教育经历 中南大学,教师 1/2003-现在 英国帝国理工大学( Imperial College, London, UK),博士学习 08/1999-01/2003 冶金工业部长沙矿冶研究院,工作 01/1989-08/1999 中南工业大学,硕士学习 09/1986-12/1988 中南矿冶学院,本科学习 09/1980-07/1984研究领域
1.WuXiqing,Yang Weiping et al. Surface magnetization of hematite by metal ions,Advanced Materials Research, 2013,785-786:1104-1110 2.WuXiqing,Xu Pengyun et al. Surface magnetization of siderite mineral,International Journal of Mining Science and Technology,2012, 22: 825-830 3.WuXiqing,Ai Yongliang et al. Magnetizationof weakly magnetic minerals by iron ions in slurry, 24th IMPC, 24-28 Oct. 2008,Vol. 865—7 4.WuXiqing,Zhu Jianguang. Selective flotation of cassiterite by benzoyl hydroxamicacid, Minerals Engineering, 2006, 19(6),1410-1417. 5.Wu Xiqing, Monhemius A. J.et al. Quantitative assessment of hydrophobic agglomeration by hydrophobiccompatibility and agglomeration coefficient, Minerals Engineering, 2005,18(3), 567-573 6.Wu Xiqing, Monhemius A. J.et al. Modelling gold particle adhesion on oil-carbon agglomerate, Int. J.Miner. Process , 2004,74(1-4),327-336. 7.Wu Xiqing, Monhemius A. J.et al. The adhesion of Gold to oil-carbon agglomerates, Minerals Engineering,2004,17(1), 33-38 8.WuXiqing, Monhemius A. J. et al.Relationship between the attachment probabilityand the surface energy change, J. central south university, 10(4), 318-323标签: 中南大学 资源加工与生物工程学院
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