2023-05-18 15:00
  • 符若文
  • 符若文 - 教授, 博士生导师-中山大学-化学工程与技术学院(珠海)-个人资料




Xinbo Wu, Dingcai Wu, Ruowen Fu: “Studies on the adsorption of reactive brilliant red X-3B dye on organic and carbon aerogels”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2007, 147, 1028-1036.
Xinbo Wu, Xiaoqing Yang, Dingcai Wu, Ruowen Fu: “Feasibility study of using carbon aerogel as particle electrodes for decoloration of RBRX dye solution in a three-phase three-dimensional electrode reactor”. Chem Eng J, 2007,
Wenjin Yang, Dingcai Wu, Ruowen Fu: “Porous Structure and Liquid-phase Adsorption Properties of Activated Carbon Aerogels”. J Appl Polym Sci, 2007,106: 2775-2779.
Wenjin Yang, Dingcai Wu, Ruowen Fu: “Effect of Surface Chemistry on the Adsorption of Basic Dyes on Carbon Aerogels”. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2007, 312(2-3): 118-124
Liu Ning, Zhang Shuting, Fu Ruowen, Dresselhaus Mildred S, Dresselhaus Gene: “Fabrication and structure of carbon aerogel spheres prepared by inverse suspension/emulsion polymerization and ambient pressure drying”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2007, 104(5), 2849-2855
LU, Guiqian, Wu Dingcai, Fu Ruowen: “Studies on the synthesis and antibacterial activities of polymeric quaternary ammonium salts from dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate”, Reactive and Functional Polymers, v 67, n 4, April, 2007, p 355-366
H. Du, B. Li, F. Kang, R. Fu, Y. Zeng: “Carbon aerogel supported Pt-Ru catalysts for using as the anode ofdirect methanol fuel cells”, Carbon, 2007, 45(2): 429-435
H. Du, L. Gan, B. Li, P. Wu, Y. Qiu, F. Kang, R. Fu, Y. Zeng: “Influences of mesopore size on oxygen reduction reaction catalysts of Pt/carbon aerogels”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2007, 111(5): 2040-2043
Zhang Bin, Fu Ruowen, Zhang Mingqiu, Dong Xianming, Zhao Bin, Wang Lichang, Pittman Jr. Charles U.: “Studies of the vapor-induced sensitivity of hybrid composites fabricated by filling polystyrene with carbon black and carbon nanofibers”, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, v 37, n 11, November, 2006, p 1884-1889
Zhang, Shuting; Wu, Dingcai; Wan, Lin; Tan, Haibing; Fu, Ruowen: “Adsorption and antibacterial activity of silver-dispersed carbon aerogels”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2006, 102, 1030-1037
Dingcai Wu, Ruowen Fu: “Synthesis of organic and carbon aerogels from phenol-furfural by two-step polymerization”,Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2006, 96, 115-120
Ning Liu, Shuting Zhang, Ruowen Fu,Mildred S. Dresselhaus and Gene Dresselhaus: “Carbon aerogel spheres prepared via alcohol supercritical drying”, Carbon, 2006, 44, 2430-2436
Bin Zhang, Ruowen Fu, Mingqiu Zhang, Xianming Dong, Lichang Wang, Charles U. Jr. Pittman: “Gas sensitive vapor grown carbon nanofiber/polystyrene sensors”, Materials Research Bulletin, 2006, 41(3), 553-562
Dingcai Wu, Zhuoqi Sun and Ruowen Fu: “Structure and adsorption properties of activated carbon aerogels”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2006, 99:2263-2267
Dingcai Wu, Ruowen Fu, Mildred S. Dresselhaus, Gene Dresselhaus: “Fabrication and nano-structure control of carbon aerogels via a microemulsion-templated sol-gel polymerization method” ,Carbon, 2006,44(4):675-681
Bin Zhang, Ruo Wen Fu, Ming Qiu Zhang, Xian Ming Dong, Pei Liang Lan, Jie Shan Qiu: “Preparation and characterization of gas-sensitive composites from multi-walled carbon nanotubes/polystyrene”,Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2005, 109/2, pp. 323-328
Wu Dingcai, Fu Ruowen: “Fabrication and physical properties of organic and carbon aerogel derived from phenol and furfural”, Journal of Porous Materials, 2005, 12: 311-316
Ruowen Fu, Theodore Baumann, Steve Cronin, Gene Dresselhaus, Mildred S. Dresselhaus, and Joe H. SatcherJr.: “Formation of graphitic structures in cobalt- and nickel-doped carbon aerogels” Langmuir, 2005,v 21, n 7, p 2647-2651
Dingcai Wu, Ruowen Fu, Zhiquan Yu: “Organic and carbon aerogels from the NaOH-catalyzed polycondensation of resorcinol-furfural and supercritical drying in ethanol” Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2005, v 96, n 4, p 1429-1435
Dingcai Wu, Ruowen Fu, Zhuoqi Sun, Zhiquan Yu: “Low-density organic and carbon aerogels from the sol-gel polymerization of phenol with formaldehyde”, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2005,v 351, n 10-11, p 915-921\

