (SCI: ISI:000259980400003; EI:20084411661241)
袁振伟,王三保,岳希明,禇福磊. 转子径向碰摩非线性流固耦合动力学特性全自由度的动态分析. 机械工程学报,2008,44(6):199-205(EI: 083011401868)
袁振伟,李志农,王三保,岳希明,禇福磊. 转子轴向碰摩非线性流固耦合动力学特性全自由度分析. 中国电机工程学报,2008,28(14):92-97(EI: 082411313325)
李志农,王心怡,张新广,袁振伟. 基于全矢谱核函数主元分析的旋转机械故障诊断方法研究. 振动与冲击,2008,27(7):55-62(EI: 082411313325)
杜四宏,袁振伟,王三保,李伟然. 压力容器快开门法兰的有限元分析. 中国化工装备,2008(01):34-36
袁振伟,王三保,岳希明,禇福磊. 涡轮阿尔福德力对转子系统动力学性能的影响. 中国电机工程学报,2007,27(32):77-82.(EI: 075110983388)
Yuan Z W, Chu F L, Lin Y L. External and internal coupling effects of rotor's bending and torsional vibrations under imbalances. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2007, 299: 339-347(SCI: ISI:000241661300023; EI:064010155601)
Yuan Z W, Chu F L, Hao R J. Simulation of rotor’s axial rub-impacts in full degrees of freedom. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2007, 42(7): 763-775 (SCI: ISI: 000247480700001; EI:071210496283)
Yuan Z W, Chu F L, Wang S B, Yue X M. Influence of rotor's radial rub-impact on imbalance responses. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2007, 42(12): 1663-1667 (SCI: ISI: 000251351000008; EI:074310891744)
Yuan Z W, Chu F L, Hao R J, Wang S B. Clearance-excitation force of shrouded turbine rotor accounting for pitching motion. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers,Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2007, 221(2): 187-194 (SCI: ISI:000246868100007; EI:072210632485)
袁振伟,禇福磊,郝如江. 基于综合泄漏流机制的涡轮转子流固耦合模型. 工程力学,2006,23(12):165-170(EI: 070310372886)
袁振伟,禇福磊,王三保. 横向振动圆柱体在流体中的动力学特性. 工程力学,2006,23(8):49-52(EI: 064110165865)

