2023-05-18 13:25
  • 王万林
  • 王万林 - 教授 博导 硕导-中南大学-冶金与环境学院-个人资料




近年来先后主持了中日韩政府间合作、国家自然科学基金、英国皇家学会、国家科技部、湖南省重点科研专项以及钢铁企业重点项目等 27 项课题。已在国内外权威期刊和重要国际会议上发表论文 154 篇。先后获得了先后获得了国际矿物、金属与材料学会AIME Champion H. Mathewson Award、美国金属学会Marcus A. Grossmann Young Authors Award、英国皇家学会牛 顿 高 级 学 者 奖、湖南省自然科学奖二等奖、韩国金属与材料学会MMI-Best Paper Award、TMS LMD 最佳论文奖、MMTB 优秀论文奖、科技部中青年科技创新领军人才、国家优秀青年基金、教育部新世纪优秀人才、湖南省芙蓉学者、省首届优秀科技工作者、省杰青、中国金属学会优秀科技工作者等奖项。2015 年获得了国内冶金界重要个人奖“魏寿昆科技教育奖”(青年奖)。在“国际炼钢大会”、“亚洲钢铁大会”等重要国际会议及日本东京大学、美国犹他大学等知名学府作 46 次大会或特邀报告。26次担任本领域重要国际会议主席或分会主席;并应邀担任 ICS、ECCC、STEELSIM、MS&T等国际重要会议的学术委员会/组委会委员。
[1] 2015.3-至今
清洁冶金国际联合研究中心 | 中南大学 | 主任/教授
[2] 2014.5-至今
冶金与环境工程学院 | 中南大学 | 副院长/教授
[3] 2009.7-至今
中南大学 | 冶金与环境学院教授
[4] 2007.3-2009.3
利洁时北美研发中心 | 高级研究科学家
[4]Study of the Electropulse-based Superclean Steel Green Processing Method,牛顿高级学者基金(Newton Advanced Fellowship)
[1]Marcus A. Grossmann Young Authors Award,Wanlin Wang
[2]AIME Champion H. Mathewson Award,Wanlin Wang
[3]MMI Best Paper Award,Wanlin Wang
[5]牛顿高级学者基金(Newton Advanced Fellowship),Wanlin Wang


[1] 资源综合利用
[2] 高温过程基础研究
[3] 先进金属材料增材制造""


