Dr Jeffrey Kettle
2023-05-18 13:52
  • Dr Jeffrey Kettle
  • Dr Jeffrey Kettle - 博士-中南林业科技大学-班戈学院-个人资料




Dr. Kettle’s has been based in the School of Electronics of Bangor University since 2011. During this time, he has acquired substantial grant funding through Royal Society, Royal Academy of Engineering, Interreg, A4B, Ser Cymru and EC projects. He is P-I for Bangor and a workpackage leader fir the Swansea-led SPARC II project (£7m). He runs CLARET (Centre for Lifetime and Reliability Testing) which has worked with over 40 companies identifying failures in products and developing lifetime test protocols. His expertise lies in semiconductor device fabrication, characterization and modelling. He completed a PhD in nano photonics and electronics in 2008. A number of his research projects and engagement with industries are focused on reliability engineering including root cause analysis (RCA), predictive ageing, reliability modelling and Design of Experiments (DoE). He also works closely with organic and inorganic chemists to produce functional devices with new materials.



