2023-05-18 14:55
  • 曾锋
  • 曾锋 - 教授,博士生导师。-中山大学-化学工程与技术学院(珠海)-个人资料




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F. Zeng*, J.X. Wen, K.Y. Cui, L.N. Wu, M. Liu, Y.J. Li, Y.J. Lin, F. Zhu, Z.L. Ma, Z.X. Zeng, Seasonal distribution of phthalate esters in surface water of the urban lakes in the subtropical city, Guangzhou, China. J. Hazard. Mater. 169(2009)719-25
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Y.Q. Ma, K.Y. Cui, F. Zeng*, J.X. Wen, H. Liu, F. Zhu, G.F. Ouyang, T.G. Luan, Z.X. Zeng, Microwave-assisted extraction combined with gel permeationchromatography and silica gel cleanup followed by gaschromatography–mass spectrometry for the determination oforganophosphorus flame retardants and plasticizers in biologicalsamples. Anal. Chim. Acta 786 (2013) 47– 53
X.F. Song, Z.Y. Chen, Z.J. Zang, Y.N. Zhang, F. Zeng*, Y. P. Peng*, C. Yang, Investigation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon level in blood and semen quality for residents in Pearl River Delta Region in China. Environ. Int. 60 (2013) 97–105
H. Liu, K.Y. Cui, F. Zeng*, L.X. Chen, Y.T. Cheng, H.R. Li, S.C Li, X Zhou, F. Zhu, G.F. Ouyang, T.G. Luan, Z.X. Zeng, Occurrence and distribution of phthalate esters in riverine sediments from the Pearl River Delta region, South China. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 83 (2014) 358–365

