2023-05-18 16:36



1. Yu L.L. Luo & Huajian Cai. Self in the Mirror of Behavioral Genetics: Reflections from Twin Studies on Self-esteem and Self-concept. In S.B. Malykh & Y. Kovas (Ed.), Handbook of contemporary investigations in behavioural genetics (in press). Russia: tbc.
2. Yu L.L. Luo, Yulia Kovas, Claire M.A. Haworth, Robert Plomin. The Etiology of Mathematical Self-Evaluation and its Cross-lagged Relationship with Mathematics Achievement: A Longitudinal Twin Study from age 9 to 12. Learning and Individual Difference, 2011, 21(6):710-718.
3. Qi Zhu, Jiedong Zhang, Yu L. L. Luo, Daniel D. Dilks, Jia Liu. Resting-state neural activity across face-selective cortical regions is behaviorally relevant. The Journal of Neuroscience, 2011, 31(28):10323–10330.
4. Yu L.L. Luo, Claire M.A. Haworth, Robert Plomin. A novel approach to genetic and environmental analysis of cross-lagged associations over time: The cross-lagged relationship between self-perceived abilities and school achievement is mediated by genes as well as the environment. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 2010, 13(5): 426-436.
1. 罗宇,施媛媛,丰怡,岳曦彤,蔡华俭。自尊的遗传性:来自双生子研究的证据。心理科学进展:已接受。
2. 许琴, 罗宇(通讯作者), 刘嘉。方向感的加工机制及影响因素。心理科学进展, 2010, 18(08):1208-1221.


社会与工程心理学 采用行为遗传学、认知神经科学的方法,考察自我概念——自尊、自恋等特质的遗传基础和神经表达"采用行为遗传学、认知神经科学的方法,考察自我概念——自尊、自恋等特质的遗传基础和神经表达。"


1. Yu L.L. Luo & Huajian Cai. Self in the Mirror of Behavioral Genetics: Reflections from Twin Studies on Self-esteem and Self-concept. In S.B. Malykh & Y. Kovas (Ed.), Handbook of contemporary investigations in behavioural genetics (in press). Russia: tbc.
2. Yu L.L. Luo, Yulia Kovas, Claire M.A. Haworth, Robert Plomin. The Etiology of Mathematical Self-Evaluation and its Cross-lagged Relationship with Mathematics Achievement: A Longitudinal Twin Study from age 9 to 12. Learning and Individual Difference, 2011, 21(6):710-718.
3. Qi Zhu, Jiedong Zhang, Yu L. L. Luo, Daniel D. Dilks, Jia Liu. Resting-state neural activity across face-selective cortical regions is behaviorally relevant. The Journal of Neuroscience, 2011, 31(28):10323–10330.
4. Yu L.L. Luo, Claire M.A. Haworth, Robert Plomin. A novel approach to genetic and environmental analysis of cross-lagged associations over time: The cross-lagged relationship between self-perceived abilities and school achievement is mediated by genes as well as the environment. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 2010, 13(5): 426-436.
1. 罗宇,施媛媛,丰怡,岳曦彤,蔡华俭。自尊的遗传性:来自双生子研究的证据。心理科学进展:已接受。
2. 许琴, 罗宇(通讯作者), 刘嘉。方向感的加工机制及影响因素。心理科学进展, 2010, 18(08):1208-1221.


