2023-05-18 15:34
  • 周利君
  • 周利君 - 副教授,硕导-中山大学-中山医学院-个人资料








1. Over-expression of P2X7 receptors in spinal glial cells contributes to the development of chronic postsurgical pain induced by skin/muscle incision and retraction (SMIR) in rats. 所有作者:Ying YL, Wei XH, Xu XB, She SZ, Zhou LJ, Lv J, Li D, Zheng B, Liu XG. 发表杂志:Exp Neurol. 2014 Sep 19. pii: S0014-4886(14)00290-8. 发表年份:2014 2. Calpain-2 contributes to neuropathic pain following motor nerve injury via up-regulating interleukin-6 in DRG neurons. 所有作者:Zang Y, Chen SX, Liao GJ, Zhu HQ, Wei XH, Cui Y, Na XD, Pang RP, Xin WJ, Zhou LJ, Liu XG. 发表杂志:Brain Behav Immun. 2014 Aug 20. pii: S0889-1591(14)00420-6. 发表年份:2014 3. Magnesium L-threonate prevents and restores memory deficits associated with neuropathic pain by inhibition of TNF-α. 所有作者:Wang J, Liu Y, Zhou LJ, Wu Y, Li F, Shen KF, Pang RP, Wei XH, Li YY, Liu XG. 发表杂志:Pain Physician. 2013 Sep-Oct;16(5):E563-75. 发表年份:2013 4. The upregulation of translocator protein (18 kDa) promotes recovery from neuropathic pain in rats 所有作者:Wei XH, Wei X, Chen FY, Zang Y, Xin WJ, Pang RP, Chen Y, Wang J, Li YY, Shen KF, Zhou LJ, Liu XG. 发表杂志:J Neurosci. 2013 Jan 23;33(4):1540-51. 发表年份:2012 5. Peripheral nerve injury leads to working memory deficits and dysfunction of the hippocampus by upregulation of TNF-α in rodents. 所有作者:Ren WJ, Liu Y, Zhou LJ, Li W, Zhong Y, Pang RP, Xin WJ, Wei XH, Wang J, Zhu HQ, Wu CY, Qin ZH, Liu G, Liu XG 发表杂志:Neuropsychopharmacology. 2011 Apr;36(5):979-92. 发表年份:2011 6. E(2)-BSA activates caveolin-1 via PI(3)K/ERK1/2 and lysosomal degradation pathway and contributes to EPC proliferation. 所有作者:Tan Z, Zhou LJ, Li Y, Cui YH, Xiang QL, Lin GP, Wang TH. 发表杂志:Int J Cardiol. 2011 Jan 19. [Epub ahead of print] 发表年份:2011 7. Peripheral Nerve Injury Leads to Working Memory Deficits and Dysfunction of the Hippocampus by Upregulation of TNF-α in Rodents. 所有作者:Ren WJ, Liu Y, Zhou LJ, Li W, Zhong Y, Pang RP, Xin WJ, Wei XH, Wang J, Zhu HQ, Wu CY, Qin ZH, Liu G, Liu XG. 发表杂志:Neuropsychopharmacology. 2011 Apr;36(5):979-92. 发表年份:2011 8. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor contributes to spinal long-term potentiation and mechanical hypersensitivity by activation of spinal microglia in rat. 所有作者:Zhou LJ, Yao T, Wei X, Liu Y, Xin WJ, Chen Y, Pang RP, Zang Y, Li YY and Liu XG. 发表杂志:Brain Behav Immun. 2011 Feb;25(2):322-34. 发表年份:2011 9. Inhibition of NF-kappaB prevents mechanical allodynia induced by spinal ventral root transection and suppresses the re-expression of Nav1.3 in DRG neurons in vivo and in vitro. 所有作者:Zang Y, He XH, Xin WJ, Pang RP, Wei XH, Zhou LJ, Li YY, Liu XG. 发表杂志:Brain Res. 2010 Dec 2;1363:151-8. 发表年份:2010 10. The direction of synaptic plasticity mediated by C-fibers in spinal dorsal horn is decided by Src-family kinases in microglia: the role of tumor necrosis factor-α. 