[1]Cheng Lu, Wanlin Wang, Jie Zeng, Chenyang Zhu, Jiang Chang.Effect of Naturally Deposited Film on the Sub-rapid Solidification of Medium Manganese Steel by Suing Droplet Solidification Technique:Metallurgical Material Transactions B
[2]Chenyang Zhu, Wanlin Wang, Cheng Lu.Characterization of Cermet Coatings and its Effect on the Responding Heat Transfer Performance in Strip Casting Process:Journal of Alloys and Compounds
[3]Guoming Ying, Wanlin Wang, Haihui Zhang, Jie Zeng, Lejun Zhou.Influence of Electropulsing Treatment on the Solidification and Heat Transfer Behavior of Mold flux:ISIJ Int.
[4]Peisheng Lyu, Wanlin Wang,*.State of the Art in High-temperature Mold Simulator Study of Initial Solidification in Continuous-Casting Mold:La Metallurgia Italiana
[5]Wanlin Wang, Chenyang Zhu, Cheng Lu, Lejun Zhou*.Study of the Heat Transfer Behavior and Naturally Deposited Film in Trip Casting by Using Droplet Solidification Technique:Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A
[6]Lejun Zhou, Huan Li, Wanlin Wang*, Jiang Chang.Nonisothermal Crystallization Kinetics of Glassy Mold Fluxes:Metallurgical Material Transactions B
[7]Lejun Zhou, Huan Li, Wanlin Wang*, Dan Xiao, Lei Zhang, Jie Yu.Effect of Li2O on the Behavior of Melting, Crystallization, and Structure for CaO-Al2O3-Based Mold Fluxes:Metallurgical Materials Transactions B
[8]Wanlin Wang, Peisheng Lyu, Lejun Zhou*, Huan Li, Tongsheng Zhang.High-Temperture Properties of Mold Flux Observed and Measured in Situ by Single/Double Hot-Thermocouple Technique:JOM
[9]Wanlin Wang, Jie Yu, Lejun Zhou*, Zhaoyang Wu,Huan Li.Optimization of Mold Flux for the Continuous Casting of Cr-Contained Steels:Metallurgical Materials Transactions B
[10]Wanlin Wang, Zhican Luo,Haihui Zhang*.Effect of Slag-Steel Reaction on the Initial Solicitation of Molten Steel during Continuous Casing:Metallurgical Materials Transactions B
[11]Wanlin Wang, Xukai Long, Haihui Zhang*, Peisheng Lyu.Mold Simulator Study of Effect of Mold Oscillation Frequency on Heat Transfer and Lubrication of Mold Flux:ISIJ Int.
[12]Wanlin Wang, Dexiang Cai, Lei Zhang*.A Review of Fluorine-free Mold Flux Development:ISIJ Int.
[13]Zhaoyang Wu, Z. Jiang, X. Fan, Lejun Zhou, Wanlin Wang*, Kun Xu.Facile Synthesis of Fe-6.5 Wt% Si/SiO2 Soft Magnetic Composites as an Efficient Soft Magnetic Composite Material at Medium and High Frequencies:Journal of Alloys and Compounds
[14]Haihui Zhang, Huihui Xiong, Dezhi Wang, Wanlin Wang.Mechanism of NbC Heterogeneous Nucleation On TiN in Micro-alloyed Steel: A First-Principle Study:Computational Materials Science
[15]Peisheng Lyu, Wanlin Wang*, Xukai Long, Kaixuan Zhang, Erzhuo Gao,Rongshan Qin.Study of the Effect of Mold Corner Shape on the Initial Solidification Behavior of Molten Steel Using Mold Simulator:Metallurgical Materials Transactions B
[16]Longyun Xu, Jian Yang, Ruizhi Wang, Wanlin Wang, Yunan Wang.Effect of Mg Addition on Formation of Intra-granular Acicular Ferrite in Heat-affected Zone of Steel Plate after High-heat-input Welding:Journal of Iron and Steel Research International
[17]Lejun Zhou, Huan Li, Wanlin Wang.Non-isothermal Crystallization Kinetics of Mold Flux for Casting of High-aluminum Steels:Metallurgical Materials Transactions B
[18]Erzhuo Gao, Wanlin Wang, Lei Zhang.Effect of Alkaline Earth Metal Oxides on the Viscosity and Structure of the CaO-Al2O3 based Mold Flux for Casting High-Al Steels:Journal of Non-Crystal Solids
[19]Lejun Zhou, Wanlin Wang, Chao Xu, Chen Zhang.An Investigation of the Mold-Flux Performance for the Casting of Cr12MoV Steel Using a Mold Simulator Technique:Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B
[20]Longyun Xu, Jian Yang, Ruizhi Wang, Wanlin Wang, Zhongmin Ren.Effect of Welding Heat Input on Microstructure and Toughness of Heated-Affected Zone in Steel Plate with Mg Deoxidation:Steel Research International
[21]Lejun Zhou, Huan Li, Wanlin Wang, Il Sohn.Effect of ZrO2 on the Melting, Viscosity and Crystallization Behaviors of Fluorine-Free Mold Flux for Casting Medium Carbon Steels:Steel Research International.
[22]Lejun Zhou, Jingwen Li, Wanlin Wang, Il Sohn.Wetting Behavior of Mold Flux Droplet on Steel Substrate With or Without Interfacial Reaction:Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B
[23]Wanlin Wang, Chenyang Zhu, Lejun Zhou.Initial Solidification and Its Related Het Transfer Phenomena in the Continuous Casting Mold:Steel Research International
[24]Lei Zhang, Wanlin Wang, Senlin Xie, Kaixuan Zhang, Il Sohn.Effect of Basicity and B2O3 on the Viscosity and Structure of Fluorine-Free Mold Flux:Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids
[25]Haihui Zhang, Wanlin Wang.Mold Simulator Study of Heat Transfer Phenomenon During the Initial Solidification in Continuous Casting Mold:Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B
[26]Erzhuo Gao, Ge Zou, Wanlin Wang, Fanjun Ma, Xuechao Luo.Undercooling and Wettability Behavior of Interstitial-Free Steel On TiN, Al2O3 and MgAl2O4 Under Controlled Oxygen Partial Pressure:Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B
[27]Lejun Zhou, Wanlin Wang.Study of the Viscosity of Mold Flux Based on the Vogel-Fulcher-Tammann(VFT) Model:Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B
[28]Peisheng Lyu, Wanlin Wang, Haihui Zhang.Mold Simulator Study on the Initial Solidification of Molten Steel Near the Corner of Continuous Casting Mold:Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B
[1] 《J Iron and Steel Res. Inter.》编委
[2] 《Metall. Mater. Trans.》Key Reader编委
[3] 湖南省金属学会秘书长
[4] 中国金属学会理事

