教育经历[1] 2016.10-2019.10 西澳大学 | 土木工程 | 博士学位 | 博士研究生毕业 [2] 2015.7-2016.1 卧龙岗大学 | 采矿工程 本科公派交流 [3] 2012.9-2016.6 中国矿业大学 | 采矿工程 | 学士学位 | 大学本科毕业 工作经历[1] 2019.7-2019.7 越南交通技术大学 | 地质工程学院 | 客座教授 [2] 2019.10-至今 中南大学 | 资源与安全工程学院 | 特聘教授 科研项目 [1]原子尺度上充填胶凝材料水化活性机理的实验与理论研究,自然科学基金委研究领域
[1] 人工智能:Combined AI and geotechnical engineering, such as slope stability, underground stopes stability, materials property prediction, back-analysis of rock mass properties, etc. [2] 材料科学,以胶凝材料为主:Sustainable cementitious materials, cement hydration, geopolymer, multi-scale experimental investigation, first-principles calculation, density functional theory, etc. [3] 矿山可持续发展:pollution reduction, mining-induced impacts minimization (i.e., dust and noise control), reclamation, mine closures, water retention, etc. [4] 工业废料回收利用: Tailings recycling, waste minimization, environmental assessment, etc. [5] 膏体充填: Machine-learning aided design for cemented paste backfill, Intelligent backfill system, integrated backfill system, flocculation and sedimentation of fresh tailings slurry, CPB mix design, CPB pipe transport, functional backfill materials, Geomech""[1] 2019.9-至今 EI期刊编委:Editorial Board Member of the Recent Patents on Computer Science (Bentham Science Publication, indexed in EI, Scopus, Google Scholar, etc.).[2] 2019.10-至今 SCI期刊编委:Editorial Board Member of Advances in Civil Engineering (Hindawi, index in SCI, EI, Scopus, Google Scholar, etc.).[3] 2019.10-至今 SCI期刊编委:Editorial Board Member of International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy, and Materials.[4] 2019.9-至今 国际土力学协会机器学习与大数据分会专家委员会成员 相关热点
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