Ma, Patrick
2023-05-18 15:17
  • Ma, Patrick
  • Ma, Patrick - 教授-中山大学-肿瘤防治中心-个人资料




Patrick Ma教授1986年本科毕业于香港大学生物化学专业,1989年硕士毕业于加拿大多伦多大学生物化学专业,1994年获得多伦多大学医学院医学博士学位。1994年-1996年在多伦多总医院完成实习医师和低年级住院医师培训,1996年-1999年继续在美国哈佛大学St. Elizabeth医疗中心完成内科住院医师培训,2000-2003年在波士顿Tufts医疗中心完成血液/肿瘤学临床专科医师培训,其间于2001-2003年在哈佛大学Dana-Farber 癌症研究所进行胸部肿瘤学的基础、转化、临床的研究培训。2003年-2005年在芝加哥大学医学院血液肿瘤学科做临床医师(讲师)。2005年-2010年在凯斯西储大学医学院血液肿瘤学科任职助理教授,从事临床和科研的双重工作。2010年8月-2014年在Cleveland Clinic Taussig Cancer Institute任血液肿瘤学转化研究系气道肿瘤转化研究部主任,2014年转到美国西弗吉尼亚大学Mary Babb Randolph Cancer Center医学系临床与转化科学部Sara Crile Allen and James Frederick Allen 肺癌综合项目组组长。




1. Ma PC-C, Siu C-H. A pharmacologically distinct cAMP receptor is responsible for the regulation of gp80 expression in Dictyostelium discoideum. Mol. Cell. Biol. 10: 3297-3306, 1990. 2. Ma PC, Chan, LKC, Huynh X. Intention to relocate to the United States: Analysis of motivational factors influencing family medicine residents. Can. Fam.Physician 43:1533-1539, 1997. 3. Kijima T, Maulik G, Ma PC, Tibaldi EV, Turner RE, Rollins B, Sattler M, Johnson BE, Salgia R. Regulation of cellular proliferation, cytoskeletal function, and signal transduction through CXCR4 and c -Kit in small cell lung cancer. Cancer Research 62:6304-6311, 2002. 4. Maulik G, Kijima T, Ma PC, Ghosh SK, Lin J, Shapiro GI, Schaefer E, Tibaldi E, Johnson BE, Salgia R. Modulation of the c-Met/hepatocyte growth factor pathway in small cell lung cancer. Clinical Cancer Research8:620-627, 2002. 5. Maulik G, Madhiwala P, Brooks S, Ma PC, Kijima T, Tibaldi EV, Schaefer E, Parmar K, Salgia R. Activated HGF/c-Met signaling pathways is modulated by PI3-K. J. Cell. Mol. Med. 6:539-553, 2002. 6. Maulik G, Shrikhande A, Kijima T, Ma PC, Morrison PT, Salgia R. Role of the hepatocyte growth factor receptor, c-Met, in oncogenesis and potential for therapeutic inhibition. Cytokine & Growth Factor Reviews 13:41-59, 2002. 7. Jafri N, Ma PC, Maulik G, Salgia R. Mechanisms of metastasis as related to receptor tyro sine kinases in small cell lung cancer (Review). J Environ Pathol Tox Oncol 22:147-165, 2003. 8. Ma PC, Blaskowsky L, Bharti A, Bruno A, Ladanyi A. Skarin AT, Chen LB, Salgia R. Circulating tumor cells and serum tumor biomarkers in small cell lung cancer. Anticancer Res 23(1A):49-62, 2003. 9. Ma PC, Maulik G, Christensen J, Salgia R. c-Met: structure, functions and potential for therapeutic inhibition. (Review). Cancer and Metastasis Review 22:309-325, 2003. 10. Kijima T, Maulik G, Ma PC, Salgia R. Fibronectin enhances viability and alters cytoskeletal functions with effects on the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase pathway in small cell lung cancer. J. Cell. Mol. Med. 7:157-164,2003. 11. Sattler M, Pride YB, Ma P, Maulik G, Gramlich JL, Chu SC, Quinnan LA, Shirazian S, Liang C, Podar K, Christensen J, Salgia R. A novel small molecule Met inhibitor induces apoptosis in cells transformed by the oncogenic TPR-MET tyrosine kinase oncogene. Cancer Research 63:5462–5469, 2003. 12. Ma PC, Kijima T, Maulik G, Fox EA, Sattler M, Griffin JD, Johnson BE, Salgia R. c -MET mutational and functional analysis in small cell lung cancer: Novel mutations in the juxtamembrane domain. Cancer Research63:6272-6281, 2003. 13. Bharti A, Ma PC, Maulik G, Singh R, Skarin AT, Khan E, Salgia R. Haptoglobin ?-subunit and hepatocyte growth factor can potentially serve as serum tumor markers in small  cell lung cancer. Anticancer Research24:1031-1038, 2004. 14. Ma PC, Salgia R. Novel targets for therapeutic agents in SCLC (Review). J National Comprehensive Cancer Network 2:165-172, 2004. 15. Surawska H, Ma PC, Salgia R. The role of ephrins and Eph receptors in cancer. (Review), Cytokine & Growth Factor Reviews 15:419-433, 2004.

