2023-05-18 15:38
  • 赵虎
  • 赵虎 - 教授,博导-中山大学-中山医学院-个人资料




现任中山大学中山医学院法医学系主任、法医学研究所所长、法医鉴定中心主任(法定代表人)。作为国家级特色专业建设项目(法医学)与国家级司法鉴定机构负责人,兼任广东省法医学转化医学工程技术研究中心(中山大学)主任、法医学广东省省级实验示范中心(中山大学)主任、法学国家级实验教学示范中心(中山大学)副主任。创建中山大学司法精神病学和心理学实验室,并任学科带头人(PI)。社会兼职包括:中国法医学会法医精神病学专业委员会副主任、教育部高等学校法医学类专业教学指导委员会(2018-2022年)副主任委员、司法部司法鉴定高级专业技术职务任职资格评委会委员、广东省司法鉴定协会副会长、国家级实验室资质认定/CNAS认可评审员、国家科学技术奖励评审专家、Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine(JFSM)、中华行为医学与脑科学杂志、中国法医学杂志、法医学杂志、中山大学学报(医学科学版)编委。


(1)精神损伤发病易感性和慢性化的发生机制研究与鉴定技术开发 (2)毒品所致精神病鉴别诊断技术与刑事责任能力研究 (3)精神疾病的分子遗传与神经环路机制研究


Li S, Yang Q, Hou Y, Jiang T, Zong L, Wang Z, Luo X, Liang W, Zhao H *, Ning Y *, Zhao C*. Hypomethylation of LINE-1 elements in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. J Psychiatr Res, 2018;107:68-72. (IF: 4.465) Wang RH, Chen YF, Chen Si, Bo Hao, Xue L, Wang XG, Shi YW*, Zhao H*. Maternal Deprivation Enhances Contextual Fear Memory via Epigenetically Programming Second-hit Stress-induced Reelin Expression in Adult Rats. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol. 2018;21(11): 1037-1048 (IF: 3.981) Chen YF, Chen ZX, Wang RH, Shi YW, Xue L, Wang XG*, Zhao H*. Knockdown of CLC-3 in the hippocampal CA1 impairs contextual fear memory. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry, 2019;89:132-145. (IF: 4.185) Zhu RT, Liu XH, Shi YW, Wang XG, Xue L*, Zhao H*. Propranolol Can Induce PTSD-like Memory Impairments in Rats. Brain Behav. 2018;8(2): e00905. (IF: 2.219) Shi YW, Fan BF, Xue L, Wen JL, Zhao H*. Regulation of Fear Extinction in the Basolateral Amygdala by Dopamine D2 Receptors Accompanied by Altered GluR1, GluR1-Ser845 and NR2B Levels. Front Behav Neurosci. 2017;11:116. (IF: 3.138) Liu Y, Hao B, Shi YW, Xue L, Wang XG, Chen YF, Zhao H*. Violent Offences of Methamphetamine User and Dilemmas of Forensic Psychiatric Assessment. Forensic Sciences Research 2017,1:1-6. Zong L, Zhou L, Hou Y, Zhang L, Jiang W, Zhang W, Wang L, Luo X, Wang S, Deng C, Peng Z, Li S, Hu J, Zhao H, Zhao C*. Genetic and epigenetic regulation on the transcription of GABRB2: Genotype-dependent hydroxymethylation and methylation alterations in schizophrenia. J Psychiatr Res. 2017;88:9-17. (IF: 4.465) Liu QL, Chen YF, Huang XL, Liu KY, Zhao H, Lu DJ*. Population data and mutation rates of 19 STR loci in seven provinces from China based on Goldeneye™ DNA ID System 20A. Int J Legal Med. 2017;131(3):653-656. (IF: 2.316) Liu QL, Chen YF, He X, Shi YW, Wu WW, Zhao H, Lu DJ*. Population structure of Han nationality in Central-Southern China. Forensic Sci Int Genet, 2017;29: e1-e3. (IF: 5.637) Liu QL, Xue L, Wu WW, He X, Liu KY, Zhao H, Lu DJ*. Potential of 13 linked autosomal short tandem repeat loci in pairwise kinship analysis. Electrophoresis 2016;37(21): 2800-2806. (IF: 2.744) Chen ZX, Xue L, Liang CY, Wang LL, Mei W, Zhang Q*, Zhao H*. Specific marker of feigned memory impairment: The activation of left superior frontal gyrus. Journal of forensic and legal medicine. 2015;36:164-171. (IF: 0.760) Xue L, Shi YW, Knoll JL Zhao H*. Chinese Forensic Psychiatry: History, Development and Challenges. J Forensic Sci Med, 2015;1(1):61-67. Wen JL, Xue L, Wang RH, Chen ZX, Shi YW*, Zhao H*. Involvement of the dopaminergic system in the consolidation of fear conditioning in hippocampal CA3 subregion. Behav Brain Res. 2015; 278:527-534. (IF: 3.391) Sun XM, Tu WQ, Shi YW, Xue L*, Zhao H*. Female-dependent impaired fear memory of adult rats induced by maternal separation, and screening of possible related genes in the hippocampal CA1. Behav Brain Res. 2014;267:111-118. (IF: 3.327) Xue L, Li ZD, Chen ZX, Wang XG, Shi YW*, Zhao H*. Fear response failed to return in AAB extinction paradigm accompanied with increased NR2B and GluR1 per845 in CA1. Neuroscience. 2014;260:1-11. (IF:3.122) Liu QL, Wang JZ, Quan L, Zhao H, Wu YD, Huang XL,Lu DJ. Allele and Haplotype Diversity of 26 X-STR Loci in Four Nationality Populations from China. PLoS ONE 2013;8(6): e65570. (IF: 4.092) Liao Y, Shi YW, Liu QL, Zhao H*. Glucocorticoid-induced enhancement of contextual fear memory consolidation in rats: involvement of D1 receptor activity of hippocampal area CA1. Brain Res. 2013;1524: 26–33. (IF: 2.728) Shu XJ, Xue L, Liu W, Chen FY, Zhu C, Sun XH, Wang XP, Liu ZC, Zhao H*. More vulnerability of left than right hippocampal damage in right-handed patients with post-traumatic stress disorder. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 2013; 212:237–244. (IF: 3.364) Zhang J, Qin L, Zhao H*. Early repeated maternal separation induces alterations of hippocampus reelin expression in rats. J Biosci 2013;38:1-7. (IF: 1.648)