所有作者:Zhong Y, Zhou LJ (co-author), Ren WJ, Xin WJ, Li YY, Zhang T and Liu XG. 发表杂志:Brain Behav Immun. 2010 Aug;24(6):874-80. 发表年份:2010 11. The mechanisms underlying that injury of skin afferents does not produce neuropathic pain: the role of BDNF. 所有作者:Zhou LJ, Ren WJ, Zhong Y, Yang T, Wei XH, Xin WJ, Liu CC, Zhou LH, Li YY and Liu XG. 发表杂志:Pain. 2010, Jan; 148(1):148-157. 发表年份:2010 12. BDNF induces late-phase LTP of C-fiber evoked field potentials in rat spinal dorsal horn. 所有作者:Zhou LJ, Zhong Y, Ren WJ, Li YY, Zhang T and Liu XG. 发表杂志:Exp Neurol. 2008 Aug;212(2):507-14. 发表年份:2008 13. Activation of Spinal D1/D5 Receptors Induces Late Phase LTP of C-fiber Evoked Field Potentials in Rat Spinal Dorsal Horn. 所有作者:Yang HW, Zhou LJ (co-author), Hu NW, Xin WJ, Liu XG. 发表杂志:J Neurophysiol. 2005, Aug;94(2):961-967. 发表年份:2005 14. Interleukin-1β induces long-term potentiation of C-fiber evoked field potentials in spinal dorsal horn in rats with neuropathic pain. 所有作者:Zhong Y, Zhou LJ, Ren WJ, Xin WJ, Li YY, Zhang T and Liu XG. 发表杂志:The Open Pain Journal. 2009,2,18-23. 发表年份:2009 15. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha induces long-term potentiation of C-fiber evoked field potentials in spinal dorsal horn in rats with nerve injury: the role of NF-kappa B, JNK and p38 MAPK. 所有作者:Liu YL, Zhou LJ, Hu NW, Xu JT, Wu CY, Zhang T, Li YY, Liu XG. 发表杂志:Neuropharmacology. 2007 Mar;52(3):708-15. 发表年份:2007 16. NMDA Receptor Channels Are Involved in The Expression of Long-term Potentiation of C-Fiber Evoked Field Potentials in Rat Spinal Dorsal Horn. 所有作者:Zhang HM, Zhou LJ, Hu NW, Zhang T and Liu XG. 发表杂志:Prog Biochem Biophys. 2006,33(12):1183-1189. 发表年份:2006 17. Inhibition of protein tyrosine kinases attenuated abeta-fiber-evoked synaptic transmission in spinal dorsal horn of rats with sciatic nerve transection. 所有作者:Hu XD, Hu NW, Xin WJ, Zhou LJ, Zhang T, Liu XG. 发表杂志:J Pharmacol Sci. 2006 Sep;102(1):64-71. 发表年份:2006 18. Diazepam inhibits the induction and maintenance of LTP of C-fiber evoked field potentials in spinal dorsal horn of rats. 所有作者:Hu XD, Ge YX, Hu NW, Zhang HM, Zhou LJ, Zhang T, Li WM, Han YF, Liu XG. 发表杂志:Neuropharmacology. 2006 Feb;50(2):238-44. 发表年份:2006 19. The roles of CAMKII, PKA and PKC in the induction and maintenance of LTP of c-fiber evoked field potentials in rat spinal dorsal horn. 所有作者:Yang HW, Hu XD, Zhang HM, Xin WJ, Li MT, Zhang T, Zhou LJ, Liu XG. 发表杂志:J Neurophysiol. 2004, Mar;91(3): 1122-1133. 发表年份:2004 20. Protein synthesis inhibition blocks the late-phase LTP of C-fiber evoked field potentials in rat spinal dorsal horn. 所有作者:Hu NW, Zhang HM, Hu XD, Li MT, Zhang T, Zhou LJ, Liu XG. 发表杂志:J Neurophysiol. 2003, May;89: 2354-2359. 发表年份:2003

