2023-05-18 14:54
  • 成建定
  • 成建定 - 教授,博导-中山大学-中山医学院-个人资料




973年1月出生于鄱阳湖之滨 - 江西都昌。1996年7月毕业于江西医学院临床医学专业,1996年9月-2001年7月在中山医科大学法医学系攻读硕、博士学位,毕业后留校任教




1. Huang L, Yu Y, Chen Y, Tester DJ, Tang S, Ackerman MJ, Yuan Z, Cheng J*. Association of common variants in NOS1AP gene with sudden unexplained nocturnal death syndrome in the southern Chinese Han population. Int J Legal Med, 128:933-938, 2014 2. Liu C, Tester DJ, Hou Y, Wang W, Lv G, Ackerman MJ, Makielski JC, Cheng J*. Is sudden unexplained nocturnal death syndrome in southern China a cardiac sodium channel dysfunction disorder? Forensic Sci Int, 236: 38-45, 2014 3. Cheng J, Valdivia CR, Vaidyanathan R, Balijepalli RC, Ackerman MJ, Makielski JC*. Caveolin-3 suppresses late sodium current by inhibiting nNOS-dependent S-nitrosylation of SCN5A. J Mol Cell Cardiol, 61: 102-110, 2013 4. Liu C, Zhao Q, Su T, Tang S, Lv G, Liu H, Quan L*, Cheng J*. Postmortem molecular analysis of KCNQ1, KCNH2, KCNE1 and KCNE2 genes in sudden unexplained nocturnal death syndrome in the Chinese Han population. Forensic Sci Int, 231(1-3): 82-87, 2013 5. Cheng J*, Makielski JC, Yuan P, Shi N, Zhou F, Ye B, Tan BH, Kroboth S. Sudden unexplained nocturnal death syndrome in Southern China: An epidemiological survey and SCN5A gene screening. Am J Forensic Med Pathol, 32(4): 359-363, 2011 6. Cheng J, Tester DJ, Tan BH, Valdivia C, Kroboth S, Ye B, January CT, Ackerman MJ, Makielski JC*. The common African-American polymorphism SCN5A-S1103Y interacts with mutation SCN5A-R680H to increase late Na current. Physiol Genomics, 43(9): 461-466, 2011 7. Cheng J, Morales A, Siegfried JD, Li D, Norton N, Song J, Gonzalez-Quintana J, Makielski JC, Hershberger RE*. SCN5A rare variants in familial dilated cardiomyopathy decrease peak sodium current depending on the common polymorphism H558R and common splice variant Q1077del. Clin Transl Sci, 3(6):287-294, 2010 8. Cheng J, Van Norstrand DW, Medeiros-Domingo A, Valdivia C, Tan BH, Ye B, Kroboth S, Vatta M, Tester DJ, January CT, Makielski JC, Ackerman MJ*. Alpha1-syntrophin mutations identified in sudden infant death syndrome cause an increase in late cardiac sodium current. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol, 2(6):667-676, 2009

