2023-05-18 15:59
  • 许雪晴
  • 许雪晴 - 副研究员 硕导--许雪晴-个人资料








1. Guocheng Wang, Lintao Liu, Yi Tu, Xueqing Xu, Yunbin Yuan, Min Song, Wenping Li. (2018) Application of the radial basis function neural network to the short-term prediction of the Earth’s polar motion. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 62(2):243-254.
2. Xueqing Xu, Danan Dong, Ming Fang,yonghong Zhou,Na Wei, Feng Zhou, (2017) Contributions of thermoelastic deformation to seasonal variations in GPS station position, GPS Solutions , 21:1265–1274.
3. Xueqing Xu, Shanshi Zhou, Si Shi, Xiaogong Hu and Yonghong Zhou. (2016) Performance Evaluation of the Beidou Satellite Clock and Prediction Analysis of Satellite Clock Bias,CSNC2016 Electronic Proceeding, 4:27~34.
4. Yonghong Zhou, Qiang Zhu, David A. Salstein , Xueqing Xu, Si Shi,Xinhao Liao. (2016) Estimation of the free core nutation period by the sliding-window complex least-squares fit method. ASR, 57(2016): 2136~2140.
5. Xu, X., Zhou, Y. (2015) EOP prediction using least square fitting and autoregressive filter over optimized data intervals. Adv. Space Res., 56:2248~2253.
6. XU Xueqing, HU Xiaogong, (2014) ZHOU Yonghong, SONG Yezhi. Research on High Accuracy Prediction Model of Satellite Clock Bias, CSNC2014 Electronic Proceeding, 3:155~163.
7. Xu XQ, Zhou YH, Dong DN, Liao XH. (2014) EOP prediction improvement by weakening the edge effect, Proceedings of the Journées 2013 SYSTèMES DE RéFéRENCE SPATIO-TEMPORELS, 4b:212~215.
8. Y. H. Zhou, D. A. Salstein, X. Q. Xu, X. H. Liao. (2013) Global dust storm signal in the meteorological excitation of Mars’ rotation, J Geophys. Res. 118:952~962.
9. Xu, XQ, Zhou, YH, Liao XH. (2012) Short-term earth orientation parameters predictions by combination of the least-squares, AR model and Kalman filter, J. Geodyn. 62:83~86.
10. X.Q.Xu, L.Zotov, Y. H. Zhou. (2012) Combined Prediction of Earth Orientation Parameters. China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2012 Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. 160: 361~369.
11. 师思,周永宏,许雪晴,1979|2016 年间日长变化在年际、季节性、亚季节性及高频尺度上的大气激发,天文学进展. 35(4):448~461, 2017.
12. 谭伟杰,许雪晴,董大南,陈俊平,吴斌, 温度变化对中国大陆三维位移的影响, 测绘学报, 46(9):1080~1087,2017.
13. 许雪晴, 周永宏, 高精度地球定向参数预报研究, 上海市地球物理学会三十周年论文集,(9):125~136,2017.
14. 许伟维, 廖新浩,周永宏,许雪晴, 天体测量法探测系外行星, 天文学报,57(4):422~436, 2016.
15. 许雪晴, 周永宏. 地球定向参数联合预报,第二十八届全国空间探测学术研讨会论文集. 399~407, 2015.
16. 许雪晴,地球定向参数高精度预报方法研究,天文学报,56(5):526~527, 2015.
17. 唐桂芬,许雪晴,曹纪东,刘晓萍,王群仰,基于通用钟差模型的北斗卫星钟预报精度分析,中国科学,45(7):079502,2015.
18. 朱强,许雪晴,周永宏,最小二乘和自回归模型方法联合预报天极偏差序列,上海天文台年刊. 36:33~40, 2015.
19. 陈略, 唐歌实, 许雪晴, 胡松杰, 孙靖, 刘也, 地球极移参数高精度双差分LS+AR预报方法研究,大地测量与地球动力学, 35(5):27~34,2015.
20. 陈略;唐歌实;胡松杰;平劲松;许雪晴;夏金超,高精度UT1-UTC差分预报方法研究,深空探测学报,1(3):230~235, 2014.
21. 许雪晴, 董大南, 周永宏. 周日、半日地球自转变化研究进展,天文学进展. 32(3):338~347, 2014.
22. 许雪晴, 周永宏. AR模型间隔模式和迭代模式预报地球定向参数对比. 上海天文台年刊. 33:20~27, 2012.
23. 许雪晴, 周永宏. 差分方法提高极移预报精度. 第二届卫星导航学术年会论文集. 429~434, 2011.
24. 许雪晴, 周永宏. 地球定向参数高精度预报方法研究.飞行器测控学报. 29(2):70~76, 2010.